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Routine: RCDPEFA4

Package: Accounts Receivable

Routine: RCDPEFA4


RCDPEFA4 ;AITC/CJE - 1ST PARTY AUTO VS MANUAL DECREASE REPORT CONT.;Jun 06, 2014@19:11:19 ; 6/27/19 10:06am

Source Information

Source file <RCDPEFA4.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
LMOUT(INPUT,RCVAUTD,IO) ; Compile and output report to List Manager
; Input: INPUT - see REPORT for description
; RCVAUTD - Array of selected Divisions
; IO - Device array
; Output: ^TMP("RCDPE_LAR",$J,nn) - Array of display lines (no headers)
HINFO(INPUTS,HDRINFO) ; Get header information
; Input: INPUTS - See REPORT for description
; HDRINFO - Header array for ListMan, passed by ref.
BULL(TYPE) ; Produce bulletin for weekly summary report
; Input: TYPE = W - Weekly, M - Monthly
; Output: MailMan bulletin with one week summary report all divisions

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: -
  • Line Location: BULL+1
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