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Package: Accounts Receivable



RCDPEMSG ;ALB/TMK - Server interface to CARC/RARC data from Austin ;01/20/15

Source Information

Source file <RCDPEMSG.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SERV ; Entry point for server option to process CARC RARC messages received
; from Austin. Activated by the option S.RCDPE EDI CARC-RARC SERVER which
; is subscribed to the group G.CARC_RARC_DATA
MSG(RCXMZ,RCERR) ; Read/Store message lines
; RCERR = array to hold errors
; RCXMZ = Mailman message number to be processed
; OUTPUT: 0 = No Errors ; 1 = Errors - details in RCERR
ERR(F,LINE,ARR) ; Record a line error
START(F,LINE) ; "CD" read, set type and indicate a record was entered
CODE(F,LINE) ; Process line beginning with "01"
DESC(F,LINE) ; Process line beginning with "02"
NOTE(F,LINE) ; Process line beginning with "03"
END(F,LINE,RCERR) ; Process record reached end of record indicator "ZZ"
; File the entry
EQ ; End Quit
EOF(F,LINE) ; Reached end of File indicator
; Check error array and see if we need to send an email.
FILEIT(FILE,IEN,DATA,RCERR) ; Add new record or update existing record
WPINS(DATA,REC,CD) ; Insert data into word processing field
EMSG(RCERR,RCEMG,RCXMZ) ; Process Errors - Send bulletin to mail group
; RCERR = Error text array
; RCEMG = name of the mail group to which these errors should be sent
; RCXMZ = internal entry # of the mailman msg with errors
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