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Routine: RCDPEU2

Package: Accounts Receivable

Routine: RCDPEU2



Source Information

Source file <RCDPEU2.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EFT344(PROMPT,IEN344,AREVTYPE) ; Select and EFT and update reciept - EP
; Input: PROMPT - Prompt to use when picking an EFT
; IEN344 - Internal entry number to file 344
; AREVTYPE - AR Event Type IEN (344.1) optional, defaults to null
; Output
ASKEFT(PROMPT,SCREEN,AREVTYPE) ; Select an EFT for an EDI Lockbox receipt - EP
; Input: PROMPT - Prompt to use when asking user to enter an EFT.
; SCREEN - Screen for use in file 344.31 look-up
; AREVTYPE - AR Event Type IEN (344.1) optional, defaults to null
; Returns: IEN from file 344.31 or -1 if user times out or '^'
PICKEFT() ; Given output from FIND^DIC, pick an EFT from the list
; Input: ^TMP("DILIST",$J) in non-packed format
; Returns: IEN from file 344.31, or 0 if user does not pick an item from the list
; Input: LAST - The last number displayed that can be picked in the number range 1-LAST
; Returns: IEN from 344.31 if one is picked, otherwise -1 (^ or timeout) or 0 - nothing picked
WRITE(X) ; Write out one entry from 344.31
; Input: X=Counter from ^TMP("DILIST",$J) output from FIND^DIC
; Output: To screen
CHKEOB(RCRECTDA,RCTRANDA,RCARRAY) ; EP from RCDPLPL3/4- Link payment to account, move/copy remove EOBs
; Inputs RCRECTDA - Receipt IEN file 344
; RCTRANDA - Payment multiple 344.01 IEN under RCRECTDA
; RCARRAY - If linking to multiple claims this array contains the list of claims
; A1^A2^A3^A4 where A1=Account Linked to, A2=Amount, A3=Comment, A4=Account Name
; Outputs None
ORIG(RCERA,RCOSEQ) ; Get the original claim from the EOB worklist
; Inputs RCERA - ERA IEN from file 344.49
; RCOSEQ - Sequence number IEN from multiple 344.491
; Returns IEN from 361.1. EOB from 344.41

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,IEN34431,!!
  • Line Location: EFT344+21
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,PROMPT
  • Line Location: ASKEFT+14
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,$J(X,4),?7,EFTID,?16," ",PAYNAM
  • Line Location: WRITE+15
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,?16," ",PAYTR,?48," ",$J(PAYAMT,10)
  • Line Location: WRITE+16
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: ?59," ",DEPNO,?71," ",DEPDAT
  • Line Location: WRITE+17

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^RCY(344 - [#344] GET1^DIQ
344.01 GET1^DIQ
^RCY(344.3 - [#344.3] GET1^DIQ
344.41 GET1^DIQ
344.491 GET1^DIQ
^IBM(361.1 - [#361.1] GET1^DIQ
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