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Package: Accounts Receivable



RCDPURED ;WISC/RFJ - File 344 receipt/payment dd calls ;1 Jun 99

Source Information

Source file <RCDPURED.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
DUPLCATE ; called by input transform receipt number (.01)
; make sure no duplicate receipt numbers
PAYCOUNT(RCRECTDA) ; called by computed field number of transactions (101)
; return the count of payments for the receipt
PAYTOTAL(RCRECTDA) ; called by computed field total amount of receipts (.15)
; return the total dollars for payments entered for the receipt
CHGAMT ; called from the input transform on the transaction amount (.04)
; field. if the amount is changed, this will create a new cancelled
; transaction showing the original amount before the change.
PAYCHK ; called from the input transform on the transaction amount (.04)
; field. This will compare the amount paid with the amount owed
; for a bill.
PNORBILL ; called by the input transform in receipt file 344, transaction
; multiple (field 1), patient name or bill number (sub field .09)
CHECKPAT(DFN) ; check patient for other charges, etc., show message
DISPLAY(RCBILLDA) ; display bill
PAYDATE ; called by the input transform in receipt file 344, transaction
; multiple (field 1), date of payment (sub field .06)
; date of payment not in future or more than one month ago
RECTOTAL(RCDEPTDA) ; called from computed field TOTAL AMT OF RECEIPTS (.18) in
; deposit file (344.1)
; this returns the total dollars paid for all receipts on deposit ticket
RECCOUNT(RCDEPTDA) ; called from computed field TOTAL RECEIPTS (100) in deposit file (344.1)
; this returns a count of the number of receipts on a deposit ticket
HLP09 ; PRCA*4.5*321 - Add executable help for file 4.01 field .09
ERRMSG ;prnt error message and set exit variables ;prca*4.5*301
LINKMSG ;Linking error messages ;prca*4.5*301

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"This is a duplicate receipt number."
  • Line Location: DUPLCATE+2
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"This receipt number has already been used and has been purged from the system. "
  • Line Location: DUPLCATE+3
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Blank Spaces are not allowed in receipt numbers."
  • Line Location: DUPLCATE+6
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !," Unable to edit amount."
  • Line Location: CHGAMT+18
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: " WARNING: Payment amount greater than amount of bill!"
  • Line Location: PAYCHK+14
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,$P(AMOUNT,"^",2)," may also be billable.",!
  • Line Location: PAYCHK+17
Function Call: WRITE
  • Line Location: PNORBILL+13
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,$P($G(^PRCA(430,+RCBILL,0)),"^")," "
  • Line Location: PNORBILL+41
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: " ... This bill appears to have other patient bills on 'hold'."
  • Line Location: PNORBILL+54
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !?2,"* Patient is exempt from RX Copay: ",$P(X,"^",4)," *"
  • Line Location: CHECKPAT+6
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !?2,"* This patient has ",RCCOUNT,"-30 day RX's totaling $",$FN(RCTOTAL,",",2)," that are potentially *"
  • Line Location: CHECKPAT+28
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !?2,"* billable. This represents any Window Rx's issued today. *"
  • Line Location: CHECKPAT+29
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: " ",$P(^PRCA(430.3,DATA,0),"^")
  • Line Location: DISPLAY+4
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"This bill is not in 'active' status."
  • Line Location: DISPLAY+5
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: " $",$J($P(DATA,"^")+$P(DATA,"^",2)+$P(DATA,"^",3)+$P(DATA,"^",4)+$P(DATA,"^",5),1,2)
  • Line Location: DISPLAY+6
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: ?5,"To enter a TRICARE Authorization No, enter 'T.' followed by the number."
  • Line Location: HLP09+1
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,?5,"To enter an ECME Rx Reference Number, enter 'E.' followed by the number."
  • Line Location: HLP09+2
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,?5,"To enter an Prescription Number, enter 'R.' followed by the number."
  • Line Location: HLP09+3
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,$P($T(LINKMSG+RCMSG),";",2),!
  • Line Location: ERRMSG+1

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