RCHRFS2 ;SLC/SS - High Risk for Suicide Patients Report ; JAN 22,2021@14:32
Source file <RCHRFS2.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
GET399(DFN,FRMDTINT,TODTINT,IBSVCTYP) | ; Insert code to loop through 399 here
PROC399 | ; Process one 399 record
RCNODE | ; Capture Revenue Code Node information
ST399TMP | ; Write one 399 record into TMP file
IB399RX(DFN,RXIEN,IBRXFILL) | ; Get Prescription information for 399 bills.
GETIEN52(RCDFN,RCRX) | ;return IEN for #52 by RX# and DFN
FileNo | Call Tags |
^IBA(362.4 - [#362.4] | GETS^DIQ |
^DGCR(399 - [#399] | GETS^DIQ |