RCXVP201 ;DAOU/ALA-AR Data Extraction Post-Install Program ;23-JUL-03
Source file <RCXVP201.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ; Entry Point
P228 | ;Entry point from PRCA*4.5*228 postinit (RCXVP228)
AC | ; Set up the active records into the AR Queue File (#348.4)
CUR | ; Set up records since the end of the Fiscal Year 2003
F03 | ; Historical for Fiscal Year 2003
F02 | ; Historical for Fiscal Year 2002
F01 | ; Historical for Fiscal Year 2001
FLG | ; Update with CBO EXTRACT FLAG
EXIT | ||
TSK | ; Set up Task for current fiscal year 2004
TTS | ; AR TRANSACTION TYPE File (#430.3) Update