RMPORPT ;(NG)/DG/CAP /HINES CIOFO/HNC - Home Oxygen Primary Item Report ;7/24/98
Source file <RMPORPT.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
SITE | ;Set up site variables.
LI | ;List the sought patient.
EXIT | ;
PBREAK | ;Print the break of primary items.
IT | ;Get the primary Item.
QTY | ;Get the quntity of the primary item.
UCOST | ;Get the unit cost of the primary item.
TCOST | ;Calculate the total cost of the primary item.
ZPAGE(RY) | ||
RPTHDR | ;Report header.
SORT | ;Sort patient by primary item and patient name.
ST |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^RMPR(665 - [#665] | Classic Fileman Calls |