SCAPMC10 ;ALB/REW - Team API's: PRPT ; JUN 26, 1995
Source file <SCAPMC10.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PRPT(DFN,SCDATES,SCPOSA,SCUSRA,SCROLEA,SCPURPA,SCLIST,SCERR,SCYESCL) | ; -- practs for patient (No support for scyescl)
; input: ; DFN = ien of PATIENT <FILE#2> [required] ; SCDATES("BEGIN") = begin date to search (inclusive) ; [default: TODAY] ; ("END") = end date to search (inclusive) ; [default: TODAY] ; ("INCL") = 1: only use pracitioners who were on ; team for entire date range ; 0: anytime in date range ; [default: 1] ; SCPOSA= array of positions to include reverse with scposa('exclude') ; SCUSRA= array of usr classes included reverse with scusra('exclude') ; SCROLEA= array of usr classes included reverse with scusra('exclude') |
ST | ||
PRPTQ | ||
OKDATA() | ;check/setup variables - return 1 if ok; 0 if error