SCAPMC26 ;ALB/REW - API: Patients in a Clinic ; December 1, 1995 [12/21/98 4:30pm]
Source file <SCAPMC26.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PTCL(SC44,SCDATES,SCLIST,SCERR) | ; patients in a clinic
; Input: ; SC44 - Pointer to Hospital Location File #44 ; SCDATES- Date array (begin, end, incl) ; SCLIST - Name of output array ; SCERR = array NAME to store error messages. ; [ex. ^TMP("ORXX",$J ; Output: ; SCLIST() = array of practitioners (users) - pointers to file #200 ; Format: ; Subscript: Sequential # from 1 to n ; Piece Description ; 1 DFN - Ptr to Patient File (#2) ; 2 Patient Name (External) ; 3 null ; 4 Activation Date ; 5 Discharge Date ; 6 '1' - for merge reasons with other pt lists ; 7 sc44 |
ST | ||
CLTPQ | ||
OKDATA() | ;check/setup variables - return 1 if ok; 0 if error
PTCLBR(SC44,SCTM,SCDATES) | ;for PCMM use only!! returns list to ^tmp($j,'scclpt'
; SC44 - Clinic we're adding to team ; SCTM - EXCLUDES Patients assigned to SCTM Team during time period ; SCDATES - Standard Date array ; Returns: $j if successful & at least one entry, 0 if error or none ; Warning: Kills ^tmp($j,'scclpt') before it runs & ^tmp('scmc',$j,'exclude pt') after it runs |
PTCLBRTP(SC44,SCTP,SCDATES) | ;for PCMM use only!! returns list to ^tmp($j,'scclpt'
; SC44 - Clinic we're adding to team ; SCTP - EXCLUDES Patients assigned to SCTP Position during scdates ; SCDATES - Standard Date array ; Returns: $j if successful & at least one entry, 0 if error or none ; Warning: Kills ^tmp($j,'scclpt') before it runs |