SCAPMC6 ;ALB/REW - Team APIs:APPTTM ; 5 Jul 1995
Source file <SCAPMC6.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ACPTTM(DFN,SCTM,SCFIELDA,SCACT,SCERR) | ;add a patient to a team (pt tm assgn - #404.42
; input: ; DFN = pointer to PATIENT file (#2) ; SCTM = pointer to TEAM file (#404.51) ; SCFIELDA= array of additional fields to be added ; SCACT = date to activate [default=DT] ; SCERR = array NAME to store error messages. ; [ex. ^TMP("ORXX",$J)] |
PTTMACT(DFN,SCTM,SCDT,SCERR) | ;what is patient/team assignment on a given date-time into the future? Return 404.42 ien or 0
ACPTATM(DFNA,SCTM,SCFIELDA,SCACT,SCERR,SCNEWTM,SCOLDTM,SCBADTM) | ;list of patients assigned to a team (404.42)
; input: as per ACPTTM (above with the following change:) ; DFNA = is the literal value of a patient array (e.g. "scpt" ; there is at least one scpt(dfn)="" defined ; SCNEWTM = Subset of DFNA that was NEWLY assigned to Team [returned] ; SCOLDTM = Subset of DFNA that was already assigned -Team [returned] ; SCBADTP = Subset of DFNA that was NOT assigned to Team [returned] ; Note: The above three arrays return data in a user determined array ; output: Count of Patients: ; 1 2 3 4 ; total assigned^newly assigned^assigned prior^not assigned |
OKDATA() | ;setup/check variables