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Routine: SCAPU1

Package: Scheduling

Routine: SCAPU1


SCAPU1 ;ALB/REW,HPE/ART - TEAM API UTILITIES ; 9/17/09 4:30pm ;07/06/2017

Source Information

Source file <SCAPU1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
DTCHK2(SCDATES,ACTDT,INACTDT) ;given scdates array was it active?
DTCHK(BEGINDT,ENDDT,INCL,ACTDT,INACTDT) ; -- given activation/inactivation dates and begin & end dates and include flag was it active?
OKARRAY(ARRAY,CHECK) ; see if input array says 'check' should be used
; DOES NOT change any varriables - $$okarray(.xx,.yy) is safe...
; if array is null OR undefined it is ok
; if @array@(check) is defined it is ok
; if @array@('exclude') is defined results switch
; RETURNS: 1: Yes use/0: No don't
OKUSRCL(USRARRAY,CHECK) ; see if input user class array says 'check' is ok

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^DI(.84 - [#.84] GET1^DIQ
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