SCCVU ;ALB/RMO,TMP - Encounter Conversion Utilities; [ 08/02/95 10:15 AM ]
Source file <SCCVU.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
INACT(SCDT) | ; -- Check if encounter is "inactive"
CON(SCOE) | ; -- Check if encounter has already been converted
; Input -- SCOE Outpatient encounter IEN ; Output -- 1=Yes and 0=No |
CCREATE(SCOE) | ; Check if encounter or its visit was created by the conversion
; routines ; SCOE = ien of the encounter ; RETURNS: ; 0 if neither the encounter nor the visit were created by the ; conversion ; 1 if the encounter and visit were created by the conversion ; 2 if the visit only was created by the conversion |
OK(SCMODE) | ; -- is it ok to allow conversion and re-conversion (for testing)
; input: SCMODE := 1 - interactive | 0 - silent |
SDVIEN(DFN,DATE) | ; -- get sdv ien for patient/date-time
ENDDATE() | ; -- conversion end date
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |