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Routine: SCMCBK8

Package: Scheduling

Routine: SCMCBK8


SCMCBK8 ;bp/cmf - multiple patient assignments mail queue - RPCVersion = 1;;Aug 7, 1998

Source Information

Source file <SCMCBK8.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ACPTTP(DFN,SCTP,SCFIELDA,SCACT,SCERR,SCYESTM,SCMAINA) ;add/edit a patient to a position (pt TP assgn - #404.43
; input:
; DFN = pointer to PATIENT file (#2)
; SCTP = pointer to TEAM POSTION file (#404.57)
; SCFIELDA= array of extra field entries - scfielda('fld#')=value
; SCACT = date to activate [default=DT]
; SCERR = array NAME to store error messages.
; [ex. ^TMP("ORXX",$J)]
; SCYESTM = Should team assignment be made, if none active now?[1=YES]
; SCMAINA= array of extra field entries for 404.42 (only if scyestm=1)
APTTPQ ;bp/cmf 210 new code begin
ACPTATP(DFNA,SCTP,SCFIELDA,SCACT,SCERR,SCYESTM,SCMAINA,SCNEWTP,SCNEWTM,SCOLDTP,SCBADTP) ;list of patients to a position (pt TP assgn - #404.43 and possibly #404.42
; input: as per ACPTTP (above with the following change:)
; DFNA = is the literal value of a patient array (e.g. "scpt"
; there is at least one scpt(dfn)="" defined
; SCNEWTP = Subset of DFNA that was NEWLY assigned to a Position
; SCNEWTM = Subset of DFNA that was NEWLY assigned to a Team
; SCOLDTP = Subset of DFNA that was already assigned to Position
; SCBADTP = Subset of DFNA that was NOT assigned to Position
; output: Count of Patients (New or Old) assigned to Position
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