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Routine: SCMCDD

Package: Scheduling

Routine: SCMCDD


SCMCDD ;ALB/REW - DD Calls used by PCMM ; 6 November 1995

Source Information

Source file <SCMCDD.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
NEWHIST(FILE,IEN,DATE,SCERR,STATUS) ; PCMM history files - new record's dt & status
; Complete
; input:
; FILE = 404.52,404.53,404.58, or 404.59
; IEN = if file=404.58 - pointer to 404.51
; otherwise - pointer to 404.57
; DATE = effective date
; SCERR = [default = "SCERR"]
; STATUS = [optional] 1=active/0=inactive - IF undefined don't check
; output:
; Returned: 1 if ok to add, 0 if not^message^external
; Note: For 404.52: special case
; @scerr = error message array
OKDEL(FILE,HISTIEN,SCERR) ;PCMM history files - delete record
; input:
; FILE = History File: 404.52,404.53,404.58, or 404.59
; HISTIEN = Entry in FILE
; SCERR = [default = "SCERR"]
; output:
; Returned: 1 if ok to delete, 0 if not^message
; @scerr = error message array
OKINACT(FILE,IEN,DATE,SCERR) ;PCMM history files - inactivate record?
; input:
; ** Complete **
; input:
; FILE = History File: 404.52,404.53,404.58, or 404.59
; IEN = IEN of non-History File:
; Team Position (#404.57) for 404.52 & 404.59
; Team (#404.51) for 404.58
; DATE = Date to inactivate
; SCERR = [default = "SCERR"]
; output:
; Returned: 1=ok on date/0 ow^1=ok in future/0 ow^message^techmessage
; @scerr = error message array
OKCHGDT(FILE,HISTIEN,DATE,SCERR) ;PCMM history files - ok to change date?
; input:
; FILE = History File: 404.52,404.53,404.58, or 404.59
; HISTIEN - IEN of History File (404.52,404.58 or 404.59)
; SCERR = [default = "SCERR"]
; output:
; Returned: 1 if ok to change date, 0 if not^message
; @scerr = error message array
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