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Routine: SCMCHLB1

Package: Scheduling

Routine: SCMCHLB1


SCMCHLB1 ;BPOI/DJB - PCMM HL7 Bld Segment Array Cont.;8/17/99

Source Information

Source file <SCMCHLB1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
SEGMENTS(DFN,SUB) ;Build EVN & PID segments
ZPC(ARRAY,DELETE) ;Loop thru array and build array of ZPC segments.
DFN(ND) ;Find DFN from zero node of Patient Team Position Assign (404.43).
ADJID(ARRAY,SCIEN) ;Adjust ID to include Pt Tm Pos Assign pointer
CHECK(VARPTR) ;Validate event variable pointer.
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