SCMCTMU ;ALB/REW - Team-Patient Utilities ; 1 May 95
Source file <SCMCTMU.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ACTTM(SCTM,SCDT) | ;is the team currently active?
; Used by computed field #300 (CURRENTLY ACTIVE?) OF file #404.51 ; Input: ; SCTM - Pointer to Team file #404.51 ; SCDT - Date to check for, Default=DT ; Returns: ; 1 if after effective date and before inactive date ; 0 if not yet active or inactivated ; -1 if error |
ENROLL(DFN,CLINIC,DATE) | ;is this patient enrolled in this clinic on a date?
RESTCONS(DFN) | ;does this patient have restricted consults?
; for a clinic in which the patient is NOT enrolled, some patients/teams ; require more authority to enroll or make appointments ; this will often be used with $$ENROLL(dfn) to see if he is enrolled |
WHOCLIN(SDCL,DATE) | ;give clinic & date return prt to 200
; SDCL - ien of #44 ; DATE - effective date (optional) default =DT ; Returned: ien of 200 |
POSCLIN(SDCL,DATE) | ;given clinic & date, return ptr to team position 404.57
; SDCL - ien of Hospital Location (#44) ; Returned: If exactly one position for clinic - ien of team postion ; else null |
WHOPOS(SCTP,DATE) | ;given position & date,return pointer to 200^name of pr
DISPWHO(SCPOS,DATE) | ;given position & date, return external of 200
PR(SDNPI) | ;Provider Display Data
; Input -- SDNPI New Person IEN ; Output -- Provider Display Data - Provider Name |
PTTMSCRN | ;define dic('s') to ensure patient team position assignement is ok
CK | ||
OKPTTM(SCNODE,DA) | ;check pt team assignment - 404.42
; SCNODE is proposed new node |
INSTPCTM(DFN,SCEFF) | ;return institution & team for pt's pc team
; return ptr4^institution^sctm^team name |
EVT(SCCVEVT,SCCVORG) | ;Invoke encounter conversion event driver
; Input -- SCCVEVT Conversion event ; 0=Estimate, 1=Convert, 2=Re-convert ; SCCVORG Originating process type ; Output -- ^TMP("SCCVEVT",$J, disposition array |