SD53P210 ;BP/CMF - Patch SD*5.3*210 utility routine; 02/17/2000
Source file <SD53P210.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
ENV | ;Main entry point for Environment check point.
PRE | ;Main entry point for Pre-init
POST | ;Main entry point for Post-init
PROGCHK(XPDABORT) | ;checks for necessary programmer variables
PARMCHK(XPDABORT) | ;checks for proper param file ien
PRE1 | ;Delete PCMM HL7 ID (#404.49) file, including data.
PRE2 | ;Set HL7 application name to PCMM
POST1 | ||
POST2 | ;Stuff 7 days into HL7 AUTO RETRANSMIT PERIOD field of the
POST3 | ;Change HL7 application name from PCMM to PCMM-210 in HL7 APPLICATION PARAMETER file. DBIA #3068: Approval from HL7 Package for this change.
FileNo | Call Tags |
^HL(771 - [#771] | Classic Fileman Calls |