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Routine: SDSCUTL

Package: Scheduling

Routine: SDSCUTL


SDSCUTL ;ALB/JAM/RBS - ASCD Utility Program ; 4/24/07 4:26pm

Source Information

Source file <SDSCUTL.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
TYPE ; Select proper user type based on security key.
; (should be killed by calling routines)
NBFP(SDOE) ; Is first-party non-billable based on either clinic, stop code, or patient?
NBTP(SDOE) ; Is third-party non-billable based on either clinic, stop code, or patient?
SENS(SDFN,SDFLG) ; Check for Sensitive Patient
; Input
; SDFN - Patient IEN
; SDFLG - '1' if called from ListMan edit
; - '0' if called from roll-and-scroll
; Returns
; '0' - OK to view (patient is not sensitive, user has key, or answered 'OK')
; '1' - not OK to view patient (patient is sensitive, user does not have key and answered 'NO')
DIV ; Ask for Division
SRV ; Ask for Clinic Service
STEDT(SDOE,SDTYPE,SDRFLG,SDSCC) ; Store the TRACK EDITS multiple for encounter
; Input:
; SDOE - Encounter IEN
; SDTYPE - Type of User - (Supervisor, Clinician, User)
; SDRFLG - Review flag var
; SDSCC - visit file service connected value (1/0)
CONT ; Standard press RETURN to continue prompt.
ANCPKG(SCEIEN) ;check if visit came from an ancillary package & if to continue
NCTCL(SDCLIN) ;Checks if a non-count clinic
SCHNG(SDOE) ;Checks if a completed encounter SC value was changed.
LOCK(SCIEN) ;Locks an ASCD record.
; This function locks an ASCD so as to prevent another process from
; editing the same record.
; Input: SCIEN - IEN of record in file #409.48
UNLOCK(SCIEN) ;Unlocks an ASCD record.
; This function releases the lock on an ASCD record created by $$LOCK.
; Input: SCIEN - IEN of record in file #409.48
SCSEL() ;Prompts for the type of service connection records to review.
; Input: No input required
; Output: 1 - SC, 0 - NSC, 2 - All and "" (null)

Interaction Calls

Name Line Occurrences
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !!,$E(VADM(1),1,25)_" ("_$E($P(VADM(2),U),6,9)_")",!!
  • Line Location: SENS+14
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !
  • Line Location: SENS+21
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: @IOF,!,"Encounter ",SDOE," (cont'd)"
  • Line Location: CONT+6
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: $C(7)
  • Line Location: ANCPKG+5
Function Call: WRITE
  • Prompt: !,"Service Connected Encounters Review Selection"
  • Line Location: SCSEL+4
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