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Routine: SDWU

Package: Scheduling

Routine: SDWU


SDWU ; SLC/KCM - General Utilites for Windows Calls; 2/28/01

Source Information

Source file <SDWU.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ACTLOC(LOC) ; Function: returns TRUE if active hospital location
CLINLOC(Y,FROM,DIR) ; Return a set of clinics from HOSPITAL LOCATION
; .Y=returned list, FROM=text to $O from, DIR=$O direction,
INPLOC(Y,FROM,DIR) ;Return a set of wards from HOSPITAL LOCATION
; .Y=returned list, FROM=text to $O from, DIR=$O direction,
HOSPLOC(Y,FROM,DIR) ; Return a set of locations from HOSPITAL LOCATION
; .Y=returned list, FROM=text to $O from, DIR=$O direction,
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