TIUP336 ;SLC/TDP - Copy/Paste Clean-up of Division ;Jul 29, 2020@10:24:36
Source file <TIUP336.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
PRE | ;pre-init
POST | ;post-init
CNVRT(TST) | ;Convert Station Numbers stored as Institution IEN pointers
; If TST = 1, then print data for conversion but don't actually convert ; If TST = 2, |
SRCH | ;Entry point for Post-Init
SEARCH(TST) | ;Search for Copy/Paste data stored with wrong division
REVERT | ;Task off the Reversion process
RVRTJB | ;Reversion Tasked Job entry
RVRTJOB(TST) | ;Revert changed data back to original value
REQ2STOP() | ;
; Check for task stop request ; Returns 1 if stop request made. ; If process was queued/tasked, then ZTQUEUED variable exists |
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^DIC(4 - [#4] | Classic Fileman Calls, FIND1^DIC |