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Routine: VBECDCU1

Package: VBECS

Routine: VBECDCU1


VBECDCU1 ;hoifo/gjc-data conversion & pre-implementation utilities;Nov 21, 2002

Source Information

Source file <VBECDCU1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
ATTR() ; select the data family to display
; Output: the file that the VistA data resides in as well as the full
; name of the data family - EX: 61.3^Antigen/Antibody
BRKPNT(LRDFN,DFN) ; check for broken pointers between files 2 & 63.
; Check the pointer from the Patient (#2) to the Lab Data (#63)
; file against the Parent File (#.02), piece two of LRDATA, and
; Name (#.03), piece three of LRDATA, fields on the Lab Data file.
; Parent File field value must equal 2 (Pat. file) & Name field
; value must equal the DFN of the patient for the pointer to be
; correct.
SAVE ; Save off the legacy Blood Bank data into globals, ^TMP(name_space,$J)
; and then move data from globals to either VMS files or text files on
; a Microsoft machine.
DATA(Y) ; determine if we've captured data and create empty files if no data found
; Input: Y=$J or process id
ERR ;come here on error, record error in error trap and alert all VBEC mail
FILES ; here are the file names for used for the legacy Blood Bank data

FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

FileNo Call Tags
^XMB(3.8 - [#3.8] GET1^DIQ
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