VBECRPCC ;HOIFO/bnt - VBECS VistALink RPC Client Utilities ;07/27/2002 13:00
Source file <VBECRPCC.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EXECUTE(VBECPRMS) | ; -- execute rpc call
VALIDATE(VBECPRMS) | ; -- validate parameters sent in
; // TODO: Do checks and build validate error message |
REQUEST(VBECPRMS) | ; -- build xml request
REF | ;
ADD(STR) | ; -- add string to array
INITV(RPC) | ; Initialize VBECS VistALink Client parameters
; Input: RPC = Parameter Toolkit Instance of RPC Name ; Output: VBECPRMS or -1^"error specific text" if error occurs setting any VBECPRMS parameter |
CHGADPRT(IP,PORT) | ; Change the IP Address and Port of the VBECS VistALink Listner
CONTEXT(INSTANCE,CONTEXT) | ; Adds, or changes, an RPC Instance and
; it's associated context ; Set CONTEXT to "@" to delete the instance of the RPC. |
ERR(ERRTXT) | ; Set VBECPRMS("ERROR") node with error text and quit