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Routine: XOBWPWD

Package: Web Services Client

Routine: XOBWPWD


XOBWPWD ;ALB/MJK - HWSC :: Private Password APIs ; 09/13/10 4:00pm

Source Information

Source file <XOBWPWD.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
EDIT ; -- edit PASSWORD from DD
CLR ; -- clear to continue
SET(XOBH,XOBTALK) ; -- set password in entry
DEL ; -- make sure delete is desired
DIRUT ; -- set abort flag
ASK() ; -- setup to ask user for password
REASK(XOBH) ; -- reask user for password
GET() ; -- get user input and process for '^' and ''
ACCEPT(TO) ; -- read user input character a time; force exit on '^'; echo '*' back
ENCRYP(XOBX) ; -- Kernel encode
DECRYP(XOBH) ; -- Kernel decode
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