XT73P129 ;OAK/MKO-POST-INSTALL ROUTINE FOR XT*7.3*129 ;25 Jan 2011 10:17 PM
Source file <XT73P129.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
EN | ; **129,MPIC_2382
; This entry point is called from the POST-INSTALL of patch XT*7.3*129. ; It queues a process to purge File #15 of entries that meet the following criteria: ; - STATUS (Field #.03) = 'P' for POTENTIAL DUPLICATE, UNVERIFIED ; - MERGE STATUS (Field #.05) = 0 or "" ; - WHO CREATED (field #.09) = POSTMASTER (.5) |
PURGE | ; Purge records. This is the entry point for the queued task.
SETXTMP() | ; Set up nodes in ^XTMP("XT73P129")
; Return the string ^XTMP("XT73P129",fmStartTime) |
QUEUE | ; Queue the purging process
MSG | ; Display/log introductory message
EMAIL(XTMPNAME) | ; Send e-mail with summary information
ADD(ARRAY,TXT) | ; Add text to an array (passed by reference)
Name | Line Occurrences |
Function Call: WRITE |
FileNo | Call Tags |
^VA(15 - [#15] | Classic Fileman Calls |