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S DIC("S")="I $$ICD9ACT^IBACSV(+Y,$P($G(^IBAT(351.61,+$G(DA(1)),0)),U,4))" D ^DIC K DIC S DIC=$G(DIE),X=+Y K:Y<0 X
APR 21, 2003
This is the diagnosis codes for this transaction.
This is the diagnosis codes for this event. This will play into the DRG calculation.
S DIC("S")="I $$ICD9ACT^IBACSV(+Y,$P($G(^IBAT(351.61,+$G(DA(1)),0)),U,4))"
Only codes active on the Event Date may be selected.
1)= S ^IBAT(351.61,DA(1),2,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^IBAT(351.61,DA(1),2,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)