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S %DT="EX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X
JUL 28, 1995
Enter the effective date for this treating specialty.
This multiple holds the effective date(s) for the Treating Specialties.
1,0)= I '$O(^DIC(42.4,DA(1),"E",$O(^DIC(42.4,DA(1),"E",0)))) W !,*7,"There has to be an effective date for this treating specialty! "
1)= S ^DIC(42.4,DA(1),"E","B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^DIC(42.4,DA(1),"E","B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
1)= S ^DIC(42.4,DA(1),"E","ADATE",-X,DA)=""
2)= K ^DIC(42.4,DA(1),"E","ADATE",-X,DA)
This cross reference is used to look up active on reverse date.
AUG 10, 1995
Enter 'Yes' or 'No'
This field is an active/inactive flag for the treating specialty.