HELP-PROMPT: Enter the Division for the Prosthetics extract
This field indicates the division for which Prosthetics information has been extracted.
TECHNICAL DESCR: This field is populated by ^ECXTRAC. If the Prosthetics division that the Prosthetics extract is processing is not an entry in this file, it is added.
This field is a pointer to the Institution file (#4) and the IEN for the sub-file is DINUMed on this value.
SOURCE OF DATA: Routine ECXTRAC populates this field as a Prosthetics extract processes.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the last date that information was extracted for Prosthetics.
The LAST DATE field indicates the last date that the prosthetics extract was completed for the division indicated in the Division (.01) field.
This field is populated by ^ECXTRAC when the DSS Prosthetics extract is processing. It is the end date the user enters when generating the Prosthetics extract.
SOURCE OF DATA: ECXTRAC populates this field during the Prosthetics extract process.