Pre-init complete.
Installing Data Dictionaries:
Sep 23, 1996@14:00:47
Running Post-Install Routine: ^ENXOIPS
Performing Post-Init...
Updating NX FUND (#6914.6) names...
FUND 5014 being changed to 5014A1
Install Started for EN*7.0*33 :
FUND 8180 being changed to 8180S
FUND 4537 being changed to 4537B
FUND 8129 being changed to 8129G
Updating FUND values in FA DOCUMENT LOG
Updating FUND values in FR DOCUMENT LOG
Completed NX FUND changes
The asset value of an equipment item in the Equipment Inventory
(#6914) file was not being correctly adjusted after creation of
an FC Document that changed the asset value of an earlier
Sep 23, 1996@14:00:41
FA Document to 0.00. The incorrect asset value would result
in the Voucher Summary report overstating the actual effect of
subsequent FD and FR Documents on the general ledger balance.
The problem has been corrected by patch EN*7*33. This routine
will examine FAP Documents to identify any equipment entries
that were affected by the problem. If any equipment items are
identified, then this routine will make appropriate corrections.
Any changes will be reported.
Checking for FC Documents with value 0.00
No FC Documents found with betterment '00' and zero value.
No corrections are required.
Updating Routine file...
Updating KIDS files...
EN*7.0*33 Installed.
Sep 23, 1996@14:00:51
Installing Routines:
Sep 23, 1996@14:00:43
Running Pre-Install Routine: ^ENXOIPR
Beginning pre-init...