proper translation and protection for this global.
Protection should be RW for DSM and RWD for MSM.
This global should not be journalled.
Environment looks OK
Install Started for PSN*3.16*2 :
Jan 22, 1997@11:51:23
Installing Routines:
Jan 22, 1997@11:51:24
Installing Data Dictionaries:
Jan 22, 1997@11:51:26
Installing OPTION
This install will create a new global ^PSPPI.
Jan 22, 1997@11:51:29
Running Post-Install Routine: ^PSN3162P
Now updating entries in the National Drug file.
The Print a PMI Sheet option has been added
to the National Drug File Menu.
Updating Routine file...
This global is about 27 Megabytes in size.
Updating KIDS files...
PSN*3.16*2 Installed.
Jan 22, 1997@11:52:57
It is quite static. The only time it is written to is when
updates are sent in the form of patches from the National Drug
File Management system.
You should create, place, and, if appropriate, establish the