The Medicine package uses the KIDS utility to export
the package software. Medicine exports file level security codes for its data
dictionaries. Currently, KIDS will not change the file level security codes
on the target system if they already exist. This DBIA allows Medicine to
check the file level security nodes on the package's data dictionaries and
change the target system's file level security to match the ones being
The nodes changed are:
^DIC(File,0,"DD")="@" and ^DIC(File,0,"AUDIT")="@"
Where 'File' has the following values:
690 690.1 690.2 690.5 690.97
690.99 691 691.1 691.5 691.6
691.7 691.8 691.9 692 693
693.2 693.3 693.5 693.6 694
694.1 694.5 694.8 695 695.1
695.3 695.4 695.5 695.6 695.8
695.9 696 696.1 696.2 696.3
696.4 696.5 696.7 696.9 697
697.1 697.2 697.3 697.5 698
698.1 698.2 698.3 698.4 698.6
698.9 699 699.48 699.5 699.55
699.57 699.6 699.7 699.81 699.82
699.83 699.84 699.85 699.86 699.88
700 700.1 700.2 700.5 701