Input |
IFN of patient in Patient file.
Both |
The date/time to begin the search for prescriptions.
~TMP("PSOO",$J, |
Output |
^TMP("PSOO",$J) should be killed before and after data is extracted for use.
IFD = Inverse last fill date of Rx.
ID = Issue date of Rx.
FD = Last fill date of Rx.
DR = Drug in Rx. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal
pointer and B is external printable form.
PR = Provider. This variable has format A;B where A is the internal
pointer and B is external printable form.
ST = Status of Rx. This variable has format A;B where A is the
internal representation and B is external printable form.
RX = Rx number.
QT = Quantity of DRG in Rx.
RF = Number of refills remaining.
IF = IFN.of Rx in Prescription (52) file.
CF = Cost/Fill.
EX = Expire/Cancel date of Rx.
ON = Placer order # (CPRS)
R = Letter "R" only when the original fill is returned to stock.
Patch PSO*7*441 added Indication ("IND") node to the Rx entry. If an
Indication is populated then ^TMP("PSOO",$J,IFD,"IND")=Indication^Indication
flag (1-Indication is included in the Sig, 0 or null-Indication is not
included in the Sig)
NON-VA Meds: added with PSO*7*132
^TMP("PSOO",$J,"NVA",n,0)=orderable item_" "_dose form^status (active
or discontinued)^start date(fm format)^cprs order # (ptr to 100)^date/time
documented (fm format)^documented by (ptr to 200_";"_.01)^dc date/time(fm
^TMP("PSOO",$J,"NVA",n,1,0)=dosage^med route^schedule^drug (file
#50_";"_.01)^clinic (file #44_";"_.01)
^TMP("PSOO",$J,"NVA",n,"OCK",nn,0)=order checks^overriding provider
(ptr to 200_";"_.01)
^TMP("PSOO",$J,"NVA",n,"OCK",nn,"OVR",nnn,0)=override reason
Patch PSS*1*187 added Indication ("IND") node to the NON-VA entry. If an
Indication is populated then ^TMP("PSOO",$J,"NVA",n,"IND")=Indication
~TMP("PSOO",$J,IFD,n,0) |
Output |
IFD = Inverse last fill date of Rx.
SIG = Medication instruction for this Rx.
The value of ^TMP("PSOO",$J,IFD,n,0)