$$GETDATA(BillNum) |
This API is an Extrinsic Function. The input variable
of this API will be the Bill Number for the Accounts Receivable (#430) file.
The API will return the following data elements:
ORIGINAL AMOUNT (#3) - Internal Value
DATE ACCOUNT ACTIVATED field (#60) - Internal Value
TOTAL PAID PRINCIPAL (#77) - Internal Value
DATE ENTERED (#19) from the AR TRANSACTION (#433) FILE using the
existing $$DFP^RCXVUTIL API.
The output format will be:
Original Amount ^ Date Account Activated ^ Total Paid Principle ^ Date
BillNum |
Input |
BillNum is the .01 field value for the Accounts
Receivable (#430) file. It can be in the Site-Bill Number Format or just the
Bill Number Format. Depending on the value of the Bill Number the API will
determine which cross reference to look up the bill in the Accounts Receivable
(#430) file.