1. Activation interface
2. Make an appointment
Checkin/unscheduled visit
3. Cancel an appointment
4. Changing clinic names
1. Use of the Record Tracking System Parameter file # 195.4
SD calls RT if the field 'MAS INTERFACE STATUS' is 'UP'
2. When a clinic appointment is made if the appointment is 'today'
or if the Record Tracking System Parameter 'Batch requests' is
set to 'No' or if records are requested for an unscheduled visit.
A. An entry is made in the Requested Records file #190.1
by a call from RT^SDUTL to a tasked job QUE^RTQ
B. After the entry is added to the Requested Records file #190.1
an entry is made in Parent Record Request field
of the Patient subfield of the Hospital Location file #44
by a return call from CREATE+11^RTQ2 to RTSET^SDUTL
3. When a clinic appointment is canceled:
If there is a Requested Records entry in file #190.1
the status is changed to 'canceled' by a call
4. When the name of a clinic is changed the corresponding names
of entries in the Pull List file #194.2 are changed by a trigger
on the .01 field of the Hospital Location file #44. Clinic
^SC(1,0)=DJones Medical Clinic^
^RTV(194.2,n)=Dr Jones Medical Clinic [04/01/91]^
Clinic names are changed in a compiled input template. To
insure the use of this trigger the following action is taken:
The Record Tracking package includes the .01 field of the
Hospital Location file #44 so that the SDB template is
re-compiled when the Record Tracking package is initialized.