Input |
Patient IEN from Patient (#2) file. (Required)
Input |
Inpatient order number from the UNIT DOSE (#62)
multiple or IV (#100) multiple, in the PHARMACY PATIENT (#55) file. Unit Dose
orders must be appended with "U", and IV orders must be appended with "V".
Both |
Array name, passed by reference, to hold order checks
and provider override information from Computerized Patient Record System
(CPRS). (Required)
Return details: ARRAY("PROV",[DFN],[ORDER],0)="Overriding Provider: "[provider
name] ARRAY("PROV",[DFN],[ORDER],1)="Override Entered By: "[entered by name]
ARRAY("PROV",[DFN],[ORDER],2)=" Date/Time Entered: "[external date]
ARRAY("PROV",[DFN],[ORDER],3)=" Override Reason: "[reason text]
DFN = patient internal entry number
ORDER = order number
ARRAY("PROVR",[DFN],[ORDER],[CAT],[N],0)=[order check text]
DFN = patient interal entry number
ORDER = order number
CAT = an integer 1, 2, or 3 to represent category.
1 indicates a previous adverse reaction warning.
2 indicates a critical DRUG-DRUG warning.
3 indicates all other warning(s)
N = incrementing message number