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Routine: PSGSICH1

Package: Inpatient Medications

Routine: PSGSICH1



Source Information

Source file <PSGSICH1.m>

Entry Points

Name Comments DBIA/ICR reference
GETPROVL(PSGP,PSGORD,OUTARRAY) ; Get LAST (most recent) Provider Override associated with Inpatient Order
  • ICR #5653
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Private
    ; Input: PSGP - Patient DFN (IEN from Pharmacy Patient (#55) file.
    ; PSGORD - Inpatient Order number from Pharmacy Patient (#55) file or NON-VERIFIED ORDERS (#53.1) file
    ; OUTARRAY - Name of array in which override data will be returned
    ; PSJCPRS - CPRS Order (#100) file IEN from which to retrieve Provider Override
    DSPROVR(PSGP,PSGORD,OUTARRAY) ; Display Provider Overrides
    ; INPUT: PSGP - Patient DFN
    ; PSGORD - Inpatient Order
    ; OUTARRAY - Array containing Provider Overrides
    INTRDIC(PSGP,PSGORD,OUTARRAY,PSJCURIN) ; Retrieve Intervention IEN's for a specific order and store in array
    ; Input: PSGP - Patient IEN from PATIENT (#2b) file. (required).
    ; PSGORD - Inpatient Order from NON-VERIFIED ORDERS (#53.1) file or UD (#62) multiple or IV (#100) multiple of
    ; PHARMACY PATIENT (#55) file.(required)
    ; OUTARRAY - Array name, passed by reference, to hold return values.(required)
    ; PSJCURIN - Current intervention flag.
    ; PSJCURIN = 0 - Return all interventions associated with order PSGORD regardless of date/time.
    ; PSJCURIN = 1 - Only return interventions, associated with order PSGORD, logged on the most recent Intervention date/time.
    ; PSJCURIN = 2 - Only return interventions, associated with order PJORDER, logged on most recent date, if at least one CRITICAL DRUG-DRUG or ALLERGY ADR was logged on the most recent Intervention date/time.
  • ICR #5654
    • Status: Active
    • Usage: Private
    OVRCHK(PSGP,PSGORD) ; If any Provider Overrides or Pharmacy Interventions exist for order, return 1, otherwise return 0.
    ; INPUT: PATIENT - Patient DFN
    ; ORDER - Inpatient order
    INTCHKO(PSGP,PSGORD) ; If CRITICAL DRUG or ALLERGY Intervention exists for Inpatient order, return 1, otherwise return 0.
    ; INPUT: PATIENT - Patient DFN
    ; PSGORD - Inpatient order
    INTCHK(INT) ; If classification of specific intervention is CRITICAL DRUG or ALLERGY/ADR, return 1, otherwise return 0
    ; INPUT: INT - Intervention IEN from the APSP Intervention (#9009032.4) file
    BANNER(BANNER,PSJINDEN) ; Display Provider or Pharmacist Banner
    STOREINT ; Store Intervention pointer to Inpatient order
    SETIVINT ; Move intervention pointers from one order to another during finishing
    SETUDINT(PSJU1,PSJU2) ; Store Intervention pointers in the UD intervention multiple
    ; INPUT: PSJU1 - Inpatient order from which to copy intervention pointer(s)
    ; PSJU2 - Inpatient order to copy intervention pointer(s) to
    ASKDISP() ; If Provider Overrides or Pharmacy Interventions exist, prompt user to display all.

    Interaction Calls

    Name Line Occurrences
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !!,PSJDSPLN,!?PSJINDEN,"** ",PSJBANNR," **",!,PSJDSPLN,!
    • Line Location: DSPROVR+10
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !,$G(OUTARRAY("PROV",PSGP,+PSGORD,II))
    • Line Location: DSPROVR+11
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !!,PSJDSPLN,!?PSJINDEN,"** ",PSJBANNR," **",!,PSJDSPLN,!
    • Line Location: DSPROVR+13
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !!,PSJDSPLN,!?PSJINDEN,"** ",PSJBANNR," **",!,PSJDSPLN,!
    • Line Location: DSPROVR+15
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Line Location: DSPROVR+20
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !?2,OUTARRAY("PROVR",PSGP,+PSGORD,CAT,OC,0),!
    • Line Location: DSPROVR+23
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !
    • Line Location: DSPROVR+25
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !
    • Line Location: DSPROVR+29
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !
    • Line Location: BANNER+1
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !,PSJDSPLN
    • Line Location: BANNER+1
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Line Location: BANNER+2
    Function Call: WRITE
    • Prompt: !
    • Line Location: ASKDISP+4

    FileMan Files Accessed Via FileMan Db Call

    FileNo Call Tags
    ^DIC(3.1 - [#3.1] Classic Fileman Calls
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