Select the objects that you wish to see in the downloaded PDF
MAR 04, 2010
Enter a Consult service or specialty
The name of the CONSULT service or specialty to be added to the TeleReader unread list. Example: Hematology.
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2)= K ^MAG(2006.5841,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
AC (#1103)
Enter a Consult based procedure
A specific CONSULT based procedure associated with a given service. Example: Bone Marrow Biopsy.
MAR 03, 2010
Enter Image Index for Specialty/Subspecialty
Specialty/Subspecialty for the unread list items associated with a given service. Example: Hematology, Lab
Enter Image Index for Procedure
Procedure/Event for the unread list items associated with a given service. Example: C&P Exam
Enter the VistA site where images are acquired
VistA site that takes the images associated
with a consult and captures them into the VistA system.
Select when a Consult is added to the unread list
The action that places a specific Consult on the unread list. The most commonly used option is "Create/Update with every acquired image".
Enter a TIU note title
The title of a note for images associated with a given consult that has been read and resulted.