MAGIP127 ;WOIFO/NST - Install code for MAG*3.0*127 ; 27 Feb 2013 09:15 AM
Source file <MAGIP127.m>
Name | Comments | DBIA/ICR reference |
POS | ;
PRE | ;
; Delete PROCEDURE field (#2006.5841,1). The field will be reloaded with the install. ; In this way we don't need to have IA for deletion of ^DD(2006.5841,0,"ID") |
UPDATE() | ;
CLEANAC | ; Clean up bogus "AC" cross-reference in TELEREADER ACQUISITION SERVICE file (#2006.5841)
FileNo | Call Tags |
^MAG(2006.5841 - [#2006.5841] | Classic Fileman Calls |
Name | Line Occurrences (* Changed, ! Killed) |
^MAG(2006.5841 - [#2006.5841] | CLEANAC+2, CLEANAC+3!, CLEANAC+4!, CLEANAC+7 |