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APR 23, 2009
Answer with an identifier for the task to be audited.
This identifies the audited scheduled task.
Short Descr: Foreign key for ACTION_ID
Description: This will provide a quick index of actions that have been audited.
Set Logic: S ^MDC(704.1212,"FKA",$E(X,1,38),DA)=""
Kill Logic: K ^MDC(704.1212,"FKA",$E(X,1,38),DA)
Whole Kill: K ^MDC(704.1212,"FKA")
X(1): ACTION_ID (704.1212,.01) (Subscr 1) (Len 38) (forwards)
Answer with an identifier for the event to be audited.
This identifies the audited event.
FKE (#971)
S %DT="ESTXR" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X
Enter the date/time of this audit.
This is the date/time that the audit record is created.
Answer with an identifier for the person that created this audit.
This identifies the person (file #200) that created this audit.
K:$L(X)>250!($L(X)<1) X
Answer must be 1-250 characters in length.
This is free-text automatically generated by the Clinical Flowsheets application when an audit is created. A sample could be AUDIT DESCRIPTION "Event placed in Hold Status".
This is free-text generated by the user (#.04) when creating this audit. A sample AUDIT COMMENT could be "Provider action required a hold".