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Global: ^NUPA(1927.24

Package: Patient Assessment Documentation

Global: ^NUPA(1927.24


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1927.24 NUPA ASSESSMENT INTERVENTIONS Patient Assessment Documentation


Directly Accessed By Routines, Total: 3

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Patient Assessment Documentation 3 ^NUPA(1927.24    NUPABCL1    NUPAPI    

Pointed To By FileMan Files, Total: 1

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Patient Assessment Documentation 1 NUPA CARE PLANS(#1927.4)[#1927.461(.01)#1927.47(.01)]    

Pointer To FileMan Files, Total: 1

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Patient Assessment Documentation 1 NUPA ASSESSMENT PROBLEMS(#1927.2)[1]    

Fields, Total: 4

Field # Name Loc Type Details
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>235!($L(X)<3)!'(X'?1P.E) X
  • LAST EDITED:  MAR 20, 2009
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-235 characters in length.
    A nursing intervention for a problem.
  • CROSS-REFERENCE:  1927.24^B
    1)= S ^NUPA(1927.24,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^NUPA(1927.24,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • LAST EDITED:  JUN 24, 2011
    The problem that this intervention is related to.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:+X'=X!(X>99)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUN 24, 2011
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Type a number between 1 and 99, 0 decimal digits.
    The order in which this intervention will display.
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************
  • '1' FOR YES;
  • '0' FOR NO;

  • LAST EDITED:  SEP 12, 2011
    Determines whether the intervention can be displayed. Never delete an intervention using Fileman.

Found Entries, Total: 1748

NAME: Education - Encourage early ambulation and exercise after surgical procedures    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer anticoagulant medication as ordered    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use elastic compression stockings    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use intermittent compression devices    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use sequential compression devices    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use foot pumps    NAME: Surveillance - Provide ongoing assessment for Homan's sign    NAME: Case Management Other 1    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide ambulation consistent with provider order    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use elastic compression stockings as ordered    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use intermittent compression devices as ordered    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer anticoagulant medications as ordered    NAME: Surveillance - Provide ongoing assessment related to respirations, pain etc    NAME: Other    NAME: Education - Educate on causes/contributing factors    NAME: Education - Educate on difference in right and left sided heart failure    
NAME: Education - Educate on symptoms    NAME: Education - Educate on symptoms of left sided heart failure (dyspnea on exertion, dyspnea at rest, orthopnea, paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, dizziness, confusion, cool extremities etc).    NAME: Education - Educate on diet, fluid restriction, & sodium restriction    NAME: Education - Educate on stress reduction    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor I & O    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor weight    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor activity tolerance    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for anxiety and depression    
NAME: Education - Educate on modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors    NAME: Education - Educate on diet    NAME: Education - Educate on high blood pressure control    NAME: Education - Educate on exercise/activity    NAME: Education - Educate on medications    NAME: Education - Educate on smoking    NAME: Education - Educate on signs and symptoms related to cardiac problems    NAME: Education - Educate on actions to take at home when any symptoms occur    
NAME: Education - Encourage patient to notify nurse at first sign of chest pain/pressure, difficulty breathing, numbness/tingling of extremities    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Have oxygen and oxygen equipment at bedside    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor cardiac rhythms    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for potential barriers to adherence to cardiac rehabilitation programs    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for potential barriers to medication regime    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for family/social support systems    NAME: Case Management - Support referral to and participation in cardiac rehab program    NAME: Case Management - Provide information on importance of learning about automatic electronic defibrillator devices and CPR.    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Arrange for 12 lead EKG if abnormal rhythm develops as ordered by provider    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor labs and oxygenation status which might precipitate abnormal rhythm    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor EKG changes that increase the risk of dysrhythmia development (prolonged QT interval, frequent PVCs, and ectopy close to the T wave)    NAME: Surveillance - If abnormal cardiac rhythms occur, evaluate patient for other signs/symptoms associated with the rhythm (e.g. chest pain, difficulty breathing, dizziness etc.)    NAME: Education - Educate on risk factors including atherosclerosis, smoking, hyperlipidemia, diet, hypertension, diabetes etc.    NAME: Education - Educate on treatment options    NAME: Education - Educate on related procedures    NAME: Education - Educate on self assessment for tissue breakdown    
NAME: Education - Educate on activities which interfere with circulation (smoking, restrictive clothing, exposure to cold, crossing of legs and feet)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer medications as ordered    NAME: Surveillance - Provide ongoing assessment of skin and peripheral circulatory status to include pulses, pain, pallor, paresthesias and paralysis    NAME: Education - Encourage periodic elevation of extremity(ies)    NAME: Education - Encourage patient to avoid prolonged periods of sitting and standing    NAME: Education - Educate on causes (e.g. valve incompetence, phlebitis, thrombus or blood clot)    NAME: Education - Educate on symptoms (e.g. throbbing, cramping, burning, fatigue, swelling of extremity, varicose veins)    NAME: Education - Educate on risk factors (e.g. heredity, obesity, pregnancy, sedentary lifestyle, smoking, long periods of standing or sitting in one place, age & sex - female over 50)    
NAME: Education - Educate on treatment options and related procedures    NAME: Education - Educate on activity levels, ROM exercises (active or passive), and activities which interfere with circulation (smoking, restrictive clothing, exposure to cold, crossing of legs and feet)    NAME: Education - Educate on care of feet    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Apply compression stockings as ordered    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Apply dressings as ordered    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide wound care as ordered    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Protect extremities from injury (e.g. bed cradles, sheepskin, etc)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Ask patient about preferred communication approach    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Demonstrate patience    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Face the client directly, speak slowly, clearly and concisely    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a sign language interpreter as appropriate    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Keep background noise to a minimum when communicating    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Encourage verbalization of questions and concerns    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Periodically assess effectiveness of communication by asking patient to repeat what was said    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use paper, pencil, or computer communication when necessary    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Implement the use of assistive listening devices (ALDs) when appropriate    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use pictures or diagrams depicting tests/procedures    NAME: Surveillance - Watch for signs of depression and refer for further assessment and treatment as needed    NAME: Education - Provide information on how to access needed supplies in environment    NAME: Education - Support patient's current techniques/approaches (if successful) for ambulation, eating, dressing, hygiene, learning, and self medication    NAME: Education - If current techniques/approaches to activities of daily living are insufficient, educate on possible approaches known to be successful    NAME: Education - Educate on ways to obtain needed visual aids to assist patient in daily functioning    NAME: Education - Inform patient on current environment and assist in planning for ambulation within it    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Institute fall precaution interventions for the visually impaired patient    
NAME: Surveillance - Keep environment free of clutter    NAME: Surveillance - Place needed supplies within easy patient reach    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Face the patient and make eye contact    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use simple words and short sentences    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use an alphabet board    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a picture board    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use hand gestures    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide writing materials    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide positive reinforcement and praise as appropriate    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a towel bath to bathe the patient if appropriate    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use comforting words to describe the bathing experience such as "warm', "relaxing," or "massage" Approach patient in a calm manner    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Ensure that bathing assistance preserves patient dignity    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use non-detergent, no-rinse prepackaged bathing products    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Support bathing practices that may have culturally specific significance for social well-being    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use warm (40 degree C) bath water for tub bath for elderly person    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Have shower cleaned immediately before use by immuno-compromised patients    
NAME: Education - Educate patient on dressing techniques and aids    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use larger size clothing that is easier to put on    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Consider clothing that uses Velcro fasteners, not buttons and zippers    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Consider clothing that opens down the back for women in wheelchairs    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide clear, simple, step by step instructions for patient with dementia    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Determine patient's ability to feed self and type of assistance necessary    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide social stimulation/interaction during the feeding process    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Offer additional foods and fluids between meals    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide oral liquid nutritional supplements between meals to promote adequate nutrient intact    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Monitor daily feeding assistance by direct observation    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Assess patient's preferences for foods and fluids while awake    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Determine patient's comfort and stability with ambulation    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Determine patient's comfort and stability with ambulation using devices such as cane and walker    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide for assistance with ambulation as needed    NAME: Education - Work collaboratively to establish a toileting pattern that is acceptable to patient    NAME: Education - Educate on principles of bowel training    
NAME: Education - Educate on importance of foods, fluids, and exercise    NAME: Education - Educate on medications/laxatives ordered by provider and instructions for use    NAME: Education - Educate on positioning for bowel evacuation and importance of responding promptly to the urge to defecate    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide exercise as appropriate for patient    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer laxatives/medications ordered by provider and monitor patient response    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide patient privacy for bowel elimination unless contraindicated    NAME: Surveillance - Document bowel elimination pattern, problems, and description of stool    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide and encourage adequate fluids    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide foods high in fiber    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide foods identified by patient as helpful with bowel elimination    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide exercise as appropriate for patient    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide privacy for defecation unless contraindicated    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Support patient's established bowel program (days of week, time of day etc)    NAME: Surveillance - Identify the history and cause of the diarrhea    NAME: Surveillance - Note and record the color, volume, frequency and consistency of stools using objective and quantitative descriptions.    NAME: Surveillance - Assess patient carefully for signs of dehydration    
NAME: Surveillance - Observe for signs and symptoms of diarrhea including fever, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, or weight loss.    NAME: Surveillance - Notify provider of watery diarrhea or an increase in frequency or pitch of bowel sounds    NAME: Surveillance - Document in detail the patient's description of the stool characteristics, length of time the diarrhea has been present    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Implement a bowel training program    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use barrier products on peri-anal area after cleaning    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use incontinence pads, diapers, and/or sanitary pads as appropriate    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Keep bed and clothing clean    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Ensure dietary fiber intake that facilitates continence for the individual    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use intra-anal devices (rectal/anal tubes, trumpets, or plugs) as ordered and appropriate    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use extra-anal devices (rectal pouches or anal bags) as appropriate    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor defecation and bowel patterns    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for adequate bowel evacuation    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for side effect of medication administration    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Position patient ( as recommended from a swallowing evaluation) for improved safety during swallowing    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Add a thickening agent to fluids and use food consistencies as determined by the swallowing evaluation to reduce the risk of aspiration    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Encourage patient to perform swallowing exercises as prescribed that can improve swallowing effectiveness    
NAME: Surveillance - Ensure that patient with possible dysphagia receives a formal swallowing evaluation to help reduce the likelihood of aspiration pneumonia    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use acupressure at pressure points to decrease nausea and vomiting following some surgeries    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer anti-emetic medication as ordered    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use aromatherapy as ordered    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use guided imagery and progressive muscle relaxation    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide support and information    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer effective anti-emetic drugs as ordered    NAME: Education - Teach patient to keep a food diary    
NAME: Education - Encourage a caloric intake appropriate for body type and lifestyle    NAME: Education - Provide appropriate information about nutritional needs and how to meet them    NAME: Education - Encourage patient to wear properly fitted dentures and/or obtain dental care    NAME: Education - Provide high-protein, high-calorie, nutritious finger foods and drinks that can be readily consumed    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide a sugar substitute, as appropriate    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Ensure that diet includes foods high in fiber content to prevent constipation    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Offer herbs and spices as an alternative to salt    NAME: Surveillance - Assess dietary changes and demands during acute illness    
NAME: Surveillance - Inquire about food allergies    NAME: Surveillance - Ascertain food preferences    NAME: Surveillance - Assess nutritional requirements in collaboration with the dietician    NAME: Surveillance - Weigh patient at specified intervals    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor the type and amount of usual exercise    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor emotional response when placed in situations that involve food and eating    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor the environment where eating occurs    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor gums for swelling, sponginess, receding, and increased bleeding    
NAME: Surveillance - Monitor pre-albumin levels    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for pale, reddened, and dry conjunctival tissue    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for dry, flaky skin with depigmentation    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for dry thick hair that is easy to pluck    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor caloric and nutrient intake    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for spoon-shaped, brittle, ridged nails    NAME: Surveillance - Note any sores, edema, and hyperemic and hypertrophic papillae of the tongue and oral cavity    NAME: Surveillance - Determine patient's ability to meet nutritional needs    
NAME: Case Management - Initiate a dietary consult as appropriate    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Elevate the head of bed 30 to 45 degrees during feedings    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Confirm tube placement by x-ray prior to administering feedings or medications via the tube per agency protocol    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a closed versus an open enteral delivery system of tube feeding, if possible    NAME: Treatments/procedures - For an open system, use aseptic technique when handling the feeding tube, the formula, the feeding tube set, the connection hub and the ports for medication use Change set every 24 hours    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a pump to administer the tube feeding in patients who have post-pyloric feedings or who are bedridden    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide oral care at least 2 times per day    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Flush the tube with at least 30 ml of warm water Q4H during continuous feedings, before/after administering a medication through the tube and before and after administering a bolus feeding and after checking gastric residual    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Secure the tube to the nose, avoiding pressure on the nares and movement of the tube    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Change the tape or device holding the nasogastric or nasoenteric tube in place daily    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Check the mark or length of the external portion of the tube to make sure that the tube has not moved when preparing to re-tape.    NAME: Surveillance - Measure gastric residual volume to predict the risk for aspiration    NAME: Surveillance - Use a large-diameter tube with multiple ports to measure gastric residual volumes (using a small bore is less accurate)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Stabilize the G-tube to prevent the dislodgement and/or migration of the tube until the tract is healed    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Check the placement of the G-tub by first pulling gently on the tube until resistance is me and then marking the spot at the exit site with a permanent marker. (This marking should be observed before the administration of a tube feeding or medications)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Cleanse the skin surrounding the G-tub with soap and water    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Place a surgical drain sponge or an absorbent dressing around the drain site if there is a leakage of gastrointestinal contents. Change dressing as needed to maintain dry and intact skin    NAME: Treatments/procedures - If the skin surrounding the G tube becomes irritated or denuded, determine the cause    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Flush the G-tube with a 30 ml or larger syringe to prevent excess pressure and possible rupture of the tube. Base flush volumes on the basis of maintaining the patency of the tube and the hydration requirements administration of medications and feedings    NAME: Treatments/procedures - If necessary to use the tube for decompression of the stomach use gravity drainage only    NAME: Surveillance - Watch for the formation of hyper-granulation tissue, which occurs when there is an inflammatory reaction to the tube that causes the appearance of mucosa-like tissue outside the tract    NAME: Education - Encourage oral intake through systematic prompting    NAME: Education - Encourage oral intake by offering preferred fluids    NAME: Education - Encourage family, support person to assist patient with feedings as appropriate    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Weigh patient as indicated by acuity and monitor trends    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Replace fluids through oral re-hydration or IV therapy as ordered and appropriate    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Maintain an accurate I & O record    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor food intake    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor VS as appropriate    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor clinical indicators of hydration status: thirst, dry oral mucous membranes, adequacy of pulses, orthostatic blood pressure, breath sounds, edema, neck vein distention, ascites, tongue furrows and mental status indicators such as anxiety, restlessness, confusion, and lethargy    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor relevant laboratory results: sodium, serum osmolality, BUN/creatinine ratio, hematocrit, urine osmolality, and urine specific gravity    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor changes from baseline for laboratory results relevant to fluid balance    
NAME: Surveillance - Monitor hemodynamic status including CVP, MAP, PAP and PCWP, if available    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor effects of diuretics    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor urine color    NAME: Education - Assess teaching needs    NAME: Education - Assess for potential problems related to learning (language, visual problems, manual dexterity etc)    NAME: Education - Educate on medication management: how to administer insulin (when appropriate) and potential mediation interaction    NAME: Education - Educate on signs and symptoms and treatment of hyperglycemia    NAME: Education - Assess patient"_$C(146)_"s current understanding of own diabetic condition    
NAME: Education - Assess teaching needs and develop plans for meeting them.    NAME: Education - Educate on nutritional management: focus on role of carbohydrate intake in blood glucose management    NAME: Education - Educate on the importance of exercise    NAME: Education - Educate on foot, skin, dental, and eye care    NAME: Education - Educate on signs and symptoms and treatment of hypoglycemia    NAME: Education - Educate on the importance blood glucose monitoring and how to obtain a blood glucose meter    NAME: Education - Instruct on the use of a blood glucose meter    NAME: Education - Educate on sick day guidelines: how to care for yourself, who to contact in an emergency or for more information    
NAME: Education - Plan for post discharge education or self management support    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Establish a plan for the treatment of hypoglycemia    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Establish a plan for coordinating administration of insulin and delivery of meals    NAME: Surveillance - Review and follow specific blood glucose monitoring protocols for patient    NAME: Surveillance - Share results of blood glucose monitoring with all members of the healthcare team    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor nutritional status    NAME: Surveillance - Identify episodes of hypoglycemia (blood sugar <70 mg/dL) and capture possible contributing factor    NAME: Surveillance - Evaluate contributing reasons for episodes of hypoglycemia for systematic trends    
NAME: Case Management - Refer for nutritional assessment if patient not consistently reaching glucose targets    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Maintain a closed urinary drainage system    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Wash hands immediately before and immediately after any manipulation of the catheter site or of the bag, such a emptying the bag    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Apply clean gloves before emptying a catheter bag, and remove them afterward    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Secure the catheter to the patient's thigh or lower abdomen    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Schedule the removal of the catheter from a surgical patient between 10:00 pm and 12 midnight rather than in the morning    NAME: Surveillance - Observe for any sediment, blood clots in urine    NAME: Surveillance - Observe for any signs of inflammation/infection at catheter insertion site    
NAME: Education - Instruct the patient to notify the nursing staff at once if he/she experiences any untoward reaction to the transfusion such as chills, fever, headache, backache, chest pain, itching, difficulty breathing, or palpitations    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Verify the physician's orders    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Obtain patient's transfusion history    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Confirm that patient has given informed consent    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Assemble the administration system with the filter appropriate for the blood product and the patient's immune status. Prime the administration system with isotonic saline    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Change the administration set and filter every 12 hours or after every fourth unit of blood    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Perform venipuncture using an 18 or 20 gauge catheter    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Verify the correct patient, blood type, Rh type, unit number and expiration date and record per agency protocol    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer the blood product within 30 minutes of its retrieval from the blood bank. If a delay occurs, return the product to the blood bank. Do not store in the refrigerator on the nursing unit.    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Refrain from administering IV medication or fluids, other than isotonic saline into the blood or blood products lines    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Refrain from transfusing blood or blood products removed from refrigeration for more than 4 hours (If transfusion is not completed within 4 hours, discard the remainder of the unit)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - If transfusion reaction is suspected, immediately remove the blood product and all IV tubing and save. Replace with isotonic saline utilizing new tubing and infuse at TKO. Notify the blood bank and the physician immediately    NAME: Treatments/procedures - If a minor transfusion reaction occurs (e.g. fever or headache) stop the infusion and notify the blood bank and physician for further direction    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Document date/time infusion was started, staff member verifying the recipient's identification, blood product administered, amount administered, time the transfusion was completed and the patient's response.    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a blood warmer as ordered for large transfusions in adults (>50 ml/kg/hour) or patients with significant cold agglutinins    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor patient for transfusion reactions (uticaria, chills, fever, change in level of consciousness, chest or flank pain, tachycardia, hypotension, new-onset cough, difficulty breathing, or signs of fluid overload)    
NAME: Surveillance - Monitor VS immediately before administering blood, 15 minutes after initiation of transfusion, every 15 to 60 minutes during the infusion, when the infusion is completed, and 4 hours after completion of the transfusion.    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Wash hands using conventional antiseptic soap and water or with waterless alcohol    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Maintain aseptic technique while performing all TPN-administration-related procedures to reduce the risk of catheter-related bloodstream infection    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a specialized team to administer and monitor TPN therapy to reduce the risk of complications and cost of care    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer TPN through a centrally placed catheter to reduce the risk of phlebitis and damage to peripheral veins    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Identify the patient and assess for the appropriate formula and rate of infusion before initiating the TPN infusion    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer PTN using an electronic infusion pump    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Infuse TPN solutions that contain lipids within 24 hours and complete the infusion of lipid emulsions alone within 12 hours of hanging the solution    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Assess for and consult with the pharmacist regarding the compatibility of medications added to the TPN solution to reduce the risk of precipitate formation. Add medications immediately before hanging the solution.    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Maintain TPN administration through a dedicated and separate administration et using a dedicated lumen of the patient's CVC    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Change IV administration sets for TPN solutions that do not contain lipids very 72 hours    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Change IV administration sets for IV fat emulsions - administered either separately or as part of a three-in-one TPN solutions - every 24 hours, because lipid solutions are known to enhance microbial growth    NAME: Treatments/procedures - If the TPN must be stopped abruptly, hang a solution of dextrose 10% for a central line catheter    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Initiate an infusion of dextrose 5% in water solution at the same rate as the TPN if the TPN must be abruptly stopped (e.g. if the CVC is occluded).    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use an antiseptic barrier cap over the needless device to reduce the risk of catheter-related BSI    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor the patient for signs and symptoms of metabolic-related complications and electrolyte imbalance including daily weights, intake and output, and blood glucose levels every 6 hours until stabilized at a level of less than 200 mg/dl    
NAME: Surveillance - Monitor the patient and the infusion access device for signs and symptoms of catheter-related BSI which is the most common complication among patients receiving TPN in the hospital or home setting    NAME: Education - Educate the patient and family regarding purpose and care of a VAD    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Maintain universal precautions    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Access and maintenance of the VAD should be performed by a nurse with validated competency in the area    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Verify infusate orders as applicable    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Appropriately identify the patient before therapy    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Maintain aseptic technique whenever the VAD is manipulated    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Minimize interruptions of the intravenous system to reduce the risk of infection    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Dressing change: Use chlorhexidine for the skin cleansing of venous access devices for anti-sepsis while performing a dressing change    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Dressing change: Change dressing using aseptic technique and universal precautions    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Dressing change: Use either gauze squares or a transparent dressing in accordance with patient preference for the occlusive dressing of a venous access device    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Dressing change: Change the venous access device dressings every 7 days if using a transparent dressing or when the dressing is no longer intact and every 48 hours if using a gauze dressing    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Dressing change: Ensure that the catheter is secured and stabilized to prevent accidental dislodgement when changing the dressing    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Change tubing, dressings, and caps according to agency policy    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Flushing catheter: Establish a mechanism to flush the VAD (i.e. by using a positive displacement technique or technology) and flush the central VAD at regular intervals    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Flushing catheter: Use sterile technique along with specially designed non-coring needles when accessing an implanted port or pump    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Flushing catheter: Use fibrinolytic agents to restore patency to an occluded VAD per provider order when thrombotic occlusion is suspected    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Flushing catheter: Disinfect injection caps with a chlorhexidine/alcohol solution or providone-iodine both before and after flushing to reduce the risk of catheter related infection    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for signs and symptoms associated with local and systemic infection (e.g. redness, swelling, tenderness, fever, malaise)    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for signs of catheter occlusion    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Verify PICC placement prior to administering any IV medications or solutions to reduce the risk of complications    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a manufactured catheter securement device instead of tape or sutures to reduce risk of complications    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Wash hands using conventional antiseptic soap and water or with waterless alcohol=based gels or foams before and after caring for the PICC or midline catheter    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Disinfect the skin utilizing a 2% chlorhexidine-based preparation prior to dressing changes    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use either a transparent to protect the catheter insertion site    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Change transparent dressing at least every 7 days    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Replace the catheter site dressing if it becomes damp, loosened, or soiled or when inspection is necessary    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Routinely flush intermittently used PICCs and midline catheters to maintain patency    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Flush a PICC with an open-ended distal tip with a low concentration of heparin to maintain patency    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Flush a PICC with a built-in anti-reflux valve with saline    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a 10 ml or larger size syringe to reduce excessive force with flushing    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a catheter cap/valve with positive-pressure technology    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a positive-pressure flushing technique to reduce the risk of blood reflux into the catheter and the risk of catheter occlusion    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Flush the PICC with saline only when a positive-pressure cap/valve is used    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor site and dressing of catheter for any signs of inflammation/infection    NAME: Education - Encourage self disclosure    NAME: Education - Reinforce MD instructions for preventions of complications related to medical diagnoses/problems    NAME: Education - Review medications with patient and family/support person and take into account risks specific to the patient    NAME: Education - Instruct patients in medication time/dose, side effects and interactions with food or other medications and supplements.    NAME: Surveillance - Provide ongoing assessment of skin and peripheral circulatory status to include edema, ulcerations, skins changes (thin, shiny, discolored etc)    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Keep assistive device within reach of patient but out of walkway    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide support and information    NAME: Surveillance - Assess dietary changes and demands during acute illness    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for dry thin hair that is easy to pluck    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Check placement of G-tube by first pulling gently on tube until resistance is met & then marking spot at exit site with a permanent marker. This marking should be observed before administration of tube feeding or medications    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Cleanse the skin surrounding the G-tube with soap and water    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide hip protectors    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide height adjustable bed    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide floor mat    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide helmet    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use exit alarm as reminder to call for assistance    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use transfer equipment    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Create "Safe Exit Side" for transfer from bed    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Flush G-tube with 30ml or larger syringe to prevent excess pressure & possible rupture of the tube. Base flush volumes on basis of maintaining patency of tube & hydration requirements administration of medications & feedings    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor indicators of hydration status: thirst, dry oral mucous membranes, adequacy of pulses, orthostatic BP, breath sounds, edema, neck vein distention, ascites, tongue furrows, anxiety, restlessness, confusion, and lethargy    NAME: Treatments/procedures - If a diagnostic urine specimen is needed, insert new catheter & then obtain a urine specimen. If not possible, use sterile syringe to collect specimen from sample port after cleansing sampling port on tubing with antiseptic    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use 1.2 micron filter (for 3-in-1 TPN solutions) or 0.2 micron filter (for TPN solution that does not contain lipids) as part of IV admin set when administering TPN solutions to reduce the risk of infusing particulate matter.    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Trace IV catheter from origin point every time infusion container or device is changed & when a patient is transferred from one setting to another to reduce risk of accidental connection of infusion to wrong type of catheter    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Confirm the placement of a central VAD with an x-ray report after the initial insertion and before beginning therapy    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer medications such as SSRIs as ordered by provider    NAME: Education - Encourage use of a support system or of visits or phone contact with a sponsor    NAME: Education - Assist patient with identifying healthier coping responses    NAME: Education - Educate on symptoms of right sided heart failure: peripheral edema, nocturia, ascites, etc.    NAME: Education - Educate on stress reduction    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Assure that call bell is always within patient's reach.    NAME: Surveillance - In the event of seizure, remove hazards, protect patient from falling, position patient on side, with head supported in a neutral in-line position, protect head and body from striking objects but do not restrain patient    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for signs of delirium-change of baseline mental status (increased lethargy, appearance of being frightened or suspicious of others, illusions/hallucinations, disorientation, nighttime agitation, new onset of memory problems)    NAME: Surveillance - Discuss fears of addiction and the terms addiction, dependence, tolerance, and pseudo-addiction with the patient    NAME: Other Intervention 1    NAME: Other Intervention 2    NAME: Surveillance - Assess regularly for dyspnea, VS, pulse ox, chest auscultation, chest wall movement, shape and abnormalities, periph edema, accessory muscle use, presence of cough/sputum, ability to say a full sentence, level of consciousness    NAME: Case Management - Facilitate referrals as appropriate    
NAME: Surveillance - Monitor x-ray reports for tube positions    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a bowel management program to avoid constipation and bowel obstruction to lower the risk of AD    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a urinary management program to avoid bladder distention to lower the risk of AD    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Follow facility policy/procedures if patient experiences an episode of AD    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor closely for signs and symptoms of AD (elevated BP, pounding headache, bradycardia, profuse sweating, goose bumps, skin flushing, nasal congestions, blurred vision)    NAME: Surveillance - Assess regularly for pain and teach adequate pain management techniques    NAME: Education - Instruct patient not to get out of bed without assistance    NAME: Education - Make sure that the family knows where call bell is and how to use it    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Have following equipment assembled at bedside: Nasal cannula/tubing, oxygen flow meter, suction gauge, tubing, and canister    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Pad side rails of bed    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Keep bed in low position with all side rails up at all times    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Keep unnecessary equipment out of patients room    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Assure that call bell is always within patient"_$C(146)_"s reach.    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Avoid use of restraints    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Obtain one-to-one sitter if patient is unable to follow instructions to maintain safety    NAME: Surveillance - In the event of seizure, observe & record pattern of the seizure(s), note & record the duration of seizure(s), do not force anything, including your fingers, into the person's mouth, and check vital signs every 15 min    
NAME: Surveillance - Maintain airway patency during the post ichtal phase (period of time immediately following the seizure, during which the patient remains comatose or stuporous)    NAME: Surveillance - Maintain continuous observation    NAME: Surveillance - Assign patient to room in close proximity to the nurses station    NAME: Surveillance - Conduct neurological assessment whenever there is a change in patient's status    NAME: Surveillance - Use the Glasgow Coma Scale to screen for level of consciousness    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor HR for bradycardia    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor BP for increase in systolic pressure and a widening pulse pressure, hypertension, & hypotension    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor RR for irregular breathing pattern such as Cheyne-Stokes breathing, hyperventilation, apneustic, cluster & ataxic breathing patterns    
NAME: Surveillance - Monitor temp for hypothermia or hyperthermia    NAME: Surveillance - Check papillary responses and eye movement looking for dilated or pinpoint pupils    NAME: Surveillance - Assess motor activity of the body and limbs    NAME: Surveillance - Document findings of neurological assessment and identify emerging patterns    NAME: Education - Provide clear and simple explanations    NAME: Education - Provide reassurance to the patient/family/support person    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Clarify use and dosage of existing ordered psychotropic medication.    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Minimize environm. stimulation by: reduce lights when not necessary, keep activity/noise to min, organize care to provide rest periods & less phys. stimuli, normalize sleep pattern, provide increased amounts of uninterrupted sleep    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Avoid/minimize use of restraints/medical immobilization    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide privacy as necessary    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide supportive nursing care including identifying self by name at each contact with the patient and calling the patient by his or her preferred name    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for features of delirium that are a change from the patient's baseline mental status (increased lethargy, appearance of being frightened or suspicious of others, illusions/hallucinations, disorientation, nighttime agitations, new onset of memory problems etc)    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for predisposing factors for delirium (vision impairment, severe illness, dehydration, and preexisting cognitive impairment)    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for precipitating factors for delirium (physical restraints, malnutrition, addition of three or more medications on the previous day, use of an indwelling catheter, and any iatrogenic event)    NAME: Surveillance - Anticipate basic needs such as feeding, toileting, and hydration    NAME: Surveillance - Anticipate pain-producing conditions    
NAME: Surveillance - Identify, evaluate and treat pain quickly    NAME: Education - Explore patient's knowledge and beliefs about pain. Consider cultural influences on pain response    NAME: Education - Discuss patient's fears of under treated pain, overdose and addiction.    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Attempt to keep pain level no higher than acceptable level stated by patient and preferably much lower    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide prompt analgesic care before the pain becomes severe    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer analgesics using the least invasive route available    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Avoid IM route when possible    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide PCA and intraspinal routs of administration when appropriate and ordered    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Utilize non pharmacologic approaches of patient's choice to help decrease pain e.g. music, humor, relaxation/meditation techniques, massage, heat, cold etc    NAME: Surveillance - Perform a comprehensive assessment of pain to include location, characteristics, onset/duration, frequency quality, intensity or severity and precipitating factors when the patient is admitted to the facility or when the pain newly occurs    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for nonverbal signs of discomfort in patients unable to report pain or use a pain rating scale for any reason    NAME: Surveillance - Question patient regarding pain at frequent intervals and when taking VS    NAME: Surveillance - Clarify location and severity of pain each time pain is assessed    NAME: Surveillance - Assume that pain is present and treat accordingly when patient has a pathological condition (e.g. fractures) or who is undergoing a procedure thought to be painful    NAME: Surveillance - Evaluate appropriateness and dosage of medications given for pain and provide feedback to provider when they are not adequate.    NAME: Surveillance - Assess sedation and respiratory status frequently in opioid-nave patients    
NAME: Surveillance - Question patient about sleep disruption    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide prompt analgesic care before the pain becomes severe    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use round the clock medication administration when pain is present most of the day    NAME: Surveillance - Perform a comprehensive assessment of pain to include location, characteristics, onset/duration, frequency quality, intensity or severity and precipitating factors when patient is admitted to facility    NAME: Surveillance - Attempt to keep pain level no higher than acceptable level stated by patient and preferably much lower    NAME: Surveillance - Ask patient to describe approaches/treatments that work best for patient to relieve the chronic pain.    NAME: Surveillance - Question the patient about impact of chronic pain on patient's life    NAME: Surveillance - Watch for signs of depression such as sleeplessness, not eating, flat affect statements of depression, or suicidal ideation.    
NAME: Surveillance - Explore patient's knowledge and beliefs about pain. Consider cultural influences on pain response    NAME: Surveillance - Discuss fears of addition and the terms addiction, dependence, tolerance, and pseudo-addiction with the patient    NAME: Education - Assess patient's attitudes about PCA    NAME: Education - Instruct family members/caregivers not to administer doses for the patient unless specifically authorized and instructed.    NAME: Education - Educate patient on how to administer a dose, potential side effects of the analgesic, safety mechanisms, low risk of addiction    NAME: Education - Educate on the importance on staying on top of pain and not waiting until pain is overwhelming before administering a dose of pain medication    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Double check programming of pump using a second person    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for adequacy of analgesia and patient's satisfaction with PCA    
NAME: Surveillance - With opioid PCA, assess risk factors for respiratory depression and monitor sedation level and respiratory rate every 1 to 2 hours for the first 12 to 24 hours of PCA therapy    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor respiratory rate, depth, and rhythm with serial sedation assessments.    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor oxygen saturation if patient has increased risk of reparatory depression    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for potential technical complications (e.g. catheter site and delivery system)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer medications to decrease anxiety, agitation, or psychosis and to stabilize mood as appropriate    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Place the patient in a more protective environment if self-harmful impulses/behavior escalate    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide follow-up care after an incident of self-harm    NAME: Surveillance - Assess patient for history of self-injury behaviors, including methods used and known triggers    
NAME: Surveillance - Determine if the patient has the available means to follow through with a suicide plan    NAME: Case Management - Refer patient to a mental health care provider for evaluation and treatment of suicidal ideation and behavior as needed    NAME: Education - Reassure patient that depression and fatigue commonly occur during withdrawal    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use the Revised Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol Scale (CIWA-AR) to rate acute alcohol withdrawal    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer anticonvulsants or sedatives when ordered    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Create a low stimulation environment    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Maintain adequate nutrition and fluid intake    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Administer vitamin therapy as appropriate    
NAME: Surveillance - Monitor VS during withdrawal    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for delirium tremens (DT's)    NAME: Education - Educate on the health effects of substance use, including the physical, emotional and cognitive effects of ongoing substance use and the risks of exposure to HIV, hepatitis, and other infections    NAME: Education - Educate about community resources and treatment centers for the patient and his/her family    NAME: Education - Educate on the signs and symptoms of substance abuse, relapse, and treatment    NAME: Education - Educate on the use of non-pharmacological supportive measures to decrease pain and anxiety, including deep breathing, relaxation, music therapy, and aromatherapy    NAME: Education - Determine history of substance use    NAME: Education - Discuss with the patient the role that drugs play in his or her life    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide symptom management during the detoxification period    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide adequate nutrition    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide an environment with decreased stimulation    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide pharmacological interventions for sleep as ordered    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for contraband (non prescribed drugs) brought in by visitors    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor patient for nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, hydration and urinary output, and hypertension and tachycardia    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor patient for seizures (initiate seizure precautions as appropriate)    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor patient for adequate sleep and provide education about sleep hygiene    
NAME: Surveillance - Monitor patient for mental status changes, paranoia and hesitancy to trust others, and depression and/or suicidal tendencies    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor patient for body image distortions and anorexia    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor patient for withdrawal symptoms using withdrawal scales for objectivity    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for fall risk and initiate appropriate fall precautions    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for skin integrity related to substance use and nutritional status    NAME: Education - Encourage the identification of thoughts and feelings via talking, journaling, or other modes of expression    NAME: Education - Identify and encourage the use of social supports    NAME: Education - Encourage physical activity and well-being    
NAME: Education - Actively listen to the patient and provide validation    NAME: Education - Teach mindfulness techniques    NAME: Education - Educate on smoking    NAME: Education - Educate on pulmonary rehabilitation/exercise training    NAME: Education - Educate on secretion clearance strategies    NAME: Education - Educate on breathing retraining strategies    NAME: Education - Educate on energy conserving strategies    NAME: Education - Educate on relaxation techniques    
NAME: Education - Educate on nutritional strategies    NAME: Education - Educate on rationale for oxygen therapy    NAME: Education - Educate on rationale for medications    NAME: Education - Educate on inhaler device techniques    NAME: Education - Educate on awareness of baseline symptoms and activity level    NAME: Education - Educate on recognition of factors that worsen symptoms    NAME: Education - Educate on early symptom recognition of acute exacerbation and infection    NAME: Education - Educate on End-of-life issues    
NAME: Education - Promote exercise training    NAME: Education - Promote pulmonary rehabilitation    NAME: Education - Institute smoking cessation strategies    NAME: Education - Teach patient to use pursed-lip breathing    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Ensure access to fresh air or use a fan directing cold air on the face    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation and continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP, BiPAP) as ordered.    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Support the patient to assume the position of choice, including the forward leaning position with arm support    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use humidified low-flow oxygen at various levels at rest and with exercise depending on individual perception of relief of dyspnea    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide controlled oxygen therapy as ordered    NAME: Surveillance - Acknowledge and accept patient's self report of dyspnea    NAME: Surveillance - Assess patient regularly- include level of dyspnea, VS, pulse ox, chest auscultation, chest wall movement, shape & abnormalities, periph edema, accessory muscle use, presence of cough and/or sputum, ability to complete a full sentence, level of consciousness    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for hypoxemia/hypoxia and administer appropriate oxygen therapy for all levels of dyspnea    NAME: Surveillance - Remain with patient during episodes of acute respiratory distress    NAME: Education - Assess patient's knowledge and skill and identify gaps    NAME: Education - Educate on facts about asthma    NAME: Education - Educate on device techniques    
NAME: Education - Educate on self-monitoring    NAME: Education - Educate on smoking cessation if applicable    NAME: Surveillance - Assess patient's level of control    NAME: Surveillance - Provide ongoing assessment of patient's respiratory status    NAME: Surveillance - Assess inhaler/device technique to ensure accurate use    NAME: Education - Provide patient/family/support member education: tubing as tripping hazard, effects of IV Medications    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Lateral rotation    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Low air loss    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Multi-zone surface    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Open cell foam    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Pad    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Solid    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Vicolastic foam    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Viscous fluid    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Water    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Zone    
NAME: Education - Provide verbal reminders to patient to call when needing assistance    NAME: Education - Explain procedures to patient and family and discuss with them possible alternatives    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use petroleum jelly gauze for dressing change    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 MUSC Environemt of Care Precauions    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for signs and symptoms of pneumothorax    NAME: Surveillance - Ensure that all tubing connections are securely attached and taped    NAME: Surveillance - Keep the drainage container below chest level    NAME: Surveillance - Anchor the tubing securely    
NAME: Surveillance - Observe for signs of infection    NAME: Surveillance - Apply suction to the water-seal when ordered    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for bubbling of the suction chamber of the chest tube drainage system and tidaling in the water-seal chamber    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor chest tube output    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor the patency of the chest tube by stripping and milking the tube    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for crepitus around the chest tube site    NAME: Surveillance - Maintain the chest tube system to water seal if not to suction    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor and administer pain management therapy upon chest tube removal    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide adequate fluid intake and nourishment    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Exercises to maintain range of motion    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Keep call light and most frequently used personal items within reach    NAME: Education - Provide educational materials    NAME: Surveillance - Make sure restraint is applied properly and in comfortable position    NAME: Surveillance - Check with patient frequently to ascertain needs    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Elevate heels using ankle foot orthotic    NAME: Surveillance - Toilet patient per schedule and request    
NAME: Education - Educate on treatment options, medications, and measures to decrease risk of reoccurence of the abnormal cardiac rythms    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Maintain clean and dry skin    NAME: Education - Educate on when to notify nurse (first sign of any problems breathing, chest pain, intractable fatigue)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Apply fecal collector (especially if skin breakdown)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Apply protective barrier ointment    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Offer urinal at scheduled intervals (especially for bed-bound patient)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Offer bedpan at scheduled intervals (especially for bed-bound patient)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Encourage activity as tolerated    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Perform ROM exercises when turning and repositioning    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Limit sitting out of bed to < 2 hours at a time    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Establish toileting schedule    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Instruct to request assistance as needed for toileting    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Encourage small, frequent position changes    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use wheelchair cushion while in wheelchair    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Encourage eating and assist with meals    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Monitor food and fluid intake    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Offer liquids Q2H when turning patient    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide tray set up and other assistance as needed    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide and encourage oral care as needed    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use a bed trapeze or pull sheet to sit up in bed or turn    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Keep HOB at or below 30 degrees when not eating    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Raise HOB for meals, lowering within 1 hour after eating unless contraindicated    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Raise the knee when elevating HOB    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Apply dressings as ordered    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide wound care as ordered    NAME: Case Management - Consider referral to occupational therapy fortraing re dressing/grooming techniques    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide assiatnce with ambulation as needed    NAME: Education - Importance of good foot care and elements of good foot care    NAME: Education - Observations that should be reported to provider    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Cleanse feet in warm, soapy water and dry carefully, especially between the toes. After drying apply lotion as needed.    NAME: Surveillance - Inspect the skin for irritation, cracking, lesion, corns, calluses, deformities or edema and for proper footwear    NAME: Education - Use music to reduce anxiety    
NAME: Education - Use guided imagery to reduce anxiety    NAME: Education - Encourage meditation to reduce anxiety    NAME: Education - Encourage programmed relaxation including breathing techniques and progressive muscle relaxation training to reduce anxiety    NAME: Education - Encourage physical exercise to reduce anxiety and sensitivity to stress    NAME: Education - Provide opportunity for patient to talk about feelings    NAME: Education - Educate on appropriate methods of expressing anger to others (e.g. assertiveness and use of feelings statements)    NAME: Education - Educate on the use of calming measures (e.g. time outs and deep breathing)    NAME: Education - Instruct visitors and other caregivers about relevant patient safety issues.    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Remove potential weapons from the environment (e.g. sharps and ropelike objects)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Search the environment routinely to maintain it as hazard free    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Search patient and belongings for weapons/potential weapons    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Monitor the safety of items being brought to the environment by visitors    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use external controls (e.g. physical or manual restraint, time outs, and seclusion) as needed to calm patient when expressing anger in a maladaptive manner.    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor the potential for inappropriate aggression and intervene before its expression    NAME: Education - Discuss with patient differing perceptions regarding health issues between health care workers and patients    NAME: Education - Discuss personal and social health responsibilities with the patient    
NAME: Education - Help the patient to explore the benefits of assuming more responsibility    NAME: Education - Encourage exercise to stimulate the release of endorphins    NAME: Education - Encourage family support    NAME: Education - Encourage involvement in a support group such such as Narcotics Anonymous    NAME: Education - Assist patient with identifying negative consequences to health and other life areas    NAME: Education - Assist patient with identifying triggers that cause him or her to use and to develop strategies to avoid these situations by developing new routines and leisure activities    NAME: Education - Assist patient with identifying other means of relieving frustrations and increasing self-esteem    NAME: Education - Assist patient with the use of support systems    
NAME: Education - Assist patient with recognizing that drugs provide a sense of assertiveness, heightened self-esteem, and frustration tolerance    NAME: Education - Assist patient with identifying the level of motivation needed to make a change    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use hip protectors to prevent hip fractures    NAME: Case Management - Refer to Rehabilitation Therapy for further evaluation    NAME: Case Management - Implement any recommendations of Rehabilitation Therapy    NAME: Case Management - Refer to Nursing Restorative Therapy for further evaluation    NAME: Education - Provide patient/family/support member education, tubing as tripping hazard, effects of IV Medications    NAME: Surveillance - Complete surveillance rounds every 15 minutes    
NAME: Surveillance - Complete surveillance rounds every 30 minutes    NAME: Surveillance - Complete surveillance rounds every one hour    NAME: Surveillance - Complete surveillance rounds every two hours    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Remain with patient during toileting    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide bedside toileting devices(e.g. urinal, bedside commode)    NAME: Surveillance - Make certain ambulatory devices are in good repair    NAME: Surveillance - Assess patient's proper use of devices and educate regarding safe use    NAME: Case Management - Refer to Rehabilitation Therapy to assess for proper device    
NAME: Surveillance - Determine if patient is safe to have access to his/her ambulatory aide at all times    NAME: Education - Re-educate/reminders regarding safety    NAME: Surveillance - Move closer to Nurses' Station    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide clocks and calendars    NAME: Surveillance - Use a wandering monitoring device    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Arrange for diversional activities    NAME: Surveillance - Observe every one hour    NAME: Education - Reinforce need for assisted/supervised transfers    
NAME: Surveillance - Evaluate for orthostasis    NAME: Education - Causes and prevention of pressure ulcers    NAME: Education - Treatment plan for pressure ulcers    NAME: Education - Importance of changing position frequently for pressure ulcer prevention    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Dynamic alternating pressure    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Dynamic fluidized therapy    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Dynamic low air loss    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Dynamic percussion    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Static air bladder    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Static combination    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Static gel    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Static water    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Turn and reposition every 2 hours while in bed, using pillows to separate pressure areas    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Elevate heels using foam/air heel elevator    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Elevate heels using heel pillow    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Apply elbow pads    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use condom catheter    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Offer ordered supplements    NAME: Education - Rationale for use of restraints    NAME: Education - Desired behavior necessary for release of restraint(s)    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Address hygiene/elimination needs every 2 hours while awake    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Offer food/fluid every 2 hours while awake    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Assess patient comfort every 2 hours while awake    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Provide range of motion or exercize every 2 hours while awake    
NAME: Surveillance - Assess skin condition/circulation every 2 hours    NAME: Surveillance - Perform safety checks every 15 minutes    NAME: Surveillance - Perform safety checks every 30 minutes    NAME: Surveillance - Perform safety checks every hour    NAME: Surveillance - 1:1 monitoring    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor vital signs as appropriate    NAME: Surveillance - Assess skin condition/circulation every 15 minutes    NAME: Surveillance - Assess skin condition/circulation every 30 minutes    
NAME: Surveillance - Assess skin condition/circulation every hour    NAME: Surveillance - Assess readiness for removing restraints every 2 hours    NAME: Surveillance - Assess psychological well being every 2 hours    NAME: Surveillance - Provide ongoing assessment for appropriateness of trial out of seclusion    NAME: Other 1    NAME: Other 2    NAME: Other Outcome 1    NAME: Other Outcome 2    
NAME: Education - Educate on techniques for prevention of diarrheal illnesses using hygiene principles and safe food handling practices and dietary recommendations    NAME: Education - Educate on etiology, bowel mangement procedures and expected outcomese    NAME: Education - Educate on methods for reducing mental stress such as guided imagery and relaxation    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Utilize non pharmacologic approaches of patient's choice to help decrease pain e.g. music, humor, relaxation/medication techniques, massage, heat, cold, etc.    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor for noverbal signs of discomfort in patients unable to report pain or use a pain rating scale for any reason    NAME: Education - Provide information about what community resources and outreach programs are available    NAME: Education - Educate on smoking cessation strategies    NAME: Education - Instruct patient to immediately report any problems that arise with breathing    
NAME: Education - Educate on roles/rationale for medications    NAME: Education - Determine readiness to learn about smoking cessation    NAME: Education - Provide clear consistent advice to quit smoking    NAME: Education - Educate regarding dangers linking oxygen and smoking to fire potential    NAME: Education - Support nicotine replacement therapy if ordered    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Air    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Air fluidized    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Alternating pressure    
NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Cell/bladder    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Closed cell foam    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Elastic foam    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Elastomer    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Use specialty bed - Gel    NAME: Education - Educate on medication management: how to administer insulin(when appropriate) and potential mediation interaction    NAME: Surveillance - Assess for anxiety and depression and family/social support systems    NAME: Education - Attempt reduction or removal of restraint    
NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Speak to the patient calmly and with respect    NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Offer the patient food or drink    NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Listen to the patient's concerns and try to understand them    NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Ask what is bothering the patient or making him/her agitated    NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Direct the patient's attention away from what is causing him/her stress    NAME: Surveillance - Check restraints every 30 minutes, release every two hours for 10 minutes and document    NAME: Education - Explain why a feeding tube is used and when it will be removed    NAME: Education - Explain why an IV tube is used and when it will be removed    
NAME: Education - Explain behavior needed for removal of restraints    NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Put patient in a time-out. Unlocked room for 30 minutes or less.    NAME: Treatments/Procedures - The caregiver who ordered the restraints will examine the patient    NAME: Surveillance - Patient alert and oriented to person, place, and time    NAME: Surveillance - Patient no longer combative    NAME: Surveillance - Patient able to consistently comply with medical treatment    NAME: Surveillance - Patient no longer pulling at tubes/dressings/medical devices    NAME: Surveillance - Patient no longer sedated    
NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Ask patient with dementia what his/her needs are, such as food or drink    NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Provide a calm environment to help prevent agitation in patients with dementia    NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Lower noise levels    NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Provide music or massage    NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Allow patients to keep familiar items such as photos of loved ones    NAME: Surveillance - Monitor physical and emotional well being of the patient    NAME: Surveillance - Patient's rights, dignity, and safety are maintained    NAME: Surveillance - Determine when less restrictive methods are possible    
NAME: Surveillance - Check that restraint has been appropriately applied, removed, or reapplied    NAME: Treatments/Procedures - Provide adequate fluid intake and nourishment    NAME: Treatments/procedures - Establish a plan for the treatment of hyperglycemia    NAME: Education Other 1 GI Nausea - oncology patients (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 2 GI Nausea - oncology patients (Actual/potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GI Nausea - oncology patients (Actual/potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GI Nausea - oncology patients (Actual/potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GI Nausea - oncology patients (Actual/potential)    
NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GI Nausea - oncology patients (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GI Nausea - oncology patients (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GI Nausea - oncology patients (Actual/potential)    NAME: Other GI Nausea - oncology patients (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 1 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Potential)    NAME: Education Other 2 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Potential)    
NAME: Surveillance Other 1 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Potential)    NAME: Other CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Potential)    NAME: Education Other 1 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Actual)    
NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Actual)    NAME: Other CV Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 CV Congestive Heart Failure (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 CV Congestive Heart Failure (Actual)    
NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 CV Congestive Heart Failure (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 CV Congestive Heart Failure (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 CV Congestive Heart Failure (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 CV Congestive Heart Failure (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 CV Congestive Heart Failure (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 CV Congestive Heart Failure (Actual)    NAME: Other CV Congestive Heart Failure (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 CV Acute Coronary Syndrome (Acute MI) (Actual)    
NAME: Education Other 2 CV Acute Coronary Syndrome (Acute MI) (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 CV Acute Coronary Syndrome (Acute MI) (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 CV Acute Coronary Syndrome (Acute MI) (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 CV Acute Coronary Syndrome (Acute MI) (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 CV Acute Coronary Syndrome (Acute MI) (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 CV Acute Coronary Syndrome (Acute MI) (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 CV Acute Coronary Syndrome (Acute MI) (Actual)    NAME: Other CV Acute Coronary Syndrome (Acute MI) (Actual)    
NAME: Education Other 1 CV Abnormal Cardiac Rhythms (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Education Other 2 CV Abnormal Cardiac Rhythms (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 CV Abnormal Cardiac Rhythms (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 CV Abnormal Cardiac Rhythms (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 CV Abnormal Cardiac Rhythms (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 CV Abnormal Cardiac Rhythms (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 CV Abnormal Cardiac Rhythms (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 CV Abnormal Cardiac Rhythms (Actual/Potential)    
NAME: Other CV Abnormal Cardiac Rhythms (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Education Other 1 CV Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 CV Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 CV Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 CV Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 CV Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 CV Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 CV Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) (Actual)    
NAME: Case Management Other 2 CV Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) (Actual)    NAME: Other CV Peripheral Vascular Disease (PVD) (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 CV Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)    NAME: Education Other 2 CV Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 CV Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 CV Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 CV Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 CV Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)    
NAME: Case Management Other 1 CV Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 CV Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)    NAME: Other CV Chronic Venous Insufficiency (CVI)    NAME: Education Other 1 EDUC Hearing deficit (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 EDUC Hearing deficit (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 EDUC Hearing deficit (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 EDUC Hearing deficit (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 EDUC Hearing deficit (Actual)    
NAME: Surveillance Other 2 EDUC Hearing deficit (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 EDUC Hearing deficit (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 EDUC Hearing deficit (Actual)    NAME: Other EDUC Hearing deficit (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 EDUC Visual deficit (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 EDUC Visual deficit (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 EDUC Visual deficit (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 EDUC Visual deficit (Actual)    
NAME: Surveillance Other 1 EDUC Visual deficit (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 EDUC Visual deficit (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 EDUC Visual deficit (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 EDUC Visual deficit (Actual)    NAME: Other EDUC Visual deficit (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 EDUC Speech deficit (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 EDUC Speech deficit (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 EDUC Speech deficit (Actual)    
NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 EDUC Speech deficit (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 EDUC Speech deficit (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 EDUC Speech deficit (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 EDUC Speech deficit (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 EDUC Speech deficit (Actual)    NAME: Other EDUC Speech deficit (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 EDUC Cognitive impairment (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 EDUC Cognitive impairment (Actual)    
NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 EDUC Cognitive impairment (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 EDUC Cognitive impairment (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 EDUC Cognitive impairment (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 EDUC Cognitive impairment (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 EDUC Cognitive impairment (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 EDUC Cognitive impairment (Actual)    NAME: Other EDUC Cognitive impairment (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - bathing and hygiene    
NAME: Education Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - bathing and hygiene    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - bathing and hygiene    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - bathing and hygiene    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - bathing and hygiene    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - bathing and hygiene    NAME: Case Management Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - bathing and hygiene    NAME: Case Management Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - bathing and hygiene    NAME: Other FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - bathing and hygiene    
NAME: Education Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - dressing assistance    NAME: Education Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - dressing assistance    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - dressing assistance    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - dressing assistance    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - dressing assistance    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - dressing assistance    NAME: Case Management Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - dressing assistance    NAME: Case Management Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - dressing assistance    
NAME: Other FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - dressing assistance    NAME: Education Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - eating assistance    NAME: Education Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - eating assistance    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - eating assistance    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - eating assistance    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - eating assistance    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - eating assistance    NAME: Case Management Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - eating assistance    
NAME: Case Management Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - eating assistance    NAME: Other FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - eating assistance    NAME: Education Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - ambulation    NAME: Education Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - ambulation    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - ambulation    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - ambulation    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - ambulation    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - ambulation    
NAME: Case Management Other 1 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - ambulation    NAME: Case Management Other 2 FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - ambulation    NAME: Other FUNC Assistance with activities of daily living - ambulation    NAME: Education Other 1 GI Bowel training (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 GI Bowel training (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GI Bowel training (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GI Bowel training (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GI Bowel training (Actual)    
NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GI Bowel training (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GI Bowel training (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GI Bowel training (Actual)    NAME: Other GI Bowel training (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 GI Constipation (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 2 GI Constipation (Actual/potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GI Constipation (Actual/potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GI Constipation (Actual/potential)    
NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GI Constipation (Actual/potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GI Constipation (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GI Constipation (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GI Constipation (Actual/potential)    NAME: Other GI Constipation (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 1 GI Diarrhea (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 2 GI Diarrhea (Actual/potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GI Diarrhea (Actual/potential)    
NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GI Diarrhea (Actual/potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GI Diarrhea (Actual/potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GI Diarrhea (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GI Diarrhea (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GI Diarrhea (Actual/potential)    NAME: Other GI Diarrhea (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 1 GI Bowel incontinence (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 2 GI Bowel incontinence (Actual/potential)    
NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GI Bowel incontinence (Actual/potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GI Bowel incontinence (Actual/potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GI Bowel incontinence (Actual/potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GI Bowel incontinence (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GI Bowel incontinence (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GI Bowel incontinence (Actual/potential)    NAME: Other GI Bowel incontinence (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 1 GI Aspiration risk (Potential)    
NAME: Education Other 2 GI Aspiration risk (Potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GI Aspiration risk (Potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GI Aspiration risk (Potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GI Aspiration risk (Potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GI Aspiration risk (Potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GI Aspiration risk (Potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GI Aspiration risk (Potential)    NAME: Other GI Aspiration risk (Potential)    
NAME: Education Other 1 GI Nausea and vomiting - post operative (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 2 GI Nausea and vomiting - post operative (Actual/potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GI Nausea and vomiting - post operative (Actual/potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GI Nausea and vomiting - post operative (Actual/potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GI Nausea and vomiting - post operative (Actual/potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GI Nausea and vomiting - post operative (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GI Nausea and vomiting - post operative (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GI Nausea and vomiting - post operative (Actual/potential)    
NAME: Other GI Nausea and vomiting - post operative (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 1 GI Inadequate nutrition (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Education Other 2 GI Inadequate nutrition (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GI Inadequate nutrition (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GI Inadequate nutrition (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GI Inadequate nutrition (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GI Inadequate nutrition (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GI Inadequate nutrition (Actual/Potential)    
NAME: Case Management Other 2 GI Inadequate nutrition (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Other GI Inadequate nutrition (Actual/Potential)    NAME: Education Other 1 GI Tube feedings - GI feeding tube (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 GI Tube feedings - GI feeding tube (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GI Tube feedings - GI feeding tube (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GI Tube feedings - GI feeding tube (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GI Tube feedings - GI feeding tube (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GI Tube feedings - GI feeding tube (Actual)    
NAME: Case Management Other 1 GI Tube feedings - GI feeding tube (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GI Tube feedings - GI feeding tube (Actual)    NAME: Other GI Tube feedings - GI feeding tube (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 GI Tube feedings - Gastrostomy tube (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 GI Tube feedings - Gastrostomy tube (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GI Tube feedings - Gastrostomy tube (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GI Tube feedings - Gastrostomy tube (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GI Tube feedings - Gastrostomy tube (Actual)    
NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GI Tube feedings - Gastrostomy tube (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GI Tube feedings - Gastrostomy tube (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GI Tube feedings - Gastrostomy tube (Actual)    NAME: Other GI Tube feedings - Gastrostomy tube (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 GI Fluid management (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 2 GI Fluid management (Actual/potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GI Fluid management (Actual/potential)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GI Fluid management (Actual/potential)    
NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GI Fluid management (Actual/potential)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GI Fluid management (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GI Fluid management (Actual/potential)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GI Fluid management (Actual/potential)    NAME: Other GI Fluid management (Actual/potential)    NAME: Education Other 1 GU Urinary catheter care (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 GU Urinary catheter care (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GU Urinary catheter care (Actual)    
NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GU Urinary catheter care (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GU Urinary catheter care (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GU Urinary catheter care (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GU Urinary catheter care (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GU Urinary catheter care (Actual)    NAME: Other GU Urinary catheter care (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 IV Blood/blood products administration (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 IV Blood/blood products administration (Actual)    
NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 IV Blood/blood products administration (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 IV Blood/blood products administration (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 IV Blood/blood products administration (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 IV Blood/blood products administration (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 IV Blood/blood products administration (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 IV Blood/blood products administration (Actual)    NAME: Other IV Blood/blood products administration (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 IV Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (Actual)    
NAME: Education Other 2 IV Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 IV Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 IV Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 IV Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 IV Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 IV Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 IV Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (Actual)    NAME: Other IV Total parenteral nutrition (TPN) (Actual)    
NAME: Education Other 1 IV Venous access devices (VAD) (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 IV Venous access devices (VAD) (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 IV Venous access devices (VAD) (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 IV Venous access devices (VAD) (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 IV Venous access devices (VAD) (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 IV Venous access devices (VAD) (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 IV Venous access devices (VAD) (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 IV Venous access devices (VAD) (Actual)    
NAME: Other IV Venous access devices (VAD) (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 IV Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)(Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 IV Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)(Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 IV Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)(Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 IV Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)(Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 IV Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)(Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 IV Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)(Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 IV Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)(Actual)    
NAME: Case Management Other 2 IV Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)(Actual)    NAME: Other IV Peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC)(Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 IV Dialysis Catheters (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 IV Dialysis Catheters (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 IV Dialysis Catheters (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 IV Dialysis Catheters (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 IV Dialysis Catheters (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 IV Dialysis Catheters (Actual)    
NAME: Case Management Other 1 IV Dialysis Catheters (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 IV Dialysis Catheters (Actual)    NAME: Other IV Dialysis Catheters (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 GU Diabetes - newly diagnosed (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 GU Diabetes - newly diagnosed (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GU Diabetes - newly diagnosed (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GU Diabetes - newly diagnosed (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GU Diabetes - newly diagnosed (Actual)    
NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GU Diabetes - newly diagnosed (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GU Diabetes - newly diagnosed (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GU Diabetes - newly diagnosed (Actual)    NAME: Other GU Diabetes - newly diagnosed (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 GU Diabetes - chronic (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 GU Diabetes - chronic (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GU Diabetes - chronic (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 2 GU Diabetes - chronic (Actual)    
NAME: Surveillance Other 1 GU Diabetes - chronic (Actual)    NAME: Surveillance Other 2 GU Diabetes - chronic (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 1 GU Diabetes - chronic (Actual)    NAME: Case Management Other 2 GU Diabetes - chronic (Actual)    NAME: Other GU Diabetes - chronic (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 1 GU Hemodialysis (Actual)    NAME: Education Other 2 GU Hemodialysis (Actual)    NAME: Treatments/Procedures Other 1 GU Hemodialysis (Actual)    
For the entire list of entries see: Here

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^NUPA(1927.24 - [#1927.24] .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K)

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
>> DA .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K)
X .01+1!, .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K), 2+1!
Info |  Desc |  Directly Accessed By Routines |  Pointed To By FileMan Files |  Pointer To FileMan Files |  Fields |  Found Entries |  Global Variables Directly Accessed |  Local Variables  | All