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Info Desc Directly Accessed By Routines Accessed By FileMan Db Calls Pointer To FileMan Files Fields ICR External References Global Variables Directly Accessed Local Variables
This file is used to record PTF records as they are released by MIS and their subsequent transmission to Austin. We don't recommend re-indexing of this file.
TRANSMISSION DATE (1). Access: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman
DATE TRANSMITTED (1). Access: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman
This is the main global node for the PTF RELEASE file.This is the PTF RECORD sub-file global node for the PTFRELEASE file.The 'C' cross reference is used to look up the PTFrecords associated with the PTF Release (#45.83) file.The 'C' cross referenceis a whole file cross reference on the Record (#.01) field in the PTF Record(#10) subfile in the PTF Release (#45.83) file.