This file contains the various card types which are printed on embossers. The parameters of each card, i.e., what prints where, are defined in this file for each card type. This file has a .001 field and is, therefore, IEN dependent. It should not be altered at the site level. The DGQE* routines depend on the entries in the file to remain stable.
DESCRIPTION: This field is used to assign the default embosser device to be associated with each card type (Service Connected, Non-Service Connected, Non-Veteran, Free Text, etc.). Each card type may be associated with a different
embosser device. Default devices are assigned at each site by the computer site manager. If a default device is not entered here, the user will be prompted for a device.
This field points to the EMBOSSER EQUIPMENT file (#39.3). Therefore, the device selected here must match an entry in that file.
DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine whether or not data cards should be printed immediately or put into 'Hold' status, or if the user should be prompted for the correct action. This field can be set up with a different action
for each card type (Service Connected, Non-Service Connected, Non-Veteran, Free Text, etc.)..
The computer site manager should set this field to YES to automatically place the cards in 'Hold' status, to NO to automatically 'Print' the cards immediately, or to ASK to ask the user to 'Print' or 'Hold'. If this field
INPUT TRANSFORM: K:+X'=X!(X>8)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
DESCRIPTION: This field is used to assign the number of duplicate cards to be embossed for each card type (Service Connected, Non-Service Connected, Non-Veteran, Free Text, etc.). Each card type may be assigned a different default
number of cards. The default number of cards must be a number between one and eight.
This field should contain the name and code number associated with this data card type. ('1' for NON SERVICE CONNECTED, '2' for 'SERVICE CONNECTED, '3' fNON-VETERAN, or '9' for FREE TEXT, '10' for WRISTBAND.)
DESCRIPTION: This field is used to determine if users who request data cards who are not in the DGEMBOSSER mail group should receive embosser error messages. If this field is set to YES, then a user who requests a card that does not
get embossed due to an error will receive an error message. If this field is set to NO, only members of the DGEMBOSSER mail group will receive the message.