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This file keeps track of when an eII file is extracted (Creation time), Date/time that the extracted file message was sent, with message ID and Austin ID and AITC Confirmation Number. In addition, the Activity Log sub-file keeps track of the history of these file transfers.
DESCRIPTION: Type of Extract file. Depending on your site requirements, you may want to define one or more of the following Extract types:
NOINSUR - (HMS No Insurance Data Extract) Pulls patients with no insurance info on file.
ENHNOIN - (HMS Enhanced No Insurance Data Extract) Pulls patients with only Medicare insurance on file and no commercial insurance.
NORXINS - (HMS No Prescription Insurance Extract) Pulls patients with active insurance that is not "Prescription Only" and identifies Prescription Only insurance in the monthly insurance matching process.
NONVERINS - (HMS Non-Verified Insurance Data Extract) Pulls patients treated within a user-specified date range WITH insurance information and where the insurance information has NOT been re-verified in the last six months
(or other specified period). This file is also known as the reverification file.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the date/time the extract file was processed.
DESCRIPTION: This is the date/time the eII software first noticed the existence of the extract file for the given file type. After noticing this, the eII software reads the file, wraps it into message(s), and sends it to the associated
The Activity Log keeps track of the top level fields past history. It is mainly used for trouble shooting. Only 6 months (180 days) worth of data is kept in this sub-file in order to keep the file small.