Records for each appointment type with indicators for IGNORE MEANS TEST, PRINT ON INSURANCE REPORT, and DISPLAY ON INPUT SCREEN. Also contains effective date of determination. Accessed by extrinsic function ^IBEFUNC. Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this file definition should not be modified.
DESCRIPTION: Every Appointment type has certain billing characteristics that may change over time. For example, an appointment type may not be billable for Category C Means Test billing one year but may the next depending on
It is only necessary to add a new effective date for an appointment type if the characteristics need to be time sensitive.
1)= I $P(^IBE(352.1,DA,0),U,2) S ^IBE(352.1,"AIVDT",$P(^(0),U,2),-X,DA)=""
2)= I $P(^IBE(352.1,DA,0),U,2) K ^IBE(352.1,"AIVDT",$P(^(0),U,2),-X,DA)
Used to find most recent entry for an appointment type.
Set this field to 'YES' if you would like this appointment type to be displayed as a potential billable visit on the outpatient visit screen when creating a third party bill.