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Global: ^LEX(757.13

Package: Lexicon Utility

Global: ^LEX(757.13


FileMan FileNo FileMan Filename Package
757.13 SOURCE CATEGORY Lexicon Utility


Directly Accessed By Routines, Total: 6

Package Total Routines
Lexicon Utility 6 ^LEX(757.13    LEX2073B    LEXA    LEXAL    LEXLK2    LINKAGES    

Pointed To By FileMan Files, Total: 2

Package Total FileMan Files
Lexicon Utility 2 EXPRESSIONS(#757.01)[15]    SOURCE CATEGORY(#757.13)[24]    

Pointer To FileMan Files, Total: 2

Package Total FileMan Files
Lexicon Utility 2 SOURCE CATEGORY(#757.13)[24]    SOURCE(#757.14)[8]    

Fields, Total: 10

Field # Name Loc Type Details
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>64!($L(X)<3)!'(X'?1P.E) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 29, 1997
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-64 characters in length.
    Name of a terminology category specified by a source vocabulary (i.e., VA Drug Class as specified by NDF or Diagnostic class as specified by ICD).
  • CROSS-REFERENCE:  757.13^B
    1)= S ^LEX(757.13,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^LEX(757.13,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
    ^LEX(757.13,"B",$E(CAT,1,30),IEN) - Where CAT is a free text description of the term category and IEN is the Internal Entry Number in the Source Category file #757.13 where the Category is located.
    1)= S ^LEX(757.13,"C",$E($$UP^XLFSTR(X),1,64),DA)=""
    2)= K ^LEX(757.13,"C",$E($$UP^XLFSTR(X),1,64),DA)
    ^LEX(757.13,"C",UN,IEN) - Where UN is a 64 character uppercase of the term category and IEN is the Internal Entry Number in the Source Category file #757.13 where the category is located.
    1)= S %1=1 F %=1:1:$L(X)+1 S I=$E(X,%) I "(,.?! '-/&:;)"[I S I=$E($E(X,%1,%-1),1,30),%1=%+1 I $L(I) S ^LEX(757.13,"D",$$UP^XLFSTR(I),DA)=""
    2)= S %1=1 F %=1:1:$L(X)+1 S I=$E(X,%) I "(,.?! '-/&:;)"[I S I=$E($E(X,%1,%-1),1,30),%1=%+1 I $L(I) K ^LEX(757.13,"D",$$UP^XLFSTR(I),DA)
    ^LEX(757.13,"D",WORD,IEN) - Where WORD is a single parsed word taken from the Category Name and IEN is the Internal Entry Number in the Source Category file #757.13 where the word is located.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 29, 1997
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 1-20 characters in length.
    A single code (i.e., NDF code AH200 for Antihistamines, Ethanolamine) or a range of codes (i.e., ICD range of codes 001-009 for Intestinal Infectious Diseases) assigned to the terminology category by the source vocabulary.
    1)= S ^LEX(757.13,"ACID",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^LEX(757.13,"ACID",$E(X,1,30),DA)
    ^LEX(757.13,"ACID",ID,IEN) - Where ID is the category identifier and IEN is the internal entry number in the Source Category file #757.13 where the identifier is located.

  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 29, 1997
    This is the internal entry number in the Source Category file #757.13 where the parent category is located.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 29, 1997
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 1-20 characters in length.
    If a source category has a parent, then the parent category identifier will be included. It is a code or a range of codes assigned to the parent category by the source vocabulary.
    1)= S ^LEX(757.13,"APID",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^LEX(757.13,"APID",$E(X,1,30),DA)
    ^LEX(757.13,"APID",ID,IEN) - Where ID is the parent category identifier and IEN is the internal entry number in the Source Category file #757.13 where the identifier is located.
    1)= S:$L($P($G(^LEX(757.13,DA,0)),"^",2)) ^LEX(757.13,"APC",X,$P($G(^LEX(757.13,DA,0)),"^",2),DA)=""
    2)= K:$L($P($G(^LEX(757.13,DA,0)),"^",2)) ^LEX(757.13,"APC",X,$P($G(^LEX(757.13,DA,0)),"^",2),DA)
    ^LEX(757.13,"APC",PAR,CHD,IEN) - Where PAR is the parent identifier, CHD is the child identifier and IEN is the internal entry number in the Source Category file #757.13 where this parent-child relationship exist.
    1)= S:$L($P($G(^LEX(757.13,DA,0)),"^",2)) ^LEX(757.13,"ACP",$P($G(^LEX(757.13,DA,0)),"^",2),X,DA)=""
    2)= K:$L($P($G(^LEX(757.13,DA,0)),"^",2)) ^LEX(757.13,"ACP",$P($G(^LEX(757.13,DA,0)),"^",2),X,DA)
    ^LEX(757.13,"ACP",CHD,PAR,IEN) - Where CHD is the child identifier and PAR is the parent identifier and IEN is the internal entry number in the Source Category file #757.13 where this child-parent relationship exist.

  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 29, 1997
    This is the internal entry number (IEN) in the Source Category file #757.13 where the ancestral category is located. Ancestral categories are characterized as a category without a parent.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>20!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 29, 1997
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 1-20 characters in length.
    This is the identifier of the ancestral category and consist of a code or a range of codes assigned by the source vocabulary.
    1)= S ^LEX(757.13,"AAID",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^LEX(757.13,"AAID",$E(X,1,30),DA)
    ^LEX(757.13,"AAID",ID,IEN) - Where ID is the identifier of the ancestral category and IEN is the internal entry number in the Source Category file #757.13 where the identifier is located.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>64!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUN 26, 1997
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 1-64 characters in length.
    This is a listing of internal entry numbers starting with the ancestral category to the named category (.01 field). The internal entry numbers are delimited by the tilde (~) character. ~<...>~<...>~~

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>64!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUN 26, 1997
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 1-64 characters in length.
    This is a listing of internal entry numbers starting with the named category (.01 field) to the ancestral category. The internal entry numbers are delimited by the tilde (~) character. ~~<...>~<...>~

  • LAST EDITED:  JUL 01, 1997
  • DESCRIPTION:  This is a pointer to the Source file #757.14 containing the common and acceptable name for the source of the category (i.e., NDF VA Drug Class, ICD Three Digit Classification, etc), and the source file or document
    containing the category.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>64!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  JUN 26, 1997
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 1-64 characters in length.
    This is the name of the system (i.e., cardiovascular, pulmonary, etc) or group (pharmacy, etc) which is MOST frequently associated with the source category.

Found Entries, Total: 497

CATEGORY NAME: Introduction    CATEGORY NAME: Antidotes, Deterrents and Poison Control    CATEGORY NAME: Alcohol Deterrents    CATEGORY NAME: Cyanide Antidotes    CATEGORY NAME: Heavy Metal Antagonists    CATEGORY NAME: Exchange Resins    CATEGORY NAME: Antidotes/Deterrents (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamines    
CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamines, Phenothiazine    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamines, Ethanolamine    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamines, Ethylenediamine    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamines, Alkylamine    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamines, Piperazine    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamines, Butyrophenone    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamines, Piperidine    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamines (other)    
CATEGORY NAME: Antimicrobials    CATEGORY NAME: Penicillins    CATEGORY NAME: Penicillin-G Related Penicillins    CATEGORY NAME: Penicillins, Amino Derivatives    CATEGORY NAME: Penicillinase-Resistant Penicillins    CATEGORY NAME: Extended Spectrum Penicillins    CATEGORY NAME: Cephalosporins    CATEGORY NAME: Cephalosporin 1st Generation    
CATEGORY NAME: Cephalosporin 2nd Generation    CATEGORY NAME: Cephalosporin 3rd Generation    CATEGORY NAME: Beta-Lactams    CATEGORY NAME: Chloramphenicol    CATEGORY NAME: Erythromycins/Macrolides    CATEGORY NAME: Tetracyclines    CATEGORY NAME: Aminoglycosides    CATEGORY NAME: Lincomycins    
CATEGORY NAME: Antituberculars    CATEGORY NAME: Methenamine Salts    CATEGORY NAME: Nitrofurans    CATEGORY NAME: Sulfonamide/Related Antimicrobials    CATEGORY NAME: Antifungals    CATEGORY NAME: Antivirals    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Infectives (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Antineoplastics    
CATEGORY NAME: Alkylating Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Antineoplastic Antibiotics    CATEGORY NAME: Antimetabolites    CATEGORY NAME: Antineoplastic Adjuvants    CATEGORY NAME: Antineoplastic Hormones    CATEGORY NAME: Antineoplastic Radiopharmaceuticals    CATEGORY NAME: Protective Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Antineoplastics (other)    
CATEGORY NAME: Antiparasitics    CATEGORY NAME: Antiprotozoals    CATEGORY NAME: Antimalarials    CATEGORY NAME: Antiprotozoals (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Anthelmintics    CATEGORY NAME: Pediculicides    CATEGORY NAME: Antiparasitics (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Antiseptics/Disinfectants    
CATEGORY NAME: Autonomic Medications    CATEGORY NAME: Sympathomimetics (Adrenergics)    CATEGORY NAME: Sympatholytics    CATEGORY NAME: Parasympathomimetics (Cholinergics)    CATEGORY NAME: Parasympatholytics    CATEGORY NAME: Autonomic Agents (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Blood Products/Modifiers/Volume Expanders    CATEGORY NAME: Anticoagulants    
CATEGORY NAME: Heparin Antagonists    CATEGORY NAME: Antihemorrhagics    CATEGORY NAME: Blood Formation Products    CATEGORY NAME: Blood Derivatives    CATEGORY NAME: Thrombolytics    CATEGORY NAME: Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors    CATEGORY NAME: Volume Expanders    CATEGORY NAME: Blood Products (other)    
CATEGORY NAME: Central Nervous System Medications    CATEGORY NAME: Analgesics    CATEGORY NAME: Opioid Analgesics    CATEGORY NAME: Opioid Antagonist    CATEGORY NAME: Non-Opioid Analgesics    CATEGORY NAME: Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatories    CATEGORY NAME: Antimigraine Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Anesthetics    
CATEGORY NAME: Anesthetics, Inhalation    CATEGORY NAME: Barbituric Acid Derivative Anesthetics    CATEGORY NAME: General Anesthetics (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Local Anesthetics, Injection    CATEGORY NAME: Anesthetic Adjuncts    CATEGORY NAME: Sedatives/Hypontics    CATEGORY NAME: Barbituric Acid Derivative Sedatives/Hypnotics    CATEGORY NAME: Benzodiazepine Derivative Sedatives/Hypnotics    
CATEGORY NAME: Sedatives/Hypnotics (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Anticonvulsants    CATEGORY NAME: Antiparkinson Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Antivertigo Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Antidepressants    CATEGORY NAME: Tricyclic Antidepressants    CATEGORY NAME: Monamine Oxidase Inhibitors    CATEGORY NAME: Antidepressants (other)    
CATEGORY NAME: Antipsychotics    CATEGORY NAME: Phenothiazine/Related Antipsychotics    CATEGORY NAME: Antipsychotics (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Lithium Salts    CATEGORY NAME: CNS Stimulants    CATEGORY NAME: Amphetamines    CATEGORY NAME: Amphetamine-like Stimulants    CATEGORY NAME: CNS Stimulants (other)    
CATEGORY NAME: Antipyretics    CATEGORY NAME: CNS Medications (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Cardiovascular Medications    CATEGORY NAME: Digitalis Glycosides    CATEGORY NAME: Beta Blockers/Related Cardiovascular Medications    CATEGORY NAME: Alpha Blockers/Related Cardiovascular Medications    CATEGORY NAME: Calcium Channel Blockers    CATEGORY NAME: Antianginals    
CATEGORY NAME: Antiarrhythmics    CATEGORY NAME: Antilipemic Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Antihypertensive Combinations    CATEGORY NAME: Antihypertensives (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Peripheral Vasodilators    CATEGORY NAME: Sclerosing Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Diuretics    CATEGORY NAME: Thiazides/Related Diuretics    
CATEGORY NAME: Loop Diuretics    CATEGORY NAME: Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors, Diuretic    CATEGORY NAME: Potassium Sparing/Combinations Diuretics    CATEGORY NAME: Diuretics (other)    CATEGORY NAME: ACE Inhibitors    CATEGORY NAME: Angiotensin II Inhibitor    CATEGORY NAME: Cardiovascular Agents (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Dermatological Agents    
CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Infective, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Antibacterial, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Antifungal, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Antiviral, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Infective, Topical (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Inflammatory, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Infective/Anti-Inflammatory Combinations, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Sun Protectants/Screens, Topical    
CATEGORY NAME: Emollients    CATEGORY NAME: Soaps/Shampoos    CATEGORY NAME: Deodorants/Antiperspirants, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Keratolytics/Caustics, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Antineoplastic, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Analgesics, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Local Anesthetics, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Antiacne Agents    
CATEGORY NAME: Antiacne Agents, Systemic    CATEGORY NAME: Antiacne Agents, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Antipsoriatic    CATEGORY NAME: Antipsoriatics, Systemic    CATEGORY NAME: Antipsoriatics, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Dermatologicals, Systemic (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Dermatologicals, Topical other    CATEGORY NAME: Diagnostic Agents    
CATEGORY NAME: Radiological/Contrast Media    CATEGORY NAME: Non-Ionic Contrast Media    CATEGORY NAME: Ionic Contrast Media    CATEGORY NAME: Radiopharmaceuticals, Diagnostic    CATEGORY NAME: Imaging Agents (in vivo) Radiopharmaceuticals    CATEGORY NAME: Non-Imaging Agents Radiopharmaceuticals    CATEGORY NAME: Diagnostic Antigens    CATEGORY NAME: Diagnostics (other)    
CATEGORY NAME: Gastrointestinal Medications    CATEGORY NAME: Antacids    CATEGORY NAME: Aluminum Containing Antacids    CATEGORY NAME: Aluminum/Calcium/Magnesium Containing Antacids    CATEGORY NAME: Aluminum/Magnesium Containing Antacids    CATEGORY NAME: Aluminum/Magnesium/Sodium Bicarbonate Containing Antacids    CATEGORY NAME: Calcium Containing Antacids    CATEGORY NAME: Calcium/Magnesium Containing Antacids    
CATEGORY NAME: Magaldrate Containing Antacids    CATEGORY NAME: Magnesium Containing Antacids    CATEGORY NAME: Magnesium/Sodium Bicarbonate Containing Antacids    CATEGORY NAME: Sodium Bicarbonate Containing Antacids    CATEGORY NAME: Antacids (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Laxatives    CATEGORY NAME: Bulk-Forming Laxatives    CATEGORY NAME: Hyperosmotic Laxatives    
CATEGORY NAME: Lubricant Laxatives    CATEGORY NAME: Stimulant Laxatives    CATEGORY NAME: Stool Softener    CATEGORY NAME: Carbon Dioxide-Releasing Laxatives    CATEGORY NAME: Laxatives (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Antiulcer Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Histamine Antagonists    CATEGORY NAME: Protectants, Ulcer    
CATEGORY NAME: H. Pylori Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Antiulcer Agents (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Antidiarrheal Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Digestants    CATEGORY NAME: Emetics    CATEGORY NAME: Antiemetics    CATEGORY NAME: Appetite Suppressants    CATEGORY NAME: Centrally-Acting Appetite Suppressants    
CATEGORY NAME: Bulking Agent, Appetite Suppressants    CATEGORY NAME: Appetite Suppressants (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Antimuscarinics/Antispasmodics    CATEGORY NAME: Antimuscarinic/Antispasmodic    CATEGORY NAME: Antimuscarinic/Antispasmodic Combinations    CATEGORY NAME: Gastric Medications (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Genitourinary Medications    CATEGORY NAME: Analgesics, Urinary    
CATEGORY NAME: Antispasmodics, Urinary    CATEGORY NAME: Antispasmodic, Urinary    CATEGORY NAME: Antispasmodic, Urinary (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Infectives, Vaginal    CATEGORY NAME: Contraceptives, Vaginal/Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Estrogens, Vaginal    CATEGORY NAME: Oxytocics    CATEGORY NAME: Genito-Urinary Agents (other)    
CATEGORY NAME: Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers    CATEGORY NAME: Adrenal Corticosteriods    CATEGORY NAME: Glucocorticoids    CATEGORY NAME: Mineralocorticoids    CATEGORY NAME: Androgens/Anabolics    CATEGORY NAME: Contraceptives, Systemic    CATEGORY NAME: Estrogens    CATEGORY NAME: Gonadotropins    
CATEGORY NAME: Blood Glucose Regulation Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Insulin    CATEGORY NAME: Oral Hypoglycemic Agents, Oral    CATEGORY NAME: Antihypoglycemics    CATEGORY NAME: Parathyroid    CATEGORY NAME: Pituitary    CATEGORY NAME: Anterior Pituitary    CATEGORY NAME: Posterior Pituitary    
CATEGORY NAME: Progestins    CATEGORY NAME: Thyroid Modifiers    CATEGORY NAME: Thyroid Supplements    CATEGORY NAME: Antithyroid Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Prostaglandins    CATEGORY NAME: Hormones/Synthetics/Modifiers (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Immunological Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Vaccines    
CATEGORY NAME: Toxoids    CATEGORY NAME: Antivenins/Antitoxins    CATEGORY NAME: Immune Serums    CATEGORY NAME: Immunoglobulins    CATEGORY NAME: Immune Suppressants    CATEGORY NAME: Immune Stimulants    CATEGORY NAME: Immunological Agents (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Investigational Agents    
CATEGORY NAME: Irrigation/Dialysis Solutions    CATEGORY NAME: Irrigation Solutions    CATEGORY NAME: Peritoneal Dialysis Solutions    CATEGORY NAME: Hemodialysis Solutions    CATEGORY NAME: Irrigation/Dialysis Solutions (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Musculoskeletal Medications    CATEGORY NAME: Antirheumatics    CATEGORY NAME: Salicylates, Antirheumatic    
CATEGORY NAME: Nonsalicylate NSAIAs, Antirheumatic    CATEGORY NAME: Antimalarials, Antirheumatic    CATEGORY NAME: Penicillamine    CATEGORY NAME: Cytotoxics, Antirheumatic    CATEGORY NAME: Gold Compounds, Antirheumatic    CATEGORY NAME: Antirheumatics (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Skeletal Muscle Relaxants    CATEGORY NAME: Neuromuscular Blocking Agents    
CATEGORY NAME: Antigout Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Musculoskeletal Agents (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Nasal and Throat Agents, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Decongestants, Nasal    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Inflammatories, Nasal    CATEGORY NAME: Anesthetics, Mucosal    CATEGORY NAME: Nasal and Throat, Topical (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Ophthalmic Agents    
CATEGORY NAME: Antiglaucoma Medications    CATEGORY NAME: Beta-Blockers, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Miotics, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Adrenergics, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors, Systemic Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Antiglaucoma Combinations, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Osmotic Agents, Systemic Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Beta-Blockers, Systemic Ophthalmic    
CATEGORY NAME: Antiglaucoma (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Infective, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Antibacterials, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Antifungals, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Antivirals, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Infective, Topical Ophthalmic (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Inflammatories, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Infective/Anti-Inflammatory Combination, Topical Ophthalmic    
CATEGORY NAME: Contact Lens Solutions    CATEGORY NAME: Eye Washes/Lubricants    CATEGORY NAME: Mydriatics/Cycloplegics, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Anesthetics, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Decongestants, Topical Ophthalmic    CATEGORY NAME: Ophthalmics (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Dental and Oral Agents, Topical    CATEGORY NAME: Cariostatics, Topical    
CATEGORY NAME: Dental Protectants    CATEGORY NAME: Dentifrices    CATEGORY NAME: Denture Adhesives    CATEGORY NAME: Mouthwashes    CATEGORY NAME: Dental and Oral Agents, Topical (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Otic Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Infective, Topical Otic    CATEGORY NAME: Antibacterials, Topical Otic    
CATEGORY NAME: Antifungals, Topical Otic    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Infectives, Topical Otic other    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Inflammatories, Topical Otic    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Infective/Anti-Inflammatory Combinations, Topical Otic    CATEGORY NAME: Ceruminolytics    CATEGORY NAME: Analgesics, Topical Otic    CATEGORY NAME: Otic Agents (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Pharmaceutical Aids/Reagents    
CATEGORY NAME: Respiratory Tract Medications    CATEGORY NAME: Antiasthma/Bronchodilators    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Inflammatories, Inhalation    CATEGORY NAME: Bronchodilators, Sympathomimetic, Inhalation    CATEGORY NAME: Bronchodilators, Sympathomimetic, Oral    CATEGORY NAME: Bronchodilators, Xanthine-Derivative    CATEGORY NAME: Bronchodilators, Anticholinergic    CATEGORY NAME: Antiasthma (other)    
CATEGORY NAME: Decongestants, Systemic    CATEGORY NAME: Antitussives/Expectorants    CATEGORY NAME: Opioid-Containing Antitussives/Expectorants    CATEGORY NAME: Non-Opioid-Containing Antitussives/Expectorants    CATEGORY NAME: Mucolytics    CATEGORY NAME: Cold Remedies, Combinations    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamine/Decongestant    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamine/Decongestant/Antitussive    
CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamine/Decongestant/Expectorant    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamine/Decongestant/Antitussive/Expectorant    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamine/Decongestant/Antitussive/Expectorant/Analgesic    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamine/Decongestant/Antitussive/Analgesic    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamine/Antitussive    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamine/Antitussive/Expectorant    CATEGORY NAME: Antihistamine/Antitussive/Analgesic    CATEGORY NAME: Antitussive/Antimuscarinic    
CATEGORY NAME: Antitussive/Bronchodilator    CATEGORY NAME: Decongestant/Antitussive    CATEGORY NAME: Decongestant/Antitussive/Expectorant    CATEGORY NAME: Decongestant/Antitussive/Expectorant/Analgesic    CATEGORY NAME: Decongestant/Antitussive/Analgesic    CATEGORY NAME: Decongestant/Expectorant    CATEGORY NAME: Cold Remedies (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Non-Anesthetic Gases    
CATEGORY NAME: Respiratory Agents (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Rectal, Local    CATEGORY NAME: Anti-Inflammatories, Rectal    CATEGORY NAME: Hemorrhoidal Preparations, Rectal    CATEGORY NAME: Hemorrhoidal Preparations without Steroid    CATEGORY NAME: Hemorrhoidal Preparations with Steroid    CATEGORY NAME: Laxatives, Rectal    CATEGORY NAME: Rectal, Local other    
CATEGORY NAME: Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolytes    CATEGORY NAME: IV Solutions    CATEGORY NAME: IV Solutions without Electrolytes    CATEGORY NAME: IV Solutions with Electrolytes    CATEGORY NAME: Enteral Nutrition    CATEGORY NAME: Lipid Supplements    CATEGORY NAME: Electrolytes/Minerals    CATEGORY NAME: Iron    
CATEGORY NAME: Calcium    CATEGORY NAME: Potassium    CATEGORY NAME: Sodium    CATEGORY NAME: Zinc    CATEGORY NAME: Magnesium    CATEGORY NAME: Fluoride    CATEGORY NAME: Phosphorus    CATEGORY NAME: Bicarbonates    
CATEGORY NAME: Citrates    CATEGORY NAME: Electrolytes/Minerals, Combinations    CATEGORY NAME: Electrolytes/Minerals (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Amino Acids/Proteins    CATEGORY NAME: Amino Acids/Proteins, Parenteral, without added Electrolytes    CATEGORY NAME: Amino Acids/Proteins, Parenteral, with added Electrolytes    CATEGORY NAME: Amino Acids/Proteins, Oral    CATEGORY NAME: Amino Acids/Proteins (other)    
CATEGORY NAME: Therapeutic Nutrients/Minerals/Electrolyes (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamins    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamin A    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamin B    CATEGORY NAME: Cyanocobalamin    CATEGORY NAME: Folic Acid/Leucovorin    CATEGORY NAME: Nicotinic Acid    CATEGORY NAME: Pyridoxine    
CATEGORY NAME: Thiamine    CATEGORY NAME: Riboflavin    CATEGORY NAME: Pantothenic Acid    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamin B (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamin C    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamin D    CATEGORY NAME: Calcifediol    CATEGORY NAME: Calcitriol    
CATEGORY NAME: Dihydrotachysterol    CATEGORY NAME: Ergocalciferol    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamin D (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamin E    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamin K    CATEGORY NAME: Menadiol    CATEGORY NAME: Phytonadione    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamin K (other)    
CATEGORY NAME: Vitamins, Combinations    CATEGORY NAME: Multivitamins    CATEGORY NAME: Multivitamins with Minerals    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamin Combinations (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Vitamins (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Prosthetics/Supplies/Devices    CATEGORY NAME: Bandages/Dressings    CATEGORY NAME: Pads, Gauze, Sterile    
CATEGORY NAME: Pads, Gauze, Non-Sterile    CATEGORY NAME: Pads, Non-Adhering    CATEGORY NAME: Pads, Gauze with Adhesive    CATEGORY NAME: Pads, Gauze with added Medication    CATEGORY NAME: Gauze, Fine Mesh    CATEGORY NAME: Bandage, Film    CATEGORY NAME: Bandage, Elastic    CATEGORY NAME: Bandage, Stretch    
CATEGORY NAME: Foam with Adhesive    CATEGORY NAME: Packing, Gauze, Plain    CATEGORY NAME: Packing, Gauze, Medicated    CATEGORY NAME: Bandages/Dressings (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Tape    CATEGORY NAME: Tape, Paper    CATEGORY NAME: Tape, Cloth    CATEGORY NAME: Tape, Plastic    
CATEGORY NAME: Tape, Foam    CATEGORY NAME: Straps, Montgomery    CATEGORY NAME: Tape, Trach    CATEGORY NAME: Tape (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Pads/Diapers    CATEGORY NAME: Pads, Bed    CATEGORY NAME: Pads, Combination    CATEGORY NAME: Pants, Rubber    
CATEGORY NAME: Liner, Rubber Pants    CATEGORY NAME: Diapers    CATEGORY NAME: Pads, Mattress    CATEGORY NAME: Pads/Diapers (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Colostomy/Ileostomy Collection Devices    CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Drainable with Adhesive, Colostomy/Ileostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Drainable without Adhesive, Colostomy/Ileostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Closed with Adhesive Colostomy/Ileostomy    
CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Closed without Adhesive Colostomy/Ileostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Disposable with Adhesive, Colostomy/Ileostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Disposable without Adhesive, Colostomy/Ileostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Sets, Appliance, Colostomy/Ileostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Colostomy/Ileostomy Collection Devices (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Urostomy/Urinary Collection Devices    CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Bedside Urinary Collection Device    CATEGORY NAME: Bottles/other Bedside Urinary Collection Devices    
CATEGORY NAME: Sets, Appliance, Urostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Drainable with Adhesive, Urostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Drainable without Adhesive, Urostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Closed with Adhesive, Urostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Closed without Adhesive, Urostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Bag, Leg Urinary Collection Device    CATEGORY NAME: Catheter, Foley    CATEGORY NAME: Catheter, Coude-Tip    
CATEGORY NAME: Catheter, Balloon    CATEGORY NAME: Catheter, Red Rubber    CATEGORY NAME: Catheter, External Urinary    CATEGORY NAME: Plug, Catheter    CATEGORY NAME: Kit, Catheter Care    CATEGORY NAME: Set, Irrigation    CATEGORY NAME: Urostomy/Urinary Collection Devices (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Ostomy Supplies    
CATEGORY NAME: Rings, Ostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Discs, Ostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Adhesives, Ostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Protectants, Skin, Ostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Belts, Ostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Odor Control Products, Ostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Irrigators/Sets, Ostomy    CATEGORY NAME: Caps, Ostomy    
CATEGORY NAME: Ostomy Supplies (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Bags/Tubes/Supplies for Oral Nutrition    CATEGORY NAME: Bags, Feeding    CATEGORY NAME: Pumps, Feeding    CATEGORY NAME: Tubes, Feeding    CATEGORY NAME: Bags/Tubes/Supplies for Oral Nutrition (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Intravenous Sets    CATEGORY NAME: Sets, Volumetric, Intravenous    
CATEGORY NAME: Sets, Maxi-Drip, Intravenous    CATEGORY NAME: Sets, Mini-Drip, Intravenous    CATEGORY NAME: Sets, Filter, Intravenous    CATEGORY NAME: Sets, Butterfly, Intravenous    CATEGORY NAME: Intravenous Sets (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Syringes/Needles    CATEGORY NAME: Syringes, Slip Tip, Injection    CATEGORY NAME: Syringes, Luer Lock, Injection    
CATEGORY NAME: Syringes with Needle, Injection    CATEGORY NAME: Syringes, Insulin, Injection    CATEGORY NAME: Caps, Syringe    CATEGORY NAME: Needles, Injection    CATEGORY NAME: Syringes/Needles (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Supplies (other)    CATEGORY NAME: Miscellaneous Agents    CATEGORY NAME: Breast Imaging Reporting and Data Systems    
CATEGORY NAME: MRI    CATEGORY NAME: Ultrasound    CATEGORY NAME: Mammography    CATEGORY NAME: MRI Assessment Categories    CATEGORY NAME: Ultrasound Assessment Categories    CATEGORY NAME: Mammography Assessment Categories    CATEGORY NAME: Quality Standards    CATEGORY NAME: Mammography Assessment Categories    
CATEGORY NAME: Service Connected Diagnosis    

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence
$$UP^XLFSTR .01(XREF 2S), .01(XREF 2K), .01(XREF 3S), .01(XREF 3K)

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^LEX(757.13 - [#757.13] .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K), .01(XREF 2S), .01(XREF 2K), .01(XREF 3S), .01(XREF 3K), 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K), 3(XREF 1S), 3(XREF 1K)
3(XREF 2S), 3(XREF 2K), 3(XREF 3S), 3(XREF 3K), 5(XREF 1S), 5(XREF 1K)

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
>> % .01(XREF 3S), .01(XREF 3K)
>> %1 .01(XREF 3S), .01(XREF 3K)
>> DA .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K), .01(XREF 2S), .01(XREF 2K), .01(XREF 3S), .01(XREF 3K), 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K), 3(XREF 1S), 3(XREF 1K)
3(XREF 2S), 3(XREF 2K), 3(XREF 3S), 3(XREF 3K), 5(XREF 1S), 5(XREF 1K)
>> I .01(XREF 3S), .01(XREF 3K)
X .01+1!, .01(XREF 1S), .01(XREF 1K), .01(XREF 2S), .01(XREF 2K), .01(XREF 3S), .01(XREF 3K), 1+1!, 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K)
, 3+1!, 3(XREF 1S), 3(XREF 1K), 3(XREF 2S), 3(XREF 2K), 3(XREF 3S), 3(XREF 3K), 5+1!, 5(XREF 1S), 5(XREF 1K)
, 6+1!, 7+1!, 9+1!
Info |  Desc |  Directly Accessed By Routines |  Pointed To By FileMan Files |  Pointer To FileMan Files |  Fields |  Found Entries |  External References |  Global Variables Directly Accessed |  Local Variables  | All