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Global: ^LEX(757.01

Package: Lexicon Utility

Global: ^LEX(757.01


FileMan FileNo FileMan Filename Package
757.01 EXPRESSIONS Lexicon Utility


Directly Accessed By Routines, Total: 131

Package Total Routines
Lexicon Utility 118 DESIGNATION CODE    LEX10CS    LEX10CX2    LEX10CX5    LEX10TAX    LEX2073A    LEX2073D    LEX2073E
LEX2073I    LEX2081A    LEX2103P    LEXA    LEXA1    LEXABC    LEXAFIL    LEXAI
LEXXGP3    LEXXMM    ^LEX(757.21    LEX10CS2    LEX10CX    LEX10CX3    LEX10DBC    LEX10DBR
LEX10DBT    LEX10DU    LEX10DX    LEX10PL    LEX2055P    LEX2073B    LEX2073C    LEX2073F
Automated Information Collection System 4 IBDF4    IBDFBK3    IBDFN7    IBDFQSL1    
PCE Patient Care Encounter 4 PXAPI    PXCADXP1    PXCAPL    PXCAPOV    
Problem List 3 GMPLBLDC    GMPLE9    GMPLUTL1    
Enterprise Health Management Platform 1 HMPEF1    

Accessed By FileMan Db Calls, Total: 35

Package Total Routines
Lexicon Utility 26 LEX10CX2    LEX10CX3    LEX10TAX    LEX2047A    LEX2047B    LEX2055P    LEX2073A    LEX2073B
LEX2073C    LEX2073D    LEX2073E    LEX2073F    LEX2073G    LEX2073H    LEX2073I    LEX2073J
PCE Patient Care Encounter 3 PXBPCPT2    PXBPPOV    PXCECPT1    
Problem List 2 GMPLENFM    GMPLX    
Consult Request Tracking 1 GMRCEDT4    
Order Entry Results Reporting 1 ORCDGMRC    
Radiology Nuclear Medicine 1 RAIPS206    
Registration 1 DGPTF5    

Pointed To By FileMan Files, Total: 17

Package Total FileMan Files
Lexicon Utility 5 MAJOR CONCEPT MAP(#757)[.011]    CODES(#757.02)[.01]    REPLACEMENT WORDS(#757.05)[#757.53(.01)]    SUBSETS(#757.21)[.01]    SHORTCUTS(#757.4)[.01]    
Automated Information Collection System 3 FORM DEFINITION(#357.95)[#357.951(2.02)]    SELECTION(#357.3)[2.02]    IMP/EXP SELECTION(#358.3)[2.02]    
Problem List 3 PROBLEM(#9000011)[1.01]    PROBLEM SELECTION CATEGORY(#125.11)[#125.111(.01)]    PROBLEM SELECTION CATEGORY CONTENTS(#125.12)[2]    
PCE Patient Care Encounter 2 V POV(#9000010.07)[.15]    PROVIDER NARRATIVE(#9999999.27)[75701]    
Kernel 1 NEW PERSON(#200)[#200.0351(1)]    
Order Entry Results Reporting 1 ORDER(#100)[#100.051(1)]    
Radiology Nuclear Medicine 1 DIAGNOSTIC CODES(#78.3)[6]    
Text Integration Utility 1 TIU PROBLEM LINK(#8925.9)[.04]    

Pointer To FileMan Files, Total: 7

Package Total FileMan Files
Lexicon Utility 7 MAJOR CONCEPT MAP(#757)[1]    EXPRESSION TYPE(#757.011)[2]    EXPRESSION FORM(#757.014)[4]    SNOMED CT HIERARCHY(#757.018)[#757.118(2)]    CODING SYSTEMS(#757.03)[#757.118(1)]    SOURCE CATEGORY(#757.13)[15]    SOURCE(#757.14)[16]    

Fields, Total: 12

Field # Name Loc Type Details
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  I $D(X) K:$L(X)>4000!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  NOV 03, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Displayable Text must be 1-4000 characters in length.
    This is the text which will be used to represent the expression (Major Concept, Synonym or Lexical Variant).
  • LAYGO TEST:  1,0)= I 0
    1)= D SSF^LEXNDX6
    2)= D KSF^LEXNDX6
    ^LEX(757.01,"ASL",STR,FREQ) - Where STR is a string found in the Clinical Lexicon and FREQ is the number of times (frequency) it occurrs. This is not an index.
  • RECORD INDEXES:  B (#1457)
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • LAST EDITED:  SEP 02, 1994
  • DESCRIPTION:  Pointer to the Major Concept (file #757). If the expression is a major concept, this pointer will be the same as the Expression pointer in the Major Concept Map file (#757). If it is a synonym or a lexical variant it
    will point to it's parent major concept. If it is a lexical variant of a synonym, it will point to the parent major concept of the synonym.
    1)= S ^LEX(757.01,"AMC",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^LEX(757.01,"AMC",$E(X,1,30),DA)
    ^LEX(757.01,"AMC",MC,IEN) - where MC is the pointer to the Major Concept entry in the Major Concept Map file #757 and IEN is the Internal Entry Number in the Expression file #757.01 where this Major Concept pointer is
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • LAST EDITED:  JUN 26, 1995
    This is a pointer to the Expression Type file (#757.011). Examples of expression types include Major Concepts, Synonyms, Lexical Variants, etc.
    1)= D S^LEXNDX1
    2)= D K^LEXNDX1
    ^LEX(757.01,"AWRD",WORD,MC,EXP) - where WORD is a clinical word parsed from the expression (Major Concepts, Synonym or Lexical Variant), MC is the Internal Entry Number in the Expression file #757.01 where the Major
    Concept of the expression is located, and EXP is the Internal Entry Number in the Expression file #757.01 where the expression containing the WORD is located. Only Major Concepts (M), Synonyms (S) and Lexical Variants (L)
    are indexed in the word index (AWRD). Deleted Major Concepts (DM), Deleted Synonyms (DS) and Deleted Lexical Variants (DL) are ignored.
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************
  • 'O' FOR OTHER;

  • LAST EDITED:  MAY 06, 1994
  • DESCRIPTION:  Scope - Demonstrates the relationship of the term to the Major Concept. Major Concepts, Synonyms to Major Concepts and Lexical Variants to a Major Concept are (D)irectly linked. Lexical Variants to a Synonym of a Major
    Concept are (I)ndirectly linked. Related concepts are either (B)roader in scope, (N)arrower in scope, or an (O)ther/undefined view of the Major Concept.
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • LAST EDITED:  NOV 21, 1993
  • DESCRIPTION:  Pointer to the Expression Form (file 757.014) which describes the lexical style of an expression. Major Concepts adopt the general form of "MAJ" while all other expressions describe their forms as they relate to the Major
    Concept (i.e., plural, singular, acronym, etc.)

    Definition of an expression when available.
  • LAST EDITED:  MAR 24, 1993
7 NEGATION 4;0 Multiple #757.17 757.17

  • DESCRIPTION:  This field contains words which are negated within the expression, i.e, without mention of "complication", except "thumb", and other than an "open wound". These type of negations will not be indexed in the word index,
    preventing erroneous search results.
8 SUPPLEMENTAL 5;0 Multiple #757.18 757.18

    Supplemental words (not found in the expression) which should be indexed to assist in look-up operations.
  • '0' FOR ACTIVE;

  • LAST EDITED:  NOV 09, 2016
    This field indicates that a term formerly in use by the Lexicon has been deactivated and should not be used in lookups or displays.
    1)= S:X=1 ^LEX(757.01,"ADC",X,DA)=""
    2)= K ^LEX(757.01,"ADC",X,DA)
    ^LEX(757.01,"ADC",1,IEN) - This is an index of all deactivated terms in the Expression file where IEN is the Internal Entry Number in the Expression file (757.01) where the deactivated term is located.
    1)= S:X=1 ^LEX(757.01,"ADTERM",$$UP^XLFSTR($E($P($G(^LEX(757.01,DA,0)),U,1),1,63)),DA)=""
    2)= K ^LEX(757.01,"ADTERM",$$UP^XLFSTR($E($P($G(^LEX(757.01,DA,0)),U,1),1,63)),DA)
    ^LEX(757.01,"ADTERM",DT,IEN) - Where DT is a deactivated term and IEN is the internal entry number in the Expressions file #757.01 where the deactivated term is located.
  • RECORD INDEXES:  B (#1457)

  • LAST EDITED:  OCT 10, 1997
    This field indicates the "source" provided category for a term. It can be used to group terms or to locate descendant or ancestral term within the source vocabulary.
16 SOURCE 1;12 POINTER TO SOURCE FILE (#757.14) SOURCE(#757.14)

  • LAST EDITED:  OCT 10, 1997
    This indicates the source volcabulary (and source file) for the volcabulary. This field is used primarily in filtering (screen) the search and for Lexicon Maintenance.
18 DESIGNATION CODE 7;0 Multiple #757.118 757.118

  • DESCRIPTION:  The purpose of this multiple is to store designation IDs in the Lexicon. Designation is a word that terminologists use to encompass concept name, preferred term, expression, code text, synonyms, etc. In some systems such
    as SNOMED CT as well as the concept having a code (the SNOMED CT code), the individual designations (terms) belong to the concept each have their own codes (designation identifiers).

Found Entries, Total: 237817

Entry: 8562926    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mucous membrane of hypopharynx    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire esophageal mucous membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire oesophageal mucous membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire oesophageal submucosa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire esophageal submucosa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower third of esophagus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower third of oesophagus    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cardioesophageal junction    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cardio-oesophageal junction    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire gastric mucous membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire gastric muscularis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lesser curvature of stomach    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire greater curvature of stomach    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior wall of stomach    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior wall of stomach    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire proximal stomach    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cardia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire gastric fundus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire gastric corpus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pyloric portion of stomach    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pyloric antrum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pylorus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire small intestine mucous membrane    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire small intestine muscularis propria    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire duodenal mucous membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire duodenal muscularis propria    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire superior portion of duodenum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire duodenal ampulla    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire descending portion of duodenum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire jejunal mucous membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ileal mucous membrane    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ileocaecal valve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ileocecal valve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire distal portion of ileum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire appendiceal mucous membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire colonic lumen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire colonic mucous membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire colonic muscularis propria    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire longitudinal layer of colonic muscularis propria    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire taenia coli    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right colon    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ascending colon    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire transverse colon    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left colon    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire descending colon    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire sigmoid colon    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire rectal mucous membrane    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire rectosigmoid    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mucous membrane of anal canal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire muscularis propria of anal canal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire transition zone of anal mucous membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire salivary gland lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire papilla of salivary gland duct    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire parotid duct    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire sublingual gland    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire minor salivary gland    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire duct of minor salivary gland    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior lingual gland    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire duct of anterior lingual gland    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right lobe of liver    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left lobe of liver    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire caudate lobe of liver    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hepatic capsule    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire diaphragmatic aspect of liver    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire superior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior portion of diaphragmatic aspect of liver    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire visceral aspect of liver    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire inferior margin of liver    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire portal tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire portal triad    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire intrahepatic bile duct    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hepatic lobule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hepatic lacunae    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mucosa of gallbladder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire serosa of gallbladder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire bile duct mucous membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire common bile duct    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ampulla of Vater    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire head of pancreas    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire body of pancreas    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior surface of pancreas    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire urinary system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire upper genitourinary tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower genitourinary tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire external genitalia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right kidney    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left kidney    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire interstitial tissue of kidney    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cortex of kidney    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medulla of kidney    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire renal parenchyma    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire renal papilla    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire area cribrosa of renal papilla    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire perirenal tissue    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire glomerulus    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire parietal layer of Bowman's capsule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire juxtaglomerular apparatus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire proximal convoluted renal tubule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire renal pelvis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire renal sinus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pelvic portion of ureter    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mucous membrane of urinary bladder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire wall of urinary bladder    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fundus of urinary bladder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire neck of urinary bladder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire internal urethral orifice    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mucous membrane of urethra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire crista of urethra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire seminal colliculus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fossa navicularis of urethra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire female external genitalia    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire female genitourinary system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire labium majus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior commissure of labia majora    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior commissure of labia majora    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire labium minus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire glans clitoridis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire prepuce of clitoris    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire frenulum of clitoris    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire Bartholin's gland    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vaginal mucous membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior rugal column    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire upper third of vagina    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior wall of vagina    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior wall of vagina    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior and posterior wall of vagina    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire middle third of vagina    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower third of vagina    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire gravid uterus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire isthmus uteri    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire external os    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire endocervical epithelium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire endometrial cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire endometrial zona functionalis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cortex of ovary    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medulla of ovary    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vesicular ovarian follicle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire infundibulum of fallopian tube    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire uterine portion of fallopian tube    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire male external genitalia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire male internal genitalia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire male genitourinary system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower male genitourinary tract    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire radix penis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire bulb of penis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire crus penis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire corpus penis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tunica albuginea of corpus cavernosum of penis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire neck of glans penis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire corona of penis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire frenulum of foreskin    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire prostatic duct    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire superior pole of testis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire parenchyma of testis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mediastinum of testis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire interstitial tissue of testis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tunica vaginalis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire head of epididymis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ligament of epididymis    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire aberrant ductule of epididymis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ampulla of vas deferens    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vas deferens lumen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pyramidal system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire extrapyramidal system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire reticular activating system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire olfactory system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire prosencephalon    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire peripheral nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire axon    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire central nervous system tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire nerve root    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire myelinated nerve fibre    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire myelinated nerve fiber    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire myelin sheath    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire synapse    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire perineurium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebral meninges    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire dura mater    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire spinal dura mater    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire leptomeninges    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire arachnoid    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pia mater    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cranial pia mater    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire spinal pia mater    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire subdural space    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire subarachnoid space    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire septum pellucidum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior horn of lateral ventricle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire inferior horn of lateral ventricle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ependyma of third ventricle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tegmen of fourth ventricle    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tela choroidea of lateral ventricle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tela choroidea of third ventricle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tela choroidea of fourth ventricle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right cerebral hemisphere    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left cerebral hemisphere    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lobe of brain    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pyramidal tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebral dorsum    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebral medial surface    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebral basal surface    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cortex of frontal lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire white matter of frontal lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire middle frontal gyrus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire inferior frontal gyrus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ascending frontal gyrus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire inferior parietal lobule    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cortex of occipital lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire white matter of occipital lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire Brodmann areas 17 (striate cortex), 18 (parastriate cortex) and 19 (peristriate cortex) of occipital lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cortex of temporal lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire white matter of temporal lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire superior temporal gyrus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire auditory projection area    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire uncus of hippocampus    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire insula and opercula    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire white matter of insula    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire operculum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire frontal operculum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire parietal operculum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire corpus callosum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire splenium of corpus callosum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire olfactory tract    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire parolfactory area    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire paraterminal gyrus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire basal ganglia and capsules    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire globus pallidus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire genu of internal capsule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire retrolenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire thalamosensory cortical fibers of internal capsule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire thalamosensory cortical fibres of internal capsule    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire sublenticular portion of posterior limb of internal capsule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior nuclear group of thalamus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire stria medullaris    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire midline nuclear group of thalamus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ventral nuclear group of thalamus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral nuclear group of thalamus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire geniculate body    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral geniculate body    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial geniculate body    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire intralaminar nuclear group of thalamus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tuber cinereum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire preoptic area    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire supraoptic region of hypothalamus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire magnocellular hypothalamic nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire caudal area of hypothalamus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tuberal nuclei of hypothalamus    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial nuclei of hypothalamus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire habenula    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire midbrain and pons    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebral peduncle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tegmentum of midbrain    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire dorsal tegmental nuclei of midbrain    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tectum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire superior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire inferior colliculus of corpora quadrigemina    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial longitudinal fasciculus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial lemniscus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral lemniscus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire extrapyramidal tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tegmental portion of pons    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pars basalis of pons    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire reticular formation of pons    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire reticulospinal tract of pons    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire trapezoid body nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire corticopontine tract of pons    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pontine portion of corticospinal tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire decussation of pons    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebellar hemisphere    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebellar white matter    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire laminae albae of cerebellar cortex    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebellar vermis and posterior lobes    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebellar roof nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebellar peduncle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire inferior cerebellar peduncle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire rhomboid fossa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire raphe of medulla oblongata    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medulla oblongata medial longitudinal fasciculus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire clava    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cuneate tubercle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire spinal cord, roots and ganglia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire spinal cord gray commissures    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ventral funiculus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire proper fasciculus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire dorsal funiculus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral funiculus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire dorsal spinal nerve root    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ventral spinal nerve root    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cervical spinal cord gray matter    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cervical spinal cord posterior horn    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire thoracic spinal cord gray matter    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire thoracic spinal cord posterior horn    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lumbosacral spinal cord    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lumbosacral spinal cord gray matter    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lumbosacral spinal cord posterior horn    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lumbosacral spinal cord central canal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lumbosacral spinal cord nerve root    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire spinal nerve of cauda equina    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire optic nerve sheath    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire intralaminar part of optic nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire oculomotor nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire oculomotor nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire trigeminal nerve    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire facial nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire parotid plexus of facial nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vestibular nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cochlear nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vestibular nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire glossopharyngeal nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vagus nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vagus nerve nucleus    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior vagal trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire accessory nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hypoglossal nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cervical nerve dorsal branch    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ansa cervicalis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire supraclavicular part of brachial plexus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire infraclavicular part of brachial plexus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lumbar nerve ventral primary division    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire sacral nerve dorsal primary division    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire autonomic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire autonomic plexus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire autonomic plexus ganglia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire sympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire sympathetic ganglion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cephalic portion of sympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cervical portion of sympathetic nervous system    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire thoracic portion of sympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire abdominopelvic portion of sympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lumbar portion of sympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire abdominal aortic plexus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire celiac ganglion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire coeliac ganglion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire superior mesenteric plexus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire coeliac nervous plexus    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire celiac nervous plexus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire inferior mesenteric plexus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire parasympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cranial portion of parasympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire sacral portion of parasympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire optic axis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire soft tissues of orbit    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right eye    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left eye    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior chamber of eye    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vitreous cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hyaloid canal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire suspensory ligament of eyeball    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Both eyes, entire    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior surface of cornea    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire limbus corneae    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire substantia propria of cornea    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire superior retinal temporal vein    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pupillary margin of iris    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ciliary margin of iris    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tunica interna of eyeball    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire macula lutea    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire optic disc    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fundus of eye    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire inner nuclear layer of retina    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior surface of lens    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior surface of lens    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire epithelium of lens    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire suspensory ligament of lens    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral canthus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial canthus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire free margin of eyelid    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower eyelid    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tarsal plate    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lacrimal caruncle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire conjunctival sac    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lacrimal papilla    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lacrimal sac    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire spine of helix    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tail of helix    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire auricular tubercle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fossa triangularis of ear    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire crura of antihelix    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire scaphoid fossa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tragus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire intertragal incisure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire antitragus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ear lobule    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cymba conchae    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cavity of concha    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire crus of helix    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ligament of auricle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cartilaginous portion of auditory canal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire osseous portion of auditory canal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tympanic cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tympanic mucosa    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pars tensa of tympanic membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire wall of tympanic cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire recessus epitympanicus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire articulation of auditory ossicles    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ossicular ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire membrane of stapes    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vestibular window    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mastoid cells and antra    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire osseous portion of Eustachian tube    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cartilaginous portion of Eustachian tube    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cartilage of Eustachian tube    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mucous membrane of Eustachian tube    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire endolymphatic duct    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire macula of utricle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire membrane of semicircular duct    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire membranous ampulla    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire otolithic membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire macula of saccule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire supporting cell of organ of Corti    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire basilar membrane of cochlea    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vestibular membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire perilymphatic space    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire spiral canal of modiolus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire scala vestibuli    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire scala tympani    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fundus of internal auditory canal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire endocrine tissue    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hypophyseal diverticulum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire adrenal cortex    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire adrenal medulla    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire carotid body    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hematopoietic system    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire haematopoietic system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire reticuloendothelial system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lymphoid system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire immune system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lymphocytic tissue    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire splenic capsule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lymphatic follicle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire oropharyngeal tonsil (lingual, palatine, pharyngeal)    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire palatine arch    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tonsillar fossa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lymphatic system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lymphatic vessel of head    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lymphatic vessel of neck    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire thoracic duct    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lymphatic vessel of abdomen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right half of body    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left half of body    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire body tissue    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anatomical space    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire organ cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire spino-olivary tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire female    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire male    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire side of head    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right half of head    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left half of head    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire forehead    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire supraorbital area    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vertex    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire parietal region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire occipital region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire suboccipital region    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire temporal region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire infratemporal region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire auricular region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire postauricular region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire preauricular region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire epicranium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right side of face    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left side of face    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire oral region of face    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire zygomatic region of face    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire parotid-masseteric region of face    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire infrapalpebral fold    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire chin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire submental triangle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Upper jaw region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower jaw region    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire submandibular space    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire submaxillary space    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire dorsum sellae    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire orbital margin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire infraorbital margin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire superior wall of orbit    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral wall of orbit    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial wall of orbit    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire periorbital region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pterygoid region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire laryngeal prominence    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior portion of neck    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Submandibular triangle (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral portion of neck    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right half of neck    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left half of neck    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior portion of neck    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire clavicular region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire supraclavicular region of neck    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral region of trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire milk line of trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior axillary line    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior axillary line    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire upper trunk    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right side of trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left side of trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Vertebral region of back (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire upper back    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower back    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire thoracolumbar region of back    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire interscapular region of back    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire flank    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lumbosacral region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire sacrococcygeal region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire coccygeal region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire buttock    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire soft tissues of buttock    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire gluteal sulcus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anal region    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire urogenital region of perineum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right thorax    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left thorax    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior chest wall    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior chest wall    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire thoracic outlet    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire superior mediastinum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire middle mediastinum    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lumbar part of diaphragm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right crus of diaphragm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire upper abdomen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower abdomen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire epigastric region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mons pubis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior abdominal wall    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior abdominal wall    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire peritoneum (serous membrane)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire serous layer of peritoneum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire parietal peritoneum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire peritoneal sac    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire visceral peritoneum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire duodenal recess    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire falciform ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hepatoduodenal ligament    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mesentery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mesentery of colon    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire omentum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire greater omentum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lesser omentum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire retroperitoneal region, excluding major organs    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ileocecal recess    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ileocaecal recess    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire major pelvis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire superior pelvic aperture    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire minor pelvis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pelvic wall    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire urogenital diaphragm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire soft tissues of pelvis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pelvic peritoneum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pelvic peritoneal cavity    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire broad ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right inguinal region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left inguinal region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire processus vaginalis peritonei    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right upper extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left upper extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior axillary fold    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior axillary fold    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire axillary region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire deltoid region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior surface of upper arm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior surface of upper arm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lateral surface of upper arm (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Medial surface of upper arm (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire antecubital region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire forearm    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior surface of forearm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior surface of forearm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lateral margin of forearm (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Medial margin of forearm (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dorsum of hand (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Palm of hand (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Thenar region (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypothenar region (surface region)    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dorsal surface of finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Palmar surface of finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lateral surface of finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Medial surface of finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire dorsal surface of thumb    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire palmar surface of thumb    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lateral surface of thumb (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Medial surface of thumb (surface region)    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire index finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire dorsal surface of index finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire palmar surface of index finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lateral surface of index finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Medial surface of index finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire middle finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire dorsal surface of middle finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire palmar surface of middle finger    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lateral surface of middle finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Medial surface of middle finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ring finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire dorsal surface of ring finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire palmar surface of ring finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lateral surface of ring finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Medial surface of ring finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire little finger    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire dorsal surface of little finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire palmar surface of little finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lateral surface of little finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Medial surface of little finger (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire interdigital space of hand    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: All fingers    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior surface of lower extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior surface of lower extremity    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral surface of lower extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial surface of lower extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right lower extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left lower extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire femoral region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior surface of thigh    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior surface of thigh    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial surface of thigh    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral surface of thigh    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire popliteal region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Popliteal fossa (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower leg, from knee to ankle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior surface of lower leg    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial surface of lower leg    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Posterior surface of lower leg (calf)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral surface of lower leg    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anterior tibial compartment    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire shin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire malleolar region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral malleolar region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial malleolar region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire heel    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dorsum of foot (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sole of foot (surface region)    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lateral border of sole (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Medial border of sole (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire arch of foot    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire longitudinal arch of foot    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire plantar surface of toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral surface of toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial surface of toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire plantar surface of great toe    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral surface of great toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire second toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire plantar surface of second toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral surface of second toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial surface of second toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire third toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire plantar surface of third toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral surface of third toe    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial surface of third toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fourth toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire plantar surface of fourth toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral surface of fourth toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial surface of fourth toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fifth toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire plantar surface of fifth toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral surface of fifth toe    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire medial surface of fifth toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire interdigital space of foot    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: All toes    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cell    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire secundines    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire trophoblast    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire extraembryonic membranes    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire decidua basalis    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire decidua    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire chorionic cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire yolk sac    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fetal implantation site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire junctional zone of implantation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire embryo stage 1    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire embryo stage 3    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire embryo stage 5    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ectoderm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire neural tube    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire telencephalon of fetus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mesoderm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire endoderm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hindgut    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cloaca    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fourth pharyngeal pouch    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire truncus arteriosus ridge    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cardinal vein    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire facial process    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fetal dental lamina    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire enamel organ    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire optic vesicle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fetal head    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fetal bone    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire centrum of vertebra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire centrum of cervical vertebra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire centrum of thoracic vertebra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire centrum of lumbar vertebra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire centrum of sacral vertebra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire body part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire upper body    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lower body    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: All skeletal and smooth muscles of the body    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire serous membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire meninges    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebral cortex    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intercostal nerve structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire inferior nasal turbinate bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Bone structure of cranial cavity    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Gland structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire surface region of pelvis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Jaw (surface region)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Region of foot    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface region of hip    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire anatomical structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire serous sac    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire serous pericardial sac    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Thyroid part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pituitary part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Adrenal part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Thymus part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Parathyroid part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Duct (organ part)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of lobe of right lung    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of lobe of left lung    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire middle lobe of lung    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Orbital wall structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: All walls of orbit    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Orbital portion of greater wing of sphenoid bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Orbital portion of lesser wing of sphenoid bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire left hip joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire right hip joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Left hip joint structure    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Right hip joint structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire synarthrosis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire joint of cervical vertebra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire joint of lumbar vertebra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of joint of sternum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Manubriosternal joint structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire sesamoid bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire smooth muscle sphincter    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of eye region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Seminal vesicle part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Vas deferens part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Middle pharyngeal constrictor muscle part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: External anal sphincter muscle part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Masseter muscle part    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Orbicularis oris muscle part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Longus colli muscle part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Thyroarytenoid muscle part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nasalis muscle part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Biceps brachii muscle part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Head of pronator teres muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Head of flexor carpi ulnaris muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Head of flexor digitorum superficialis muscle    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Head of extensor carpi ulnaris muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Head of flexor pollicis brevis muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Head of adductor pollicis muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire deep pectoral muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of viscus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exocrine gland structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dissolution - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Manual method    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Causative_agents    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mercaptomerin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Phenformin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Purine diuretic    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pyrabital    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inactive concept    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Procedure / Intervention    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Finding / disorder    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Procedure by site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Procedure by intent    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Administrative / management procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Palliative procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of body system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of auditory system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of olfactory system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of reproductive system    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of endocrine system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of hemostatic system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of haemostatic system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of lymphatic system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of labor / delivery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of labour / delivery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of puerperium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Degenerative disorder    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Finding / observation / clinical history    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sequela    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Medical equipment or device education    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Qualifier value    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Anesthesia for procedure on extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Anaesthesia for procedure on extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Anesthesia for procedure on trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Anaesthesia for procedure on trunk    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Anomaly of chromosome pair    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Antibody-mediated activation and inactivation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Antibody-mediated cytolysis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Application for funding    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Aspiration of urinary tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Auditory dysfunction    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Auditory system complication of procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Auditory system hereditary disorder    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Autoimmune connective tissue disorder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Autosomal recessive SCID    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Biopsy of immune system structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Biopsy of urinary tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Bite in axilla    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Brain stimulation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branchial cleft anomaly    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cardiac complication of procedure    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cardiovascular diagnostic imaging procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cardiovascular education    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cardiovascular function test    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cardiovascular physical examination    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cardiovascular sequelae of disorders    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cardiovascular system hereditary disorder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cauterization by anatomic site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cauterisation by anatomic site    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cauterization by modality    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cauterisation by modality    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cell-mediated cytotoxic reaction    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complement component deficiency    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of cryotherapy procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of diathermy procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of hydrotherapy procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of introduction procedure    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of manipulation procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of observation procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of physical rehabilitation therapy procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of procedure by procedure type    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of procedure by succeeding disorder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of puncture procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of reduction procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of respiratory therapy procedure    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Complication of traction procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Computerised axial tomography of site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: CT of site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of abdomen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of back    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of body cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of body wall    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of cardiovascular structure of trunk    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of epidermal appendages    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of lower trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of lymphatic structure of trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of musculoskeletal structure of trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of neural structure of trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of thorax    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of tympanic anulus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital anomaly of upper trunk    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital bacterial disorder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital connective tissue disorder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital immunodeficiency involving the hematopoietic system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital immunodeficiency involving the haematopoietic system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital nonspherocytic hemolytic anemia due to inborn error of metabolism    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital nonspherocytic haemolytic anaemia due to inborn error of metabolism    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital sequelae of disorders    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Connective tissue by site    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Connective tissue disorder by body site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Connective tissue hereditary disorder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Contrast radiology study by site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Contrast radiology study of systems    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cystic disorder of lymphatic system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Death notification    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Decompression of ear structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Decompressive fasciotomy    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Decompressive incision of musculoskeletal system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Decompressive incision of nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Degenerative disorder of bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Degenerative disorder of cartilage    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Degenerative disorder of extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Degenerative disorder of head    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Degenerative disorder of muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Degenerative disorder of musculoskeletal system    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Degenerative sequelae of disorders    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dermatological complication of procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Destruction of lesion by anatomic site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Site specific immune system surgical procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Destruction of lesion by modality    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Destructive procedure by anatomic site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Gastrointestinal sequelae of disorders    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Destructive procedure by organ system    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Destructive procedure on subcutaneous tissue    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Developmental hereditary disorder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diagnostic endoscopy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diagnostic procedure by site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diagnostic procedure on adenoids    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diagnostic procedure on respiratory system structure by site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diagnostic radiography with contrast media by injection    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diathermy procedure by body site    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diathermy procedure by intent of surgical action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diathermy procedure by method of surgical action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diathermy procedure of visual system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Digestive system hereditary disorder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dilation of duct    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dilation of genitourinary system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dilation of lower respiratory tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dilation of respiratory tract    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dilation of upper respiratory tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disability administrative procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder involving basophils and mast cells    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of fetal nutrition    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of protein metabolism    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of rectus sheath    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of vitamin E    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorders of fetal movement    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorders with tall stature    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Division of blood vessel    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Division of eye structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Division of female genital system structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Division of genital system structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Division of male genital system structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Division of musculoskeletal system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Drug withdrawal    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Endocrine radiologic studies    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Endocrine system complication of procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hereditary disorder of endocrine system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Endoscopic dilation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Endoscopic removal from urinary system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Enzyme metabolic function    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Equipment-related management procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Evaluation of test results    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Excision of lesion of musculoskeletal system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of biliary system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of digestive system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of ear    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of endocrine system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of eye    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of female genital system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of genitourinary system    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of male genital system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of musculoskeletal system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of respiratory system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exploration of trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exteriorization by anatomic site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Exteriorisation by anatomic site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Female reproductive system disorder    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Fetal ascites    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of fetal abdominal region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Fetal disorder secondary to chemicals    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Fetal endocrine disorder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Fibrous connective tissue    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Fistula of middle ear    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Gastrointestinal complication of procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Genetic disorder of extremity    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Genitourinary system incision    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hematologic complication of procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Haematologic complication of procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hereditary disorder by system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hereditary disorder of immune system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypolipoproteinaemia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypolipoproteinemia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Imaging of neck    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system complication of procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system destructive procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system diagnostic imaging procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system endoscopy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system excision    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system incision    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system measurement of physiology/function    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system physical examination    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system procedure by site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system repair    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system surgical procedure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Immune system transplantation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Implantation of soft tissue    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Incision AND drainage of limb    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Incision AND drainage of musculoskeletal system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Incision and drainage of soft tissue    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Incision of ear    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Infection of axilla    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Infectious disorder of cartilage    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Infectious disorder of immune system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Infectious disorder of joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Infectious disorder of muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Infectious disorder of tendon    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Infectious sequelae of disorders    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Infective disorder of head    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inflammation of skin and/or subcutaneous tissue    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inflammation of specific body organs    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inflammation of specific body structures or tissue    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inflammation of specific body systems    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inflammatory disorder of cartilage    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inflammatory disorder of extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inflammatory disorder of head    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inflammatory disorder of immune system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inflammatory disorder of musculoskeletal system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inflammatory disorder of the respiratory tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inflammatory hereditary disorder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Injury of cartilage    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Injury of lymphatic system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hereditary disorder of the integument    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Introduction of substance by body site    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Limb operation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lipid metabolic function    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lower limb incision    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hereditary disorder of lymphatic system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lymphatic system measurement of physiology/function    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lymphatic system observation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lymphatic system physical examination    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disorder of male reproductive system    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Manipulation procedure by body site    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Manipulation procedure by device    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Manipulation procedure by method    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Manipulation procedure of upper extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Measurement of cardiovascular function    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mechanical stimulation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mendelian disorders    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Metabolic complication of procedures    
For the entire list of entries see: Here

ICR, Total: 1

ICR LINK Subscribing Package(s) Fields Referenced Description
ICR #1571 Display Text (.01).
Access: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^LEX(757.01 - [#757.01] IXBSL+1*, IXBKL+1!, IXBKEIC+1!, 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 1S), 9(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 2S), 9(XREF 2K)

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
>> DA IXBSL+1, IXBKL+1, 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 1S), 9(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 2S), 9(XREF 2K)
>> DIC(0 ACT+1*
U 9(XREF 2S), 9(XREF 2K)
X IXBSCC+1*, .01+1!, 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 1S), 9(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 2S)
>> X1 IXBKL+1
Info |  Desc |  Directly Accessed By Routines |  Accessed By FileMan Db Calls |  Pointed To By FileMan Files |  Pointer To FileMan Files |  Fields |  ICR |  Found Entries |  External References |  Global Variables Directly Accessed |  Local Variables  | All