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Global: ^LEX(757.01

Package: Lexicon Utility

Global: ^LEX(757.01


FileMan FileNo FileMan Filename Package
757.01 EXPRESSIONS Lexicon Utility


Directly Accessed By Routines, Total: 131

Package Total Routines
Lexicon Utility 118 DESIGNATION CODE    LEX10CS    LEX10CS2    LEX10CX    LEX10CX2    LEX10CX3    LEX10CX5    LEX10DBC
LEX10DBR    LEX10DBT    LEX10DU    LEX10DX    LEX10PL    LEX10TAX    LEX2055P    LEX2073A
LEX2073B    LEX2073C    LEX2073D    LEX2073E    LEX2073F    LEX2073G    LEX2073I    LEX2081A
Automated Information Collection System 4 IBDF4    IBDFBK3    IBDFN7    IBDFQSL1    
PCE Patient Care Encounter 4 PXAPI    PXCADXP1    PXCAPL    PXCAPOV    
Problem List 3 GMPLBLDC    GMPLE9    GMPLUTL1    
Enterprise Health Management Platform 1 HMPEF1    

Accessed By FileMan Db Calls, Total: 35

Package Total Routines
Lexicon Utility 26 LEX10CX2    LEX10CX3    LEX10TAX    LEX2047A    LEX2047B    LEX2055P    LEX2073A    LEX2073B
LEX2073C    LEX2073D    LEX2073E    LEX2073F    LEX2073G    LEX2073H    LEX2073I    LEX2073J
PCE Patient Care Encounter 3 PXBPCPT2    PXBPPOV    PXCECPT1    
Problem List 2 GMPLENFM    GMPLX    
Consult Request Tracking 1 GMRCEDT4    
Order Entry Results Reporting 1 ORCDGMRC    
Radiology Nuclear Medicine 1 RAIPS206    
Registration 1 DGPTF5    

Pointed To By FileMan Files, Total: 17

Package Total FileMan Files
Lexicon Utility 5 MAJOR CONCEPT MAP(#757)[.011]    CODES(#757.02)[.01]    REPLACEMENT WORDS(#757.05)[#757.53(.01)]    SUBSETS(#757.21)[.01]    SHORTCUTS(#757.4)[.01]    
Automated Information Collection System 3 FORM DEFINITION(#357.95)[#357.951(2.02)]    SELECTION(#357.3)[2.02]    IMP/EXP SELECTION(#358.3)[2.02]    
Problem List 3 PROBLEM(#9000011)[1.01]    PROBLEM SELECTION CATEGORY(#125.11)[#125.111(.01)]    PROBLEM SELECTION CATEGORY CONTENTS(#125.12)[2]    
PCE Patient Care Encounter 2 V POV(#9000010.07)[.15]    PROVIDER NARRATIVE(#9999999.27)[75701]    
Kernel 1 NEW PERSON(#200)[#200.0351(1)]    
Order Entry Results Reporting 1 ORDER(#100)[#100.051(1)]    
Radiology Nuclear Medicine 1 DIAGNOSTIC CODES(#78.3)[6]    
Text Integration Utility 1 TIU PROBLEM LINK(#8925.9)[.04]    

Pointer To FileMan Files, Total: 7

Package Total FileMan Files
Lexicon Utility 7 MAJOR CONCEPT MAP(#757)[1]    EXPRESSION TYPE(#757.011)[2]    EXPRESSION FORM(#757.014)[4]    SNOMED CT HIERARCHY(#757.018)[#757.118(2)]    CODING SYSTEMS(#757.03)[#757.118(1)]    SOURCE CATEGORY(#757.13)[15]    SOURCE(#757.14)[16]    

Fields, Total: 12

Field # Name Loc Type Details
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  I $D(X) K:$L(X)>4000!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  NOV 03, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Displayable Text must be 1-4000 characters in length.
    This is the text which will be used to represent the expression (Major Concept, Synonym or Lexical Variant).
  • LAYGO TEST:  1,0)= I 0
    1)= D SSF^LEXNDX6
    2)= D KSF^LEXNDX6
    ^LEX(757.01,"ASL",STR,FREQ) - Where STR is a string found in the Clinical Lexicon and FREQ is the number of times (frequency) it occurrs. This is not an index.
  • RECORD INDEXES:  B (#1457)
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • LAST EDITED:  SEP 02, 1994
  • DESCRIPTION:  Pointer to the Major Concept (file #757). If the expression is a major concept, this pointer will be the same as the Expression pointer in the Major Concept Map file (#757). If it is a synonym or a lexical variant it
    will point to it's parent major concept. If it is a lexical variant of a synonym, it will point to the parent major concept of the synonym.
    1)= S ^LEX(757.01,"AMC",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
    2)= K ^LEX(757.01,"AMC",$E(X,1,30),DA)
    ^LEX(757.01,"AMC",MC,IEN) - where MC is the pointer to the Major Concept entry in the Major Concept Map file #757 and IEN is the Internal Entry Number in the Expression file #757.01 where this Major Concept pointer is
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • LAST EDITED:  JUN 26, 1995
    This is a pointer to the Expression Type file (#757.011). Examples of expression types include Major Concepts, Synonyms, Lexical Variants, etc.
    1)= D S^LEXNDX1
    2)= D K^LEXNDX1
    ^LEX(757.01,"AWRD",WORD,MC,EXP) - where WORD is a clinical word parsed from the expression (Major Concepts, Synonym or Lexical Variant), MC is the Internal Entry Number in the Expression file #757.01 where the Major
    Concept of the expression is located, and EXP is the Internal Entry Number in the Expression file #757.01 where the expression containing the WORD is located. Only Major Concepts (M), Synonyms (S) and Lexical Variants (L)
    are indexed in the word index (AWRD). Deleted Major Concepts (DM), Deleted Synonyms (DS) and Deleted Lexical Variants (DL) are ignored.
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************
  • 'O' FOR OTHER;

  • LAST EDITED:  MAY 06, 1994
  • DESCRIPTION:  Scope - Demonstrates the relationship of the term to the Major Concept. Major Concepts, Synonyms to Major Concepts and Lexical Variants to a Major Concept are (D)irectly linked. Lexical Variants to a Synonym of a Major
    Concept are (I)ndirectly linked. Related concepts are either (B)roader in scope, (N)arrower in scope, or an (O)ther/undefined view of the Major Concept.
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • LAST EDITED:  NOV 21, 1993
  • DESCRIPTION:  Pointer to the Expression Form (file 757.014) which describes the lexical style of an expression. Major Concepts adopt the general form of "MAJ" while all other expressions describe their forms as they relate to the Major
    Concept (i.e., plural, singular, acronym, etc.)

    Definition of an expression when available.
  • LAST EDITED:  MAR 24, 1993
7 NEGATION 4;0 Multiple #757.17 757.17

  • DESCRIPTION:  This field contains words which are negated within the expression, i.e, without mention of "complication", except "thumb", and other than an "open wound". These type of negations will not be indexed in the word index,
    preventing erroneous search results.
8 SUPPLEMENTAL 5;0 Multiple #757.18 757.18

    Supplemental words (not found in the expression) which should be indexed to assist in look-up operations.
  • '0' FOR ACTIVE;

  • LAST EDITED:  NOV 09, 2016
    This field indicates that a term formerly in use by the Lexicon has been deactivated and should not be used in lookups or displays.
    1)= S:X=1 ^LEX(757.01,"ADC",X,DA)=""
    2)= K ^LEX(757.01,"ADC",X,DA)
    ^LEX(757.01,"ADC",1,IEN) - This is an index of all deactivated terms in the Expression file where IEN is the Internal Entry Number in the Expression file (757.01) where the deactivated term is located.
    1)= S:X=1 ^LEX(757.01,"ADTERM",$$UP^XLFSTR($E($P($G(^LEX(757.01,DA,0)),U,1),1,63)),DA)=""
    2)= K ^LEX(757.01,"ADTERM",$$UP^XLFSTR($E($P($G(^LEX(757.01,DA,0)),U,1),1,63)),DA)
    ^LEX(757.01,"ADTERM",DT,IEN) - Where DT is a deactivated term and IEN is the internal entry number in the Expressions file #757.01 where the deactivated term is located.
  • RECORD INDEXES:  B (#1457)

  • LAST EDITED:  OCT 10, 1997
    This field indicates the "source" provided category for a term. It can be used to group terms or to locate descendant or ancestral term within the source vocabulary.
16 SOURCE 1;12 POINTER TO SOURCE FILE (#757.14) SOURCE(#757.14)

  • LAST EDITED:  OCT 10, 1997
    This indicates the source volcabulary (and source file) for the volcabulary. This field is used primarily in filtering (screen) the search and for Lexicon Maintenance.
18 DESIGNATION CODE 7;0 Multiple #757.118 757.118

  • DESCRIPTION:  The purpose of this multiple is to store designation IDs in the Lexicon. Designation is a word that terminologists use to encompass concept name, preferred term, expression, code text, synonyms, etc. In some systems such
    as SNOMED CT as well as the concept having a code (the SNOMED CT code), the individual designations (terms) belong to the concept each have their own codes (designation identifiers).

Found Entries, Total: 237923

Entry: 8561249    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Checking - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Induction - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Autograft cardiac valve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Infiltration - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Apheresis - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Filtration - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Rotablator    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: External fixator pin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Futura splint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Balloon septostomy catheter    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Watson capsule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nabeya capsule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Quinton tube    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Rubin tube    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mesh-covered balloon    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Oesophageal stethoscope    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Esophageal stethoscope    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intraspinal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Trauma - physical agent    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Porcine cardiac valve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surgical staple gun    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Iminostilbenes    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lead anti-infective    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Approach via caecostomy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Approach via cecostomy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Via U tube    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: External approach    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mercury anti-infective    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Internal approach    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Methaqualone compound    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mineral salt    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mineralocorticoids and their antagonists    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nitrofuran derivative    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Non-barbiturate hypnotic    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Opiate    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Oxazolidine    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Penicillinase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pharmaceutical excipient    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Uterine depressant    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mechanical pressure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mapping - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surgical band    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Massage - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cine imaging - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Prosthetic chorda tendinae    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Electrical discharge - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Low speed rotablator    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: High speed rotablator    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Septostomy blade    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Septal defect prosthesis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Video imaging - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spectroscopy - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Fracture subluxation - lesion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Loop diathermy device    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Vacuum aspirator    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Smear sampling device    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Termination - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Connection - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Infrared probe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hearing aid bone anchor    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Adrenochrome    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Aminocaproic acid    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Antiasthmatic agent    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Antigonadotrophins, antiestrogens, antiandrogens    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Antigonadotrophins, antioestrogens, antiandrogens    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Antigonadotropins, antioestrogens, antiandrogens    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Aromatic analgesic    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Bromide drug compound    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cannabis or hallucinogen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Therapy - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Prophylaxis - intent    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Discussion - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Provision - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Audiotapes    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Visual and hearing impairment device    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Guide help    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Communicator device    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Penile tension band device    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mouth opening appliance    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cunningham penile clamp    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Down's incontinence apparatus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Myoelectric arm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Auditory appliance    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Visual appliance    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Low vision aid    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hand-held magnifier    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Optical near vision aid    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Integral spectacle magnifier    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Clip-on spectacle distance telescope    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Integral spectacle distance telescope    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Clip-on spectacle near telescope    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Scleral contact lens    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Headband telescope    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Suction equipment    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Assistive equipment    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Seating    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mobility device    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Long cane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Transport    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Aids to daily living    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pressure relief equipment    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hand rail    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lift    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Feeding aid    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Environmental control system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Computer equipment    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Impotence device    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Optical distance vision aid    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Non-optical low vision aid    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Electronic low vision aid    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Ancillary low vision aid    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Task lighting    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cutting - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Filing - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Brace    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Foot orthosis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Bespoke foot orthosis with leather uppers    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Custom made foot orthosis with leather uppers    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Addition to foot orthosis    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Quill    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hot wire    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Restore - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Obturation - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Simple removal - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dacron graft    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Rhabdomyosarcoma - category    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Malignant soft tissue tumour of skeletal muscle differentiation    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Combined right and left heart angiocardiography    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cardiac catheterisation of right and left heart for ventriculography    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Knee arthrodesis with plate    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Charnley operation on knee    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lucas and Murray operation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Persistent hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemia of infancy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital hyperinsulinism    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Incisional biopsy of nerve ganglion    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Triple arthrodesis of ankle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Open excisional biopsy of nerve ganglion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dunn operation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pancreatic artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Percutaneous excisional biopsy of nerve ganglion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hoke operation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Vascular structure of pineal gland    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pituitary thyroid hormone resistance    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Needle biopsy of nerve ganglion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pituitary portal veins    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lambrinudi operation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Vascular structure of parathyroid gland    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Thyrotoxicosis due to pituitary thyroid hormone resistance    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Open fine needle aspiration biopsy of liver    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Aminophylline measurement    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Upper lobe bronchus structure    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lower lobe bronchus structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Thyrotoxicosis due to overproduction of thyroid stimulating hormone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Theophylline measurement    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Thyrotoxicosis due to inappropriate TSH secretion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Suture of laceration of perineum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Ureterocolostomy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Perineorrhaphy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Gastrorrhaphy for suture of wound    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Holocarboxylase synthase deficiency    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Repair of stomach laceration by suture    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Acute cardiac pulmonary oedema    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Acute cardiac pulmonary edema    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Acute cardiogenic pulmonary oedema    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Gastrorrhaphy for perforated gastric ulcer    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Homocystinuria vitamin B12-responsive type III    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Oversewing of peptic ulcer crater    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lymphocytic gastritis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Functional defects of methionine synthase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Oversewing of ulcer crater of stomach    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Homogentisate 1,2-dioxygenase deficiency    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Aneurysmorrhaphy by wrapping    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Candidal balano-posthitis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Alkaptonuria    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Embryonic branchial cleft    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Repair of aneurysm by trapping    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spermatic obstruction    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Primitive lens structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Primitive middle ear structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cardiogenic mesoderm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Acquired deformity of finger joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Primitive heart tube structure    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Repair of aneurysm by wiring    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Genital ridge structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Acquired stricture of vas deferens    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disinsertion - action    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Primitive gut region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deformity of breast    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Embryonic body cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pancreatic bud    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Marckwald operation on cervix    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Embryonic respiratory structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intersegmental arterial structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire placental villus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deformation of breast    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Removal of foreign body of lens by incision    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Arsenic-induced nail damage    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dorsal foregut mesentery    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Neuropore    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Primitive brain vesicle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hepatic tyrosine aminotransferase deficiency    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Capsulotomy of lens with removal of foreign body    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Primitive salivary structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Embryonic limb structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Perifollicular elastolysis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Primitive cerebral artery    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Perifollicular macular atrophy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Infection by Enterobius vermicularis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Acanthocheilonemiasis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Doubling of uterus with doubling of cervix and vagina    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dysplastic ovary    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Human coccidiosis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital ovarian dysplasia    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Transsphincteric anal fistula    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital epiblepharon-inferior oblique syndrome    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Swan's syndrome II    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Embedded tooth    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Vinyl chloride disease    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Aganglionosis of Auerbach's plexus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Strain of tendon of neck    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spinocerebellar tract in brainstem    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spinocerebellar tract of pons    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spinocerebellar tract of medulla    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Aganglionosis of colon    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Brainstem tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Internal capsule tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Traumatic torticollis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tectospinal tract in brainstem    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spinotegmental tract in brainstem    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mesonephric cyst    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of medial hypothalamic nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Periventricular hypothalamic nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Strain of neck muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intermediate hypothalamic nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral hypothalamic nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypothalamic tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Region of hypothalamus    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Coats' disease    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pontine tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire accessory nerve internal branch    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of accessory nerve muscle branch    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Olfactory gyrus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Olfactory striae    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Idiopathic hypertrophic subaortic stenosis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Avascular necrosis of lunate    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Layer of frontal lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Layer of cerebrum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Layer of temporal lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Chronic mucus hypersecretion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Layer of parietal lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Layer of occipital lobe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital muscular subaortic stenosis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Layer of insula    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Midbrain tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Olivary nucleus structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Accessory olivary nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Layer of cerebellum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Medulla oblongata tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Anterior medullary nucleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Common atrioventricular canal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Posterior medullary nucleus    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lemniscal system structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Absenteeism at work    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Midbrain lemniscal structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pontine lemniscal structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Segment of coronary artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branch of lacrimal nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Internal hernia near ligament of Treitz    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital atresia of jejunum    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Abnormal complexion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Malrotation of the intestine type IIID    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Familial megaloblastic anemia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Familial megaloblastic anaemia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tendon of forearm and hand    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cervical spinal nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire thoracic spinal nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of intervertebral disc    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Henck-Assman disease    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Embryonic vertebral structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Embryonic muscular structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Laryngeal vein    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Process of malleus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of spleen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Chondrodysplasia punctata congenita    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Segment of left anterior descending artery    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Muscle belly of occipitofrontalis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Segment of circumflex coronary artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: POP - Manipulation fracture and plaster of Paris    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Segment of right coronary artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Closed reduction of fracture and application of plaster cast    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Whirling disease    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branch of internal thoracic artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branch of thyrocervical trunk    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Alternative arterial hierarchy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital epulis of newborn    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital gingival granular cell tumor    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital gingival granular cell tumour    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital absence of upper limb    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diplomyelia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Myeloschisis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branch of subclavian artery    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branch of vertebral artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branch of basilar artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Subcutaneous tissue of shoulder region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cranial branch of vertebral artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branch of axillary artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branch of brachial artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Microscopic renal pelvis structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypoglycemic shock    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypoglycaemic shock    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Torek operation for orchiopexy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire glomus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Severe protein-calorie malnutrition (Gomez: less than 60% of standard weight)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branch of radial artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branch of ulnar artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Microscopic thyroid structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Parathyroid cell    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Alimentary edema    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Alimentary oedema    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Endocrine pancreas cell    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface feature of liver related to adjacent organ    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intrahepatic venous structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Microscopic liver structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of left hepatic duct    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of right hepatic duct    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nutritional oedema without dyspigmentation of skin AND/OR hair    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nutritional edema without dyspigmentation of skin AND/OR hair    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diagnostic endoscopic examination of duodenum and biopsy of lesion of duodenum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Reticular formation structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of brain    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Buffalo obesity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cerebral tracts    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Corticospinal tract in brainstem    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spinothalamic tract in brainstem    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spinothalamic tract of medulla    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Microscopic pancreas structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Microscopic exocrine pancreas structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Postcapillary pulmonary hypertension    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Microscopic pancreatic duct structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of true cholinesterase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of eyelid    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pelvic peritoneal fossa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pulmonary hypertension secondary to raised pulmonary vascular resistance    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of choline esterase I    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Layer of cervix    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Blood vessel at placental attachment    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Endometrial layer    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Layer of ovary    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of acetylcholinesterase    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of helix    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of butyrylcholine esterase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of concha    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Systemic venous structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of right atrium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Acute necrotizing otitis media    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Acute necrotising otitis media    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of coronary sinus    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of benzoylcholinesterase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Microscopic skin structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Microscopic skin vascular structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of superior vena cava    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of inferior vena cava    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of cholinesterase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of brachiocephalic vein    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of internal jugular vein    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Selective parenteral and enteral regimen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of non-specific cholinesterase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of cavernous sinus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Branch of internal carotid artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of choline esterase II (unspecific)    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of facial vein    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of pectin methylesterase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of vertebral vein    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Palpebral arches and their branches    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of pectinesterase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lower anterior intercostal arteries    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Posterior intercostal arteries 3 to 11    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tributary of superior ophthalmic vein    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of pectin methoxylase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Upper anterior intercostal arteries    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of lactonase    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of aldonolactonase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Upper anterior intercostal veins    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lower anterior intercostal veins    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of gluconolactonase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lower right posterior intercostal veins    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Left posterior intercostal vein    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Onanism    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of acetyl-CoA deacylase    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Biomechanical therapeutic activity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of acetyl-CoA acylase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Biomechanical remedial activity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of acetyl-CoA hydrolase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Movement facilitation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA hydrolase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Secondary correction of alar slump    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of tributary of portal vein    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of palmitoyl-CoA hydrolase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Secondary correction of cleft lip nasal deformity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of phosphomonoesterase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Venicula tendinum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Suture structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pes anserinus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Repair of pharynx by direct closure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Type of bone    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Part of diaphysis of bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of glycerophosphatase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Muscle belly of digastric    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Muscle belly of omohyoid    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Atlantooccipital membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Subtendinous bursa of gastrocnemius muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Region of cranial cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Clinoid process of sphenoid bone    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pharyngeal reconstruction by direct closure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Retinaculum of extensor muscles    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of alkaline phosphomonoesterase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Retinaculum of peroneal muscles    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lacuna of iliac fossa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intraoccipital synchondrosis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Section of neck of femur    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intertrochanteric structure of femur    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of acetabulum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Capsule of sternal joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Local excision of renal parenchymal tumour    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Local excision of renal parenchymal tumor    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Capsule of costal joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Capsule of atlantal joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of alkaline phosphatase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Capsule of tibiofibular joint    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Capsule of interphalangeal joint of toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Capsule of intertarsal joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Toe joint synovium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Enucleation of renal tumour    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Enucleation of renal tumor    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Upper limb joint cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lower limb joint cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of lipophosphodiesterase II    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Ligament of head of rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Retinaculum of hand    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Musculoskeletal structure of trachea    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of lecithinase D    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Distal epiphysis of upper limb    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Distal epiphysis of lower limb    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Proximal epiphysis of upper limb    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Proximal epiphysis of lower limb    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intervertebral disc space of lumbar vertebra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Laser urethrotomy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Capsule of metatarsophalangeal joint of lesser toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of phospholipase D    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cervical region of longitudinal ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lumbar region of longitudinal ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Glomerular arteriole    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Thoracic region of longitudinal ligament    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Periarticular bone structure of distal humerus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Periarticular bone structure of proximal ulna    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Vein of clitoris    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Incision of urethral stricture with laser    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of uterus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of sulfatase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of sulphatase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Metacarpal ligament    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Transverse scapular ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Talocalcaneal ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cuboidonavicular ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cuneocuboidal ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intercuneiform ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Capsule of radioulnar joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Trinitarian Humanism    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Fascia of pelvic diaphragm    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Occipital protuberance    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of arylsulfatase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of arylsulphatase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of 6-sulphatase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Foramen of atlas    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Process of axis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Osseointegrated bone anchor    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Foramen of axis    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Foramina of sacrum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Comenianism    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of clavicle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of scapula    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of first metacarpal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of second metacarpal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of third metacarpal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of fourth metacarpal    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of fifth metacarpal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of phalanx of hand    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of cuneiform articular facet of third metatarsal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Bum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of metatarsal articular facet of third metatarsal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of isomaltase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of fourth metatarsal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of metatarsal articular facet of fourth metatarsal    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Malleolar structure of fibula    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of fifth metatarsal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of calcaneal articular surface of talus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of cuboid bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Part of diaphragm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of metatarsal facet of cuboid bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Beggar    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of intermediate cuneiform    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of cuneiform facet of intermediate cunieform    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of inosinase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of navicular bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of cuneiform facet of navicular    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of medial cuneiform bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of metatarsal facet of medial cuneiform    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of lateral cuneiform bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of metatarsal facet of lateral cuneiform    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of first metatarsal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of second metatarsal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Moving to new residence    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of cuneiform articular facet of second metatarsal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Part of pectoralis major    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of inosine nucleosidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of metatarsal articular facet of second metatarsal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of third metatarsal    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Head of rectus femoris    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Head of biceps femoris    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Head of gastrocnemius    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Head of adductor hallucis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Change of residence status    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire subcutaneous malleolar bursa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of NAD+ nucleosidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Angle of parietal bone    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of process of maxilla    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intolerant ex-smoker    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of twelfth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of NADase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Ostium of Eustachian tube    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of lens    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Isthmus tympani    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Part of myometrium    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of eleventh rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Ring of iris    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cervicothoracic ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Aggressive ex-smoker    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of eleventh rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of leucine aminopeptidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Thoracolumbar ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lumbosacral ligament    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lumbosacral discs    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of ninth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lumbosacral joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of ninth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of cytosol aminopeptidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire sacrococcygeal ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Subcutaneous tissue of canthus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of canthus    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of tenth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Upper eyelid muscle structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dorsal sacrococcygeal ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of tenth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Aggressive non-smoker    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of eighth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of peptidase a    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of eighth rib    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of third rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of third rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of seventh rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of seventh rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of second rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of second rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intolerant non-smoker    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of antihelix    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of sixth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of aminopeptidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of twelfth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of sixth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Wall of mastoid antrum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of fifth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of fifth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of fourth rib    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of fourth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tendon and tendon sheath    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of first rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of carnosinase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of first rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of manubrium    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Digital palmar nerves of ulnar nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of manubrium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Digital palmar nerves of median nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surface of body of sternum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of aminoacyl-histidine dipeptidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Alar cartilage structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Region of nasopharynx    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sciatic notch    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hospital-based outpatient allergy clinic    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface, metacarpal, of phalanx of finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of prolinase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tuberosity of distal phalanx of finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Oesophageal muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Esophageal muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Incisure of stomach    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface, interphalangeal, of phalanx of finger    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of jejunum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Region of ileum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hospital-based outpatient immunology clinic    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of ileum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lymphoid structure of small intestine    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of imidodipeptidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Border of small intestine    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intestinal wall structure    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Type of bone marrow    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Margin of spleen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Extremity of spleen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hasidim    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lymph node of trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Layers of gastrointestinal wall    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of L-prolylglycine dipeptidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of lymphatic vessel of intestine    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Segment of right lobe of liver    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Segment of left lobe of liver    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Arterial structure of spleen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hasidic Jew, follower of religion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of region of omental bursa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Venous structure of spleen    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of prolyl dipeptidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Inguinal fossa    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Peritoneal ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ligament of metacarpophalangeal joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Occipital nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Vesicular lymph node    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lacunar lymph node    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of prolidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Collateral ligament of interphalangeal joint of finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Zone of lymph node    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Eastern Orthodox Church    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lymphatic trunk of thorax    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Region of lymph node    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of iminodipeptidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lymphatic trunk of neck    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Layer of thymus gland    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of bone marrow of vertebra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Capsule of metacarpophalangeal joint of finger    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Capsule of interphalangeal joint    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Digital nerves of ulnar nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Eastern Christianity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of tarsal bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of proline dipeptidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of calcaneum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Epiphysis of ilium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of fibula    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Epiphysis of pubis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of tibia with fibula    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Bone structure of cuneiform    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of cathepsin C    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of great toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Embryonic pharyngeal pouch    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of second toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of third toe    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Ileal tubal prosthesis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of fourth toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of fifth toe    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cutaneous nerve of arm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of dipeptidyl peptidase I    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of index finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cutaneous nerve of forearm    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of middle finger    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of ring finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Skin of part of little finger    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Epiphysis of phalanx of hand    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of metacarpal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of upper limb bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spinal nerve branch    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of dipeptidyl-amino-peptidase I    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of phalanx of foot    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of metatarsal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Peripheral nerve region of upper limb    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular facet of cuneiform bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of articular surface of lower limb bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lumbar nerve primary division    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of chymotrypsin A and B    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sacral nerve primary division    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tibial nerve calcaneal branches    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Habitual drug user    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of chymotrypsin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Peripheral nerve structure of trunk    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Misuses drugs    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Region of brachial plexus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of alpha- and beta-trypsin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Plexus of thoracic sympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sympathetic fibre    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sympathetic fiber    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Region of sympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spinal nerve branch of sympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lack of education    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Region of parasympathetic nervous system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Zone of organ of Corti    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of trypsin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Thoracic nerve cutaneous branch    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: External feature of tympanic membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Internal feature of tympanic membrane    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of ribosomal neutral proteinase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Laryngeal articular capsule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Laryngeal bursa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Area of internal auditory canal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nipple part    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of ribosomal cathepsin    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Normal anatomy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of joint of rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Costocorporeal joint structure    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of A-ase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of L-asparagine amidohydrolase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of halogenase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of alkylhalidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of phosphatase    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of phosphoric monoester hydrolase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of sulphuric ester hydrolase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of sulfuric ester hydrolase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of amine oxidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of adrenaline oxidase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Deficiency of tyraminase    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dehiscence AND/OR disruption of uterine wound in the puerperium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disruption of caesarean wound in the puerperium    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Disruption of cesarean wound in the puerperium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire blood vessel    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Allergic transfusion reaction    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire spinal nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire phalanx of hand    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire carotid nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Supraaortic branch of thoracic aorta    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire shoulder region    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire genitourinary tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Transfusion reaction due to allergen in blood    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire genital system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire male genitourinary tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lymph node of lower extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire respiratory tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ovarian follicle    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Avulsion of zygomatic region of cheek    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire female genitourinary tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Avulsion of malar region of cheek    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intrauterine synechiae    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Female Kallman's syndrome    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Female hypogonadotropic hypogonadism    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Open fracture of hip    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Open fracture of neck of femur    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nutritional amblyopia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Impairment level of vision    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Psychomotor epilepsy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Self-limiting autoimmune thyroiditis with transient hyperthyroidism and/or hypothyroidism    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Subacute autoimmune thyroiditis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Subacute lymphocytic thyroiditis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Atypical subacute thyroiditis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hyperparathyroidism due to lithium therapy    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypercalcemia due to lithium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypercalcaemia due to lithium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypercalcaemia caused by lithium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Peripheral retinoschisis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Isolated primary Raynaud's phenomenon    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Senile arteriosclerosis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Arteriosclerosis obliterans    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Alteration in heart rate    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Abnormal cardiac rate    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Abnormal heart beat    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Irregular heart beat    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Irregular heart rate    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cardiac assist implant    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Idiopathic small intestinal ulcers    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diffuse ulcerations of jejunum AND/OR ileum    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital small renal papilla    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital hypoplasia of renal papilla    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Anxiolytic intoxication    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypnotic intoxication    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sedative, hypnotic AND/OR anxiolytic withdrawal delirium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sedative withdrawal delirium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Revision of stoma of large intestine    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Repair of stoma of large intestine    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Uterine suspension without shortening of round ligaments or sacrouterine ligaments    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Uteropexy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Surgical repair of prolapsed uterus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Repair of eyelid laceration, partial-thickness involving lid margin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Prosthetic heart    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mucous fistula stoma    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Repair of eyelid, partial-thickness involving lid margin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Costal region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Repair of eyelid laceration, full-thickness involving lid margin    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Repair of eyelid, full-thickness involving lid margin    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Kuhnt-Szymanowski operation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: V-Y operation for ectropion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Repair of ectropion with lid reconstruction    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Repair of ectropion by blepharoplasty    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Suture of uterosacral ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Suture of sacrouterine ligament    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Derlacki operation    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tympanoplasty, type I with graft    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Myringoplasty epitympanic, type I    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Destruction of lesion of rectum by fulguration    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Fulguration of anus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Doyle operation for paracervical uterine denervation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Denervation of uterosacral nerves    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Denervation of paracervical uterine nerves    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Neuroplasty and transposition of cranial nerve    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cranial nerve transposition    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Transplantation of cranial nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Class in physical fitness and conditioning    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Group exercise    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Ramadier operation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intrapetrosal drainage    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Frenckner operation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Removal of wrist prosthesis    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Arthrotomy for removal of prosthesis of wrist    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Aspiration of intracranial space through previously implanted catheter or reservoir, Ommaya or Rickham    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Drainage of cerebrum by aspiration through previously implanted catheter    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Extraction of cataract by ultrasonic phacofragmentation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Perinatal pulmonary fibroplasia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pulmonary fibroplasia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Idiopathic hilar fibrosis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sarcoid arthropathy    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sarcoid arthritis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Familial febrile urticaria    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Persistent hyperplasia of thymus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypertrophy of thymus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Malonic aciduria    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Gram-positive septic shock    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Primary sleep apnea of newborn    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Primary sleep apnoea of newborn    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Dermite ocre of Favre    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Stasis purpura    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pemphigus minor    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Oral pemphigus vulgaris    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital absence of pelvis and lower limb    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diabetic femoral mononeuropathy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intrafamilial sexual abuse    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pure tone audiometry, extended, sensitivity index    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Pure tone audiometry, extended, impedance testing    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Episioperineoplasty    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Episioperineorrhaphy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Wertheim-Meigs abdominal hysterectomy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Wertheim operation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hymenoptera desensitisation therapy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Venom desensitisation therapy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Venom hyposensitisation therapy    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hymenoptera hyposensitisation therapy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hymenoptera hyposensitization therapy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hymenoptera immunotherapy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structural family psychotherapy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structural psychotherapy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Prescribed dietary intake    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Recommendation to change dietary intake    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Barrier nursing    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sources isolation    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Isolation of infected patient    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Ischemic lactate test    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Ischaemic lactate test    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Vitamin B12 absorption test    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Vitamin B12 isotope studies    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Perineural suture technique    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Perineural suturing of peripheral nerve    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Epineural suture technique    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Epineural suturing of peripheral nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Epiperineural suture technique    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Epiperineural suturing of peripheral nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cryotherapy to splanchnic nerves    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cryotherapy to splanchnic sympathetic nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Excision of contact ulcer of vocal cord    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Excision of intubation granuloma of larynx    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nephrectomy with excision of perirenal tissue    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Leadbetter unilateral reimplantation of ureter    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Extravesical unilateral reimplantation of ureter    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Diagnostic ureterorenoscopy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Simple diagnostic ureteroscopy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Ureteroscopic balloon rupture and stenting    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Autoaugmentation of bladder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Clam cystoplasty    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cystodiathermy and destruction of bladder lesion    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cystoscopy and cystodiathermy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cystoscopy and cauterisation of bladder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cystoscopy and cauterization of bladder    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Denis-Browne hypospadias repair    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Hypospadias and chordee repair    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Paravaginal cyst arising in mesonephric duct    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital arteriovenous fistula of kidney    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Congenital stenosis of external auditory canal    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Lip hypertrophy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Alcohol-related fit    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Alcohol-induced epilepsy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Intentional    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Episodic recurrent vertigo    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Recurrent vestibulopathy    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Cerebellar ataxia due to alcoholism    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Alcoholic cerebellar degeneration    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Oral apraxia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Oral dyspraxia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Verbal apraxia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Verbal dyspraxia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mondor's phlebitis of the penis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Sclerosing lymphangitis of penis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spasmodic dysmenorrhoea    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Spasmodic dysmenorrhea    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire joint of thoracic vertebra    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cerebral vessels    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire alveolar bronchiole    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire axillary fossa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire wrist region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire knee region    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ankle region    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire renal ganglia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire abdominal cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: All abdominal viscera    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Structure of body of sphenoid bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire greater wing of sphenoid bone    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hyoid bursa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pelvic floor    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire posterior ligament of uterus    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of first rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of second rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of fourth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of fifth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of sixth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of seventh rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of eighth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of ninth rib    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of tenth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire head of eleventh rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of eleventh rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tubercle of twelfth rib    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire modiolus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire spiral lamina of modiolus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire embryonic artery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire primitive aorta    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tunica fibrosa of eyeball    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire neuroepithelial layer    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire embyronic blood vessel    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire embryonic vein    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire iliac tuberosity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire inferior ischial ramus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire proximal phalanx of hand    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pericardial sac    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire mid portion of circumflex branch of left coronary    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire renal pyramid    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire renal corpuscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire cortical lobule of kidney    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire glomerular capsule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire renal tubule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire convoluted renal tubule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire Henle's loop    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire distal convoluted renal tubule    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire nephron    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lymphoid organ    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire endocrine pancreas    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire male genital system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire male pelvic organ    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire limbic system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire supratentorial brain    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire filum terminale    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire ala nasi    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire vomeronasal organ    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire nasal passage    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire body cavity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire lateral lacunar lymph node    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pectoral lymph node    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: All lymph nodes    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire abdominal wall muscle    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire intercartilaginous part of rima glottidis    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire biliary system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire head and neck    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire submandibular area    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire intestinal tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hair shaft    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire hair bulb    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire inner root sheath    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire fauces    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire iliac fascia    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pulmonary alveolus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire pulmonary acinus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire neuromyoarterial glomus    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire digit    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire locomotor system    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire bone of lower extremity    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire bone of foot    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire rotator cuff including muscles and tendons    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire uterine adnexa    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire skin of clitoris    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire exocervical epithelium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire endometrial gland    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire skeleton    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire respiratory airway    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire upper respiratory tract    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire nose, accessory sinus and nasopharynx, CS    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs, CS    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire tracheobronchial tree    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire theca folliculi    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire female genital system    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Second ray    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Third ray    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Fourth ray    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Unintentional    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Regional peripheral nerve    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nerve of cervical plexus distribution    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nerve of brachial plexus distribution    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nerve of lumbar plexus distribution    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Nerve of sacral plexus distribution    
DISPLAYABLE TEXT: 190m>2<Iridium    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Salmonella Atento    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Blood group antigen Warren    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Entire genital ridge    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Genital gland    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Tubal mesentery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Mesonephric mesentery    DISPLAYABLE TEXT: Primitive left dorsal aorta    
For the entire list of entries see: Here

ICR, Total: 1

ICR LINK Subscribing Package(s) Fields Referenced Description
ICR #1571 Display Text (.01).
Access: Direct Global Read & w/Fileman

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)
^LEX(757.01 - [#757.01] IXBSL+1*, IXBKL+1!, IXBKEIC+1!, 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 1S), 9(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 2S), 9(XREF 2K)

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
>> DA IXBSL+1, IXBKL+1, 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 1S), 9(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 2S), 9(XREF 2K)
>> DIC(0 ACT+1*
U 9(XREF 2S), 9(XREF 2K)
X IXBSCC+1*, .01+1!, 1(XREF 1S), 1(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 1S), 9(XREF 1K), 9(XREF 2S)
>> X1 IXBKL+1
Info |  Desc |  Directly Accessed By Routines |  Accessed By FileMan Db Calls |  Pointed To By FileMan Files |  Pointer To FileMan Files |  Fields |  ICR |  Found Entries |  External References |  Global Variables Directly Accessed |  Local Variables  | All