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Global: ^PXRM(802.2

Package: Clinical Reminders

Global: ^PXRM(802.2


FileMan FileNo FileMan Filename Package
802.2 NLM VALUE SETS Clinical Reminders


Directly Accessed By Routines, Total: 8

Package Total Routines

Pointer To FileMan Files, Total: 2

Package Total FileMan Files
Clinical Reminders 2 NLM VALUE SET CODING SYSTEMS(#802.1)[#802.24(.01)]    NLM QUALITY MEASURE GROUPS(#802.3)[#802.25(.01)]    

Fields, Total: 6

Field # Name Loc Type Details
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>128!($L(X)<3)!'(X'?1P.E) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-128 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Name of the value set.
    Short Descr: New-style B index
    Set Logic: S ^PXRM(802.2,"B",$E(X,1,128),DA)=""
    Kill Logic: K ^PXRM(802.2,"B",$E(X,1,128),DA)
    Whole Kill: K ^PXRM(802.2,"B")
    X(1): NAME (802.2,.01) (Subscr 1) (Len 128) (forwards)
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>64!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-64 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Object Identifier of the value set.
    Short Descr: OID
    Description: Value sets are identified by their Object Identifier (OID), the Name and Version Date can change but the OID will not. An index on OID provides a consistent way to lookup a value set.
    Set Logic: S ^PXRM(802.2,"OID",$E(X,1,64),DA)=""
    Kill Logic: K ^PXRM(802.2,"OID",$E(X,1,64),DA)
    Whole Kill: K ^PXRM(802.2,"OID")
    X(1): OID (802.2,1) (Subscr 1) (Len 64) (forwards)

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 26, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-30 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Short Identifier of the value set.
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • LAST EDITED:  APR 28, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Enter the version date.
  • DESCRIPTION:  This is the Version Date associated with the value set. The combination of OID and Version Date uniquely identify a value set.
  • RECORD INDEXES:  AUNVD (#558), OIDVD (#1160)
4 CODE LIST 2;0 POINTER Multiple #802.24 802.24

  • DESCRIPTION:  This multiple contains a list of all the standard codes in the value set.
5 MEASURE LIST 3;0 POINTER Multiple #802.25 802.25

  • DESCRIPTION:  This is a list of all the Clinical Quality Measures that use the value set.

Found Entries, Total: 1006

NAME: AMI    NAME: Abdominal Hysterectomy    NAME: Clinical Trial Participant    NAME: Activation of Emergency Medical System Education    NAME: Delivery Procedures    NAME: Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)    NAME: Hemodialysis-Procedure    NAME: Acute care hospital    
NAME: Expired    NAME: Hospital Measures - Acute or Evolving MI    NAME: Hospital Measures - Discontinue    NAME: Hospital Measures-AIDS related complex    NAME: Hospital Measures-Acquired immune deficiency syndrome    NAME: Hospital Measures-CT scan including chest    NAME: Hospital Measures-Chronic lymphocytic leukemia    NAME: Hospital Measures-Congenital or hereditary immunodeficiency    
NAME: Hospital Measures-Cystic fibrosis    NAME: Hospital Measures-Chest xray SM-CT    NAME: Hospital Measures-HIV test    NAME: Hospital Measures-Hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis    NAME: Hospital Measures-Human immunodeficiency virus    NAME: Hospital Measures-ICU Locations    NAME: Hospital Measures-Emphysema    NAME: Hospital Measures-IV, IM, or PO Corticosteroids    
NAME: Hospital Measures-Immunodeficiency syndrome    NAME: Hospital Measures-Joint Commission Evidence of a surgical procedure requiring general or neuraxial anesthesia    NAME: Hospital Measures-LBBB    NAME: Hospital Measures-Leukemia    NAME: Hospital Measures-Lymphocytic leukemia    NAME: Hospital Measures-Lymphoma    NAME: Hospital Measures-MRSA Colonization or Infection    NAME: Hospital Measures-Myelodysplasia    
NAME: Hospital Measures-Myelogenic leukemia    NAME: Hospital Measures-Myeloma    NAME: Hospital Measures-Neutropenia    NAME: Hospital Measures-Non-ICU Locations    NAME: Hospital Measures-Nursing home or extended care facility    NAME: Hospital Measures-Organ transplant recipient    NAME: Hospital Measures-Pacemaker or implantable defibrillator procedure    NAME: Hospital Measures-Pancytopenia    
NAME: Hospital Measures-Presumptive pneumonia    NAME: Hospital Measures-Radiological findings consistent with pneumonia    NAME: Hospital Measures-Respiratory failure acute or chronic    NAME: Hospital Measures-Respiratory infection    NAME: Hospital Measures-Restrictive lung disease    NAME: Acute care hospital Inpatient Encounter    NAME: Hospital Measures-Neutrophil count    NAME: Hospital Measures-SCIP Urological/Perineal procedures with potential need of indwelling catheters    
NAME: Hospital Measures-SCIP urinary diversion procedures    NAME: Hospital Measures-ST-segment elevation    NAME: Hospital Measures-Organ transplant    NAME: Hospital Measures-Severe    NAME: Hospital Measures-PACU    NAME: Hospital Measures-Systemic Chemotherapy    NAME: Hospital measures-Caesarean section    NAME: Hospital measures-Cardiac valve surgery    
NAME: Hospital Measures-SCIP urinary diversion    NAME: Hospital measures-knee arthroplasty    NAME: ICU Locations    NAME: Acute or Evolving MI    NAME: LDL-c Test    NAME: Lipid-lowering Agent    NAME: Outcome of Delivery    NAME: Patient Reason    
NAME: Peritoneal Dialysis-Procedure    NAME: Adverse Drug Reactions Education    NAME: Ambulatory surgical center    NAME: Another Source of Infection    NAME: Antibiotics for Prophylaxis for Hysterectomy Surgeries    NAME: Adolescent Depression Screening    NAME: Adult Depression Screening    NAME: Anticoagulant Therapy    
NAME: Anticoagulant ingredient specific    NAME: Antithrombotic Therapy    NAME: Antithrombotic ingredient specific    NAME: Any Infection Prior to Anesthesia Concepts    NAME: birth date    NAME: BMI Finding Code Set    NAME: BMI LOINC calculation    NAME: Below Normal Referrals    
NAME: Blood Pressure Measured    NAME: CHD or CHD Risk Equivalent    NAME: Electrocardiogram (ECG)    NAME: Deceased    NAME: Depression Screening Result    NAME: LDL Test    NAME: Major Depressive Disorder New or Recurrent    NAME: Negative Depression Screening    
NAME: Nursing Home    NAME: LDL-C Laboratory Test    NAME: Macroalbumin Test    NAME: Patient Request    NAME: Measles Antigen Test    NAME: Medical reason    NAME: Medical reason contraindicated    NAME: Positive Depression Screening    
NAME: Microalbumin Test    NAME: Mumps Antigen Test    NAME: Psych Visit - Diagnostic or Evaluative Interview    NAME: Psych Visit - Individual Inpatient Interactive Psychotherapy    NAME: Psych Visit - Individual Inpatient Psychotherapy    NAME: Psych Visit - Individual Outpatient Interactive Psychotherapy    NAME: Psych Visit - Individual Outpatient Psychotherapy    NAME: Psych Visit - Medication Management    
NAME: Patient Reason Refused    NAME: Residence    NAME: Pregnancy    NAME: Smoking    NAME: Rubella Antigen Test    NAME: Encounter Inpatient    NAME: General or Neuraxial Anesthesia    NAME: Gestational Age 37-38 weeks    
NAME: Gestational Age <37 weeks    NAME: Gestational Age >38 weeks    NAME: Gestational Age Unknown    NAME: Hearing Examination    NAME: Varicella Zoster Antigen Test    NAME: Home Hospice Care    NAME: Hospital Measures - Comfort Measure Only Intervention    NAME: Hospital Measures - Encounter ED    
NAME: Hospital Measures - Expired    NAME: Hospital Measures - Home Hospice Care    NAME: Hospital Measures - Inpatient Hospice Care    NAME: Hospital Measures - Principal    NAME: Hospital Measures - Principal    NAME: Hospital Measures - Warfarin Anticoagulants    NAME: Any infection    NAME: Aortic balloon pump insertion    
NAME: Arterial or Umbilical Venous Cath Group    NAME: Artificial Rupture of Membranes    NAME: Aspirin    NAME: Aspirin Allergen    NAME: Aspirin ingredient specific    NAME: Asthma    NAME: Asthma Management Plan    NAME: Atrial Ablation    
NAME: Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter    NAME: Hospital Measures-ECG Impression    NAME: Bacterial culture    NAME: Baseline State    NAME: Hospital Measures-Encounter ED    NAME: Hospital Measures-Encounter Inpatient    NAME: Hospital Measures-Endotrachael intubation    NAME: Beta Lactams for Allergy Determination    
NAME: Birth    NAME: Birth Trauma or Injuries Group    NAME: Breast Milk    NAME: Bronchiectasis    NAME: CABG Surgeries    NAME: COPD    NAME: CT Scan Including Chest Diagnostic Test    NAME: Cardiac Surgery Other Than CABG    
NAME: Cardiac Valve Surgery    NAME: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Group    NAME: Cardiopulmonary arrest    NAME: Cefuroxime and Cefazolin Antibiotics for IV Administration    NAME: Cesarean Birth    NAME: Cesarean Section    NAME: Chest XRay Diagnostic Test    NAME: Chronic Wound Care    
NAME: Chronic bronchitis    NAME: Classical Cesarean Birth    NAME: Clinical Pathway Protocol    NAME: Colon Surgery    NAME: Comfort Measures    NAME: Conditions Possibly Justifying Elective Delivery Prior to 39 Weeks Gestation    NAME: Complication Mainly Related to Pregnancy    NAME: Complication Mainly in the Course of Labor and Delivery    
NAME: Hospital Measures-IV, IM, or PO Antimicrobial Medications    NAME: Complication of the Puerperium    NAME: Congenital Anomalies Group    NAME: Congenital or Infantile Cerebral Palsy Group    NAME: Hospital Measures-Indwelling urinary catheter    NAME: Hospital Measures-Infection diagnosis    NAME: Cornual Ectopic Pregnancy    NAME: Cornual Ectopic Pregnancy    
NAME: Hospital Measures-Joint Commission Mental Disorders    NAME: Hospital Measures-LBBB    NAME: Cystic Fibrosis    NAME: Dabigatran    NAME: Decision to Admit to Hospital Inpatient    NAME: Delivery Procedures    NAME: Hospital Measures-PCI    NAME: Hospital Measures-PO Colon and Hysterectomy Antibiotics-Metronidazole    
NAME: Devices indicating intermittent catheterization    NAME: Hospital Measures-Presumptive Pneumonia    NAME: Devices indicating urethral catheter    NAME: Devices indicating urinary diversion    NAME: Diagnoses as Reasons For Admission to ICU due to Pneumonia    NAME: Diastolic Blood Pressure    NAME: Dietary Intake Other than Breast Milk    NAME: Dinoprostone    
NAME: Direct Thrombin Inhibitor    NAME: Discharge To Acute Care Facility    NAME: Discharge To Home Or Police Custody    NAME: Discharged to Health Care Facility for Hospice Care    NAME: Discharged to Home for Hospice Care    NAME: Discharged to Rehabilitation Facility    NAME: Diuretics    NAME: Drug Interactions Education    
NAME: Drug Withdrawal Syndrome Group    NAME: Hospital Measures-Tracheostomy care    NAME: Hospital Measures-Urethra    NAME: Electrocardiogram (ECG)    NAME: Emergency Department Visit    NAME: Emergency Department Visit    NAME: Emergency department location    NAME: Emphysema    
NAME: Encounter Inpatient    NAME: Endotracheal Intubation    NAME: Feeding Intention-Breast    NAME: Estimated Gestational Age at Birth    NAME: Estimated Gestational Age at Delivery    NAME: Ethnicity    NAME: Fibrinolytic Therapy    NAME: Follow-up Monitoring    
NAME: Hospital measures-IV arthroplasty and colon antibiotics    NAME: Francisella Tularensis or Yersinia pestis    NAME: Galactosemia    NAME: Gastrostomy Group    NAME: Gavage Feeding Group    NAME: Hospital measures-PO Erythromycin    NAME: Hospital measures-PO Neomycin sulfate    NAME: Hospital measures-Pacemaker or implantable defibrillator device    
NAME: General Surgery    NAME: General or Neuraxial Anesthesia    NAME: Gestational age >= 37 weeks    NAME: Hospital measures-Route oral    NAME: Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa Inhibitors    NAME: Graduated compression stockings (GCS)    NAME: Gynecological Surgery    NAME: Healthcare associated pneumonia    
NAME: Hemodialysis or Peritoneal Dialysis    NAME: Hemolytic Disease Group    NAME: Hemorrhagic Stroke    NAME: History of MRSA Colonization or Infection    NAME: Hip Fracture Surgery    NAME: Hip Replacement Surgery    NAME: Hip arthroplasty    NAME: Hospital Settings    
NAME: Hydrops Group    NAME: Inpatient Encounter    NAME: Inpatient Hospice Care    NAME: Hyperbilirubinemia Group    NAME: Hypoxia or Asphyxia Group    NAME: ICU Admission or Transfer    NAME: IM or PO Antimicrobial medications    NAME: INR    
NAME: INR Monitoring Education    NAME: IV Aminoglycosides    NAME: IV AntiHypertensives    NAME: IV Antibiotics Used For Prophylaxis for Colon Surgery    NAME: Left Against Medical Advice    NAME: IV Antimicrobial medication    NAME: IV Antipneumococcal/antipseudomonal beta lactams    NAME: Liveborn Born In Hospital    
NAME: IV Antipseudomonal quinolones    NAME: IV Aztreonam    NAME: Maternal Reason    NAME: IV Beta lactams    NAME: IV Cefazolin    NAME: IV Ceftriaxone    NAME: Medical Reason    NAME: Medical Reasons    
NAME: IV Cefuroxime    NAME: Medical Reasons AMI    NAME: IV Clindamycin    NAME: IV Doxycycline    NAME: IV Ertapenem    NAME: IV Macrolides ICU    NAME: IV Metronidazole    NAME: IV PO AntiPseudomonal Quinolones    
NAME: IV PO Quinolone Antipneumococcal    NAME: IV Positive Inotropic and Vasopressor Agents    NAME: Neurologic Symptoms of Stroke    NAME: IV Quinolones    NAME: IV Quinolones Antipneumococcal    NAME: IV Quinolones Used For Prophylaxis for Hysterectomy and Colon Surgery    NAME: IV Tigecycline    NAME: IV Vancomycin    
NAME: IV or IM Aztreonam    NAME: IV or IM Beta lactams    NAME: Palliative Care    NAME: IV or PO Doxycyclines    NAME: Parental Refusal    NAME: IV or PO Levofloxacin    NAME: IV or PO Macrolides Non ICU    NAME: IV, IM, PO Antimicrobial Medications    
NAME: Immunocompromised Conditions    NAME: Patient Expired    NAME: Patient Expired    NAME: Patient Reason    NAME: Patient Reasons AMI    NAME: Immunocompromised Therapies    NAME: Immunodeficient Conditions    NAME: Intermittent Catheterization    
NAME: Impaired Fetal Growth Group    NAME: Infection Group    NAME: Injectable Factor Xa Inhibitor for VTE Prophylaxis    NAME: Principal Diagnosis    NAME: Injectable factor Xa inhibitor for VTE prophylaxis ingredient specific    NAME: Intravenous Thrombolytic (t-PA) Therapy    NAME: Rehabilitation Services    NAME: Instructions for Follow Up After Discharge    
NAME: Intermittent pneumatic compression devices (IPC)    NAME: Interstitial lung disease    NAME: Intracranial Neurosurgery    NAME: Intramuscular or PO route    NAME: Intravenous or Intra-arterial Thrombolytic (t-PA) Therapy    NAME: Intravenous route    NAME: Ischemic Stroke    NAME: Spontaneous Rupture of Membranes    
NAME: Knee Arthroplasty Surgery    NAME: Livebirth    NAME: Statins    NAME: Knee Replacement Surgery    NAME: System Reasons AMI    NAME: LDL-c    NAME: Labor    NAME: Laryngeal Stenosis Group    
NAME: Left Against Medical Advice    NAME: Live Birth Newborn Born in Hospital    NAME: Low Dose Unfractionated Heparin for VTE Prophylaxis    NAME: Low Molecular Weight Heparin for VTE Prophylaxis    NAME: Low Molecular Weight Heparin for VTE prophylaxis ingredient specific    NAME: Low Risk    NAME: MRSA Colonization or Infection    NAME: Mental Disorders    
NAME: Medical Contraindication    NAME: Medical Induction of Labor    NAME: Medical Reason    NAME: Medical Reasons    NAME: Medication Compliance Education    NAME: Medication Hold    NAME: Mental Health Diagnoses    NAME: Myomectomy    
NAME: National Institute of Health Stroke Scale    NAME: Neonatal Death SM-CT    NAME: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)    NAME: Normal Delivery and Other Indications for Care    NAME: Neurologic Complications Group    NAME: Neurologic Procedure Group    NAME: Neutrophil count    NAME: Newborn Affected by Placenta or Abruption Group    
NAME: Newborn Hearing Screen Left    NAME: Newborn Hearing Screen Right    NAME: Non-Elective Inpatient Encounter    NAME: Nursing Home or Extended Care Facility    NAME: ONC Administrative Sex    NAME: Obstetrics    NAME: Obstetrics VTE    NAME: Oral Factor Xa Inhibitor for VTE Prophylaxis or VTE Treatment    
NAME: Organ Transplant Recipient    NAME: Other Anticoagulants for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI)    NAME: Oxytocin    NAME: PCI    NAME: PCR Test for Legionella pneumophila    NAME: Paralytic Agents    NAME: Parenteral Anticoagulant    NAME: Perforation of Uterus    
NAME: Parenteral Nutrition    NAME: Parenteral anticoagulant ingredient specific    NAME: Partial Thromboplastin Time    NAME: Pass Or Refer    NAME: Patient Expired    NAME: Patient Refusal    NAME: Primary Procedure    NAME: Payer    
NAME: Perforation of Uterus    NAME: Phototherapy Procedure Group    NAME: Platelet Count    NAME: Pneumonia    NAME: Pocketed Device Implantation Procedures    NAME: Positive Finding    NAME: Prescribed Medications Education    NAME: Principal    
NAME: Procedures as Reasons for Admission to ICU Due to Pneumonia    NAME: Prolonged QT Interval    NAME: Prothrombin Time    NAME: Psychiatric/Mental Health Patient    NAME: Race    NAME: Radiologic Finding Normal    NAME: Recommendation not to change diet    NAME: Rehabilitation Assessment    
NAME: Rehabilitation Therapy    NAME: Request of physician    NAME: Respiratory Problems Group    NAME: Respiratory Procedures Group    NAME: SCIP urinary diversion procedures    NAME: Respiratory failure acute or chronic    NAME: Respiratory infection    NAME: Restrictive lung disease    
NAME: Risk Factors Education    NAME: Route IV or PO    NAME: Route IV, oral or IM    NAME: Route IV/IM    NAME: Statin    NAME: SCIP Major Surgical Procedure    NAME: SCIP Urological/Perineal procedures with potential need of indwelling catheters    NAME: STEMI Exclusions    
NAME: Scope Procedures    NAME: Substance or Medication Administration Route IV    NAME: Septicemia    NAME: Suprapubic catheter    NAME: Shock and Complications Group    NAME: Single Live Birth    NAME: Single Live Born Newborn Born in Hospital    NAME: Bilateral Amputee    
NAME: Social Reasons Group    NAME: Statin Allergen    NAME: Statin Grouper    NAME: Statin ingredient specific    NAME: Structural lung disease    NAME: Subcutaneous route    NAME: Transabdominal Cerclage    NAME: Systemic corticosteroid/prednisone therapy    
NAME: Systemic immunosuppressive therapy    NAME: Systolic Blood Pressure    NAME: TPN Procedure Group    NAME: Thrombocytopenia    NAME: Thrombolytic (t-PA) Therapy    NAME: Urethral catheter placement    NAME: Urethral catheter removal    NAME: Time of Delivery    
NAME: Time of Symptom Onset    NAME: Uterine Rupture    NAME: Tracheostomy care    NAME: Transabdominal Cerclage    NAME: Transfer From Emergency Department (ED) Locations    NAME: Transfer From Inpatient    NAME: Transfer From Outpatient    NAME: Treatment Adjusted by Protocol    
NAME: Unfractionated Heparin    NAME: Unfractionated Heparin for VTE prophylaxis ingredient specific    NAME: Urine antigen test for Legionella pneumophila or Streptococcus pneumoniae    NAME: Urological Surgery    NAME: Uterine Rupture    NAME: Uterine Window    NAME: VTE Confirmed    NAME: VTE Diagnostic Test    
NAME: VTE Risk Assessment    NAME: VTE Suspected    NAME: Vaginal Hysterectomy    NAME: Vascular Surgery    NAME: Venous Thromboembolism    NAME: Venous foot pumps (VFP)    NAME: Ventilator care    NAME: Ventricular Assist Device placement    
NAME: Vitamin K Dietary Management    NAME: Warfarin    NAME: Warfarin-only ingredient specific    NAME: Warning Signs and Symptoms Education    NAME: Wound Care    NAME: Written Information Given    NAME: t-PA ingredient specific    NAME: ACE Inhibitor or ARB    
NAME: ACE Inhibitor or ARB Ingredient    NAME: ADHD Medications    NAME: Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm    NAME: Above Normal Follow-up    NAME: Above Normal Medications    NAME: Acute Myocardial Infarction    NAME: Acute Pharyngitis    NAME: Acute Respiratory Failure    
NAME: Acute Tonsillitis    NAME: Acute and Subacute Iridocyclitis    NAME: Additional evaluation for depression - adolescent    NAME: Additional evaluation for depression - adult    NAME: Adhesions and Disruptions of Iris and Ciliary Body    NAME: Adolescent Depression Screening    NAME: Adult Depression Screening    NAME: Adult Outpatient Visit    
NAME: Alcohol and Drug Dependence    NAME: Alcohol and Drug Dependence Treatment    NAME: All Cancer    NAME: Allergy to ACE Inhibitor or ARB    NAME: Allergy to Antineoplastic Therapy    NAME: Allergy to Beta Blocker Therapy    NAME: Allergy to Eggs    NAME: Allergy to Influenza Vaccine    
NAME: Allergy to Tamoxifen or Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy    NAME: Amblyopia    NAME: Ambulatory    NAME: Ambulatory/ED Visit    NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to Common Baker's Yeast    NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to DTaP Vaccine    NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to Hemophilus Influenza B (HiB) Vaccine    NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to Hepatitis A Vaccine    
NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to Hepatitis B Vaccine    NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)    NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to Influenza Vaccine    NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to Neomycin    NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine    NAME: Complete Lipid Panel    NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to Polymyxin    NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to Rotavirus Vaccine    
NAME: Anaphylactic Reaction to Streptomycin    NAME: Annual Wellness Visit    NAME: Anomalies of Pupillary Function    NAME: Anti-Hypertensive Pharmacologic Therapy    NAME: Antibiotic Medications for Pharyngitis    NAME: Anticoagulant Medications    NAME: Antidepressant Medication    NAME: Aphakia and Other Disorders of Lens    
NAME: Arrhythmia    NAME: Aspiration and Injection Procedures    NAME: Aspirin and Other Antiplatelets    NAME: Asthma    NAME: Atherosclerosis and Peripheral Arterial Disease    NAME: Atrioventricular Block    NAME: Audiology Visit    NAME: BH Antidepressant Medication    
NAME: BH Assessment for Alcohol or Other Drugs    NAME: BH Condition Involving Bipolar Disorder    NAME: BH Condition Involving Unipolar Depression    NAME: BH Counseling for Depression    NAME: BH Electroconvulsive Therapy    NAME: BH Medical or psychiatric consultation    NAME: BH Mood Stabilizer Medication    NAME: BH Outpatient Psychotherapy    
NAME: BH Outpatient encounter    NAME: BMI Encounter Code Set    NAME: BMI LOINC Value    NAME: BMI percentile    NAME: BP Screening Encounter Codes    NAME: Behavioral Health Follow-up Visit    NAME: Behavioral/Neuropsych Assessment    NAME: Below Normal Follow up    
NAME: Below Normal Medications    NAME: Best Corrected Visual Acuity    NAME: Beta Blocker Therapy    NAME: Beta Blocker Therapy Ingredient    NAME: Beta Blocker Therapy for LVSD    NAME: Bilateral Mastectomy    NAME: Bilateral Oophorectomy    NAME: Bilateral amputation of leg below or above knee    
NAME: Bipolar Diagnosis    NAME: Bipolar Disorder    NAME: Blood Pressure Visit    NAME: Bone Scan    NAME: Bradycardia    NAME: Breast Cancer    NAME: Breast Cancer ER or PR Positive    NAME: Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T0    
NAME: Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1    NAME: Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1a    NAME: Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1b    NAME: Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1c    NAME: Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1mi    NAME: Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T2    NAME: Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T3    NAME: Breast Cancer Primary Tumor Size T4    
NAME: Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N0    NAME: Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N1    NAME: Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N2    NAME: Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N3    NAME: Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1a    NAME: Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1b    NAME: Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1c    NAME: Breast Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status pN1mi    
NAME: Breast Distant Metastasis Status M0    NAME: Burn Confined to Eye and Adnexa    NAME: CD4+ Count    NAME: CD4+ Percentage    NAME: CT Scan of Lower Spine    NAME: Cancer    NAME: Cancer Staging    NAME: Cardiac Pacer    
NAME: Cardiac Pacer in Situ    NAME: Cardiac Surgery    NAME: Care Services in Long-Term Residential Facility    NAME: Carotid Intervention    NAME: Cataract Secondary to Ocular Disorders    NAME: Cataract Surgery    NAME: Cataract, Congenital    NAME: Gestational Diabetes    
NAME: Cataract, Mature or Hypermature    NAME: Cataract, Posterior Polar    NAME: Central Corneal Ulcer    NAME: Certain Types of Iridocyclitis    NAME: Chemotherapy    NAME: Chemotherapy Administration    NAME: Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer - Capecitabine    NAME: Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer - Capecitabine Ingredient    
NAME: Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer - Fluorouracil    NAME: Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer - Fluorouracil Ingredient    NAME: Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer - Leucovorin and Levo-Leucovorin    NAME: Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer - Leucovorin and Levo-Leucovorin Ingredient    NAME: Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer - Oxaliplatin    NAME: Chemotherapy for Colon Cancer - Oxaliplatin Ingredient    NAME: Chlamydia    NAME: Chlamydia Screening    
NAME: Cholesterol Measure Encounter Codes    NAME: Chorioretinal Scars    NAME: Choroidal Degenerations    NAME: Choroidal Detachment    NAME: Choroidal Hemorrhage and Rupture    NAME: Chronic Iridocyclitis    NAME: Chronic Kidney Disease, Stage 5    NAME: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease    
NAME: Clinical Oral Evaluation    NAME: Clinical Trial Participant    NAME: Cloudy Cornea    NAME: Cognitive Assessment    NAME: Colon Cancer    NAME: Colon Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1    NAME: Colon Cancer Primary Tumor Size T2    NAME: Colon Cancer Primary Tumor Size T3    
NAME: Colon Cancer Primary Tumor Size T4a    NAME: Colon Cancer Primary Tumor Size T4b    NAME: Colon Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N1    NAME: Colon Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N1a    NAME: Colon Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N1b    NAME: Colon Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N1c    NAME: Colon Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N2    NAME: Colon Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N2a    
NAME: Colon Cancer Regional Lymph Node Status N2b    NAME: Colon Distant Metastasis Status M0    NAME: Hypertension    NAME: Colonoscopy    NAME: Competing Conditions for Respiratory Conditions    NAME: Complications of Pregnancy, Childbirth and the Puerperium    NAME: Computed Value INR percent TTR    NAME: Consultant Report    
NAME: Contraceptive Medications    NAME: Corneal Edema    NAME: Corneal Opacity and Other Disorders of Cornea    NAME: Coronary Artery Bypass Graft    NAME: Coronary Artery Disease No MI    NAME: Counseling for Nutrition    NAME: Counseling for Physical Activity    NAME: Critical Care Management    
NAME: Cup to Disc Ratio    NAME: Current Medications Documented SNMD    NAME: Current Tobacco Smoker    NAME: Cysts of Iris, Ciliary Body, and Anterior Chamber    NAME: DTaP Vaccine    NAME: DTaP Vaccine Administered    NAME: Dapsone and pyrimethamine    NAME: Diabetes Visit    
NAME: Degeneration of Macula and Posterior Pole    NAME: Degenerative Disorders of Globe    NAME: Delivery - Diagnosis    NAME: Delivery - Procedure    NAME: Delivery Live Births    NAME: Delta systolic blood pressure    NAME: Dementia & Mental Degenerations    NAME: Left Foot Amputee    
NAME: Dental Caries    NAME: Depression Screening Encounter Codes    NAME: Depression diagnosis    NAME: Depression medications - adolescent    NAME: Level of Severity of Retinopathy Findings    NAME: Depression medications - adult    NAME: Detoxification Visit    NAME: Live Birth or Delivery    
NAME: Diabetes    NAME: Diabetic Macular Edema    NAME: Diabetic Nephropathy    NAME: Diabetic Retinopathy    NAME: Macular Edema Findings Absent    NAME: Diagnosis of hypertension    NAME: Macular Edema Findings Present    NAME: Diagnostic Studies During Pregnancy    
NAME: Dialysis Education    NAME: Dialysis Services    NAME: Diastolic Blood Pressure    NAME: Dietary Recommendations    NAME: Malignant Neoplasm of Lymphatic Tissue    NAME: Discharge Services - Hospital Inpatient    NAME: Discharge Services - Hospital Inpatient Same Day Discharge    NAME: Discharge Services - Nursing Facility    
NAME: Discharge Services- Observation Care    NAME: Disorders of Optic Chiasm    NAME: Disorders of Visual Cortex    NAME: Face to Face Interaction - No ED    NAME: Disorders of the Immune System    NAME: Disseminated Chorioretinitis and Disseminated Retinochoroiditis    NAME: Dysthymia    NAME: ECG 12 lead or study order    
NAME: ECOG Performance Status-Poor    NAME: ESRD Monthly Outpatient Services    NAME: Ejection Fraction    NAME: Emergency Department Interaction    NAME: Emergency Department Visit    NAME: Encephalopathy due to Childhood Vaccination    NAME: Encounter-Influenza    NAME: End Stage Renal Disease    
NAME: Enophthalmos    NAME: Essential Hypertension    NAME: Excision of Adhesions    NAME: Face to Face Interaction - No ED    NAME: Face-to-Face Interaction    NAME: Falls Screening    NAME: Family History CHD    NAME: Fecal Occult Blood Test (FOBT)    
NAME: Female    NAME: Finding of Hypertension    NAME: Flexible Sigmoidoscopy    NAME: Fluoride Varnish Application for Children    NAME: Focal Chorioretinitis and Focal Retinochoroiditis    NAME: Follow-up for depression - adolescent    NAME: Follow-up for depression - adult    NAME: Followup within 4 weeks    
NAME: Followup within one year    NAME: Fracture - Lower Body    NAME: Framingham coronary heart disease 10 year risk    NAME: HIV Visit    NAME: Functional Status Assessment for Hip Replacement    NAME: Functional Status Assessment for Heart Failure    NAME: Functional Status Assessment for Knee Replacement    NAME: Genital Herpes    
NAME: Glaucoma    NAME: Glaucoma Associated with Congenital Anomalies, Dystrophies, and Systemic Syndromes    NAME: Gleason Score    NAME: Glomerulonephritis and Nephrotic Syndrome    NAME: Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone Analogue Medication    NAME: Gonococcal Infections and Venereal Diseases    NAME: Group A Streptococcus Test    NAME: Group Psychotherapy    
NAME: HBsAg    NAME: Paracentesis Procedures    NAME: HDL-C Laboratory Test    NAME: HIV    NAME: HIV 1    NAME: HIV Viral Load    NAME: HPV Test    NAME: Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (HiB) Vaccine    
NAME: Haemophilus Influenzae Type B (HiB) Vaccine Administered    NAME: HbA1c Laboratory Test    NAME: Health & Behavioral Assessment - Individual    NAME: Health and Behavioral Assessment - Initial    NAME: Health and Behavioral Assessment, Reassessment    NAME: Heart Failure    NAME: Heart Rate    NAME: Height    
NAME: Hemodialysis    NAME: Hepatitis A    NAME: Hepatitis A Antigen Test    NAME: Hepatitis A Vaccine    NAME: Hepatitis A Vaccine Administered    NAME: Hepatitis B    NAME: Hepatitis B    NAME: Hepatitis B Antigen Test    
NAME: Hepatitis B Vaccine    NAME: Hepatitis B Vaccine Administered    NAME: Hereditary Choroidal Dystrophies    NAME: Hereditary Corneal Dystrophies    NAME: Hereditary Retinal Dystrophies    NAME: High Density Lipoprotein (HDL)    NAME: High Hyperopia    NAME: High Risk Medications for the Elderly    
NAME: High-Risk Medications With Days Supply Criteria    NAME: History of Pneumococcal Vaccine    NAME: History of bilateral mastectomy    NAME: Home Healthcare Services    NAME: Hospital Inpatient Visit - Initial    NAME: Hospital Inpatient Visit Subsequent    NAME: Hospital Observation Care - Initial    NAME: Hypertensive Chronic Kidney Disease    
NAME: Hypotension    NAME: Hypotony of Eye    NAME: Hysterectomy with No Residual Cervix    NAME: IV Drug Abuse    NAME: Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)    NAME: Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV) Administered    NAME: Inflammatory Diseases of Female Reproductive Organs    NAME: Influenza Vaccination    
NAME: Influenza Vaccination Declined    NAME: Influenza Vaccine    NAME: Influenza Vaccine    NAME: Influenza Vaccine Administered    NAME: Injury to Optic Nerve and Pathways    NAME: Inpatient Consultation    NAME: Inpatient Encounter    NAME: Intolerance to ACE Inhibitor or ARB    
NAME: Intolerance to Antineoplastic Therapy    NAME: Intolerance to Beta Blocker Therapy    NAME: Intolerance to Influenza Vaccine    NAME: Intolerance to Tamoxifen or Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy    NAME: Ischemic Vascular Disease    NAME: Isotretinoin    NAME: Kidney Failure    NAME: Kidney Transplant    
NAME: LDL Code    NAME: Lab Tests During Pregnancy    NAME: Lab Tests for Sexually Transmitted Infections    NAME: Laboratory Tests for Hypertension    NAME: Renal Transplant    NAME: Left    NAME: Left Mastectomy    NAME: Left Unilateral Amputation Above or Below Knee    
NAME: Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction    NAME: Lens Procedure    NAME: Leucovorin    NAME: Right Foot Amputee    NAME: Level of Severity of Retinopathy Findings    NAME: Lifestyle Recommendation    NAME: Limited Life Expectancy    NAME: Low Back Pain    
NAME: MRI of Lower Spine    NAME: Macular Edema Findings Absent    NAME: Macular Edema Findings Present    NAME: Macular Exam    NAME: Major Depression    NAME: Major Depression Including Remission    NAME: Major Depressive Disorder-Active    NAME: Male    
NAME: Malignant Neoplasm of Colon    NAME: Malignant Neoplasm of Lymphatic and Hematopoietic Tissue    NAME: Mammogram    NAME: Maternal Post Partum Depression Care    NAME: Maternal Post Partum Depression Screening    NAME: Measles    NAME: Measles Antibody Test (IgG Antibody Titer)    NAME: Measles Antibody Test (IgG Antibody presence)    
NAME: Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine    NAME: Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) Vaccine Administered    NAME: Medical Reason    NAME: Medical or Other reason not done    NAME: Medications Encounter Code Set    NAME: Metastatic Sites Common to Breast Cancer    NAME: Metastatic Sites Common to Colon Cancer    NAME: Moderate or Severe    
NAME: Moderate or Severe Impairment, Better Eye, Profound Impairment Lesser Eye    NAME: Moderate or Severe LVSD    NAME: Moderation of ETOH Consumption Recommendation    NAME: Mumps    NAME: Mumps Antibody Test (IgG Antibody Titer)    NAME: Mumps Antibody Test (IgG Antibody presence)    NAME: Myocardial Infarction    NAME: Narcolepsy    
NAME: Negative Depression Screening    NAME: Negative Finding    NAME: Neurologic impairment    NAME: Nursing Facility Visit    NAME: Nystagmus and Other Irregular Eye Movements    NAME: Obstructive Chronic Bronchitis    NAME: Occupational Therapy Evaluation    NAME: Office Visit    
NAME: Open Wound of Eyeball    NAME: Ophthalmologic Outpatient Visit    NAME: Ophthalmologic Outpatient Visit    NAME: Ophthalmological Services    NAME: Optic Atrophy    NAME: Optic Disc Exam for Structural Abnormalities    NAME: Optic Neuritis    NAME: Other Background Retinopathy and Retinal Vascular Changes    
NAME: Other Corneal Deformities    NAME: Other Disorders of Optic Nerve    NAME: Other Disorders of Sclera    NAME: Other Endophthalmitis    NAME: Other Female Reproductive Conditions    NAME: Other Proliferative Retinopathy    NAME: Other Retinal Disorders    NAME: principal    
NAME: Other Services Related to Dialysis    NAME: Other and Unspecified Forms of Chorioretinitis and Retinochoroiditis    NAME: Outpatient Consultation    NAME: Overweight    NAME: PHQ-9 Tool    NAME: Pain Related to Prostate Cancer    NAME: Palliative Care    NAME: Palliative Care    
NAME: Pap Test    NAME: Pathologic Myopia    NAME: Pathology Evaluation    NAME: Patient Provider Interaction    NAME: Patient Reason    NAME: Patient Reason for ACE Inhibitor or ARB Decline    NAME: Patient Reason refused    NAME: Patient not ambulatory    
NAME: Percutaneous Coronary Interventions    NAME: Peritoneal Dialysis    NAME: Persistent Asthma    NAME: Personality Disorder    NAME: Physical Activity Recommendation    NAME: Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine    NAME: Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Administered    NAME: Pneumococcal Vaccine    
NAME: Pneumococcal Vaccine Administered    NAME: Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia (PCP) Prophylaxis    NAME: Positive Depression Screening    NAME: Positive Finding    NAME: Posterior Lenticonus    NAME: Postoperative Visit    NAME: Preferred Asthma Therapy    NAME: Pregnancy    
NAME: Pregnancy Dx    NAME: Pregnancy Test    NAME: Preventive Care - Established Office Visit, 0 to 17    NAME: Preventive Care Services - Established Office Visit, 18 and Up    NAME: Preventive Care Services - Group Counseling    NAME: Preventive Care Services - Other    NAME: Preventive Care Services-Individual Counseling    NAME: Preventive Care Services-Initial Office Visit, 18 and Up    
NAME: Preventive Care- Initial Office Visit, 0 to 17    NAME: Previous Receipt of Influenza Vaccine    NAME: Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma    NAME: Primary THA Procedure    NAME: Primary TKA Procedure    NAME: Prior Pars Plana Vitrectomy    NAME: Prior Penetrating Keratoplasty    NAME: Procedures During Pregnancy    
NAME: Procedures Involving Contraceptive Devices    NAME: Profound Impairment, Both Eyes    NAME: Prostate Cancer    NAME: Prostate Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1a    NAME: Prostate Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1b    NAME: Prostate Cancer Primary Tumor Size T1c    NAME: Prostate Cancer Primary Tumor Size T2a    NAME: Prostate Cancer Treatment    
NAME: Prostate Specific Antigen Test    NAME: Proteinuria    NAME: Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome    NAME: Psych Visit    NAME: Psych Visit - Diagnostic Evaluation    NAME: Psych Visit - Family Psychotherapy    NAME: Psych Visit - Psychotherapy    NAME: Psychoanalysis    
NAME: Psychotherapy and Pharmacologic Management    NAME: Pulse Exam of Foot    NAME: Purulent Endophthalmitis    NAME: Radiation Therapy II    NAME: Radiation Treatment Management    NAME: Reason Documented    NAME: Referral    NAME: Referral for Depression Adolescent    
NAME: Referral for Depression Adult    NAME: Referral to Alternative Provider / Primary Care Provider    NAME: Referrals where weight assessment may occur    NAME: Removal Procedures    NAME: Renal Failure Due to ACE Inhibitor    NAME: Retinal Detachment with Retinal Defect    NAME: Retinal Repair Procedures    NAME: Retinal Vascular Occlusion    
NAME: Retinal or Dilated Eye Exam    NAME: Retrolental Fibroplasias    NAME: Revision Procedures    NAME: Right    NAME: Right Mastectomy    NAME: Right Unilateral Amputation Above or Below Knee    NAME: Rotavirus Vaccine (2 dose schedule)    NAME: Rotavirus Vaccine (2 dose schedule) Administered    
NAME: Rotavirus Vaccine (3 dose schedule)    NAME: Rotavirus Vaccine (3 dose schedule) Administered    NAME: Rubella    NAME: Rubella Antibody Test (IgG Antibody Titer)    NAME: Rubella Antibody Test (IgG Antibody presence)    NAME: Salvage Therapy    NAME: Scleral Procedures    NAME: Scleritis and Episcleritis    
NAME: Senile Cataract    NAME: Sensory Exam of Foot    NAME: Separation of Retinal Layers    NAME: Seropositive    NAME: Severe Dementia    NAME: Speech and Hearing Evaluation    NAME: Standardized Pain Assessment Tool    NAME: Standardized Tools for Assessment of Cognition    
NAME: Substance Abuse    NAME: Suicide Risk Assessment    NAME: Suicide Risk Assessment    NAME: Syphilis    NAME: System Reason    NAME: Systolic Blood Pressure    NAME: Tamoxifen or Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy    NAME: Tamoxifen or Aromatase Inhibitor Therapy Ingredient    
NAME: Telehealth Services    NAME: Telephone Management    NAME: Tobacco Non-User    NAME: Tobacco Use Cessation Counseling    NAME: Tobacco Use Cessation Pharmacotherapy    NAME: Tobacco Use Screening    NAME: Tobacco User    NAME: Total Cholesterol    
NAME: Total Cholesterol Laboratory Test    NAME: Total Colectomy    NAME: Trauma    NAME: Traumatic Cataract    NAME: Triglycerides    NAME: Triglycerides Laboratory Test    NAME: Underweight    NAME: Unilateral Amputation Below or Above Knee, Unspecified Laterality    
NAME: Unilateral Mastectomy    NAME: Unilateral Mastectomy, Unspecified Laterality    NAME: Upper Respiratory Infection    NAME: Urine Protein Tests    NAME: Use of Systemic Sympathetic alpha-1a Antagonist Medication for Treatment of Prostatic Hypertrophy    NAME: Uveitis    NAME: Valvular Heart Disease    NAME: Varicella Zoster    
NAME: Varicella Zoster Antibody Test (IgG Antibody Presence)    NAME: Varicella Zoster Antibody Test (IgG Antibody Titer)    NAME: Varicella Zoster Vaccine (VZV)    NAME: Varicella Zoster Vaccine (VZV) Administered    NAME: Vascular Access for Dialysis    NAME: Vascular Disorders of Iris and Ciliary Body    NAME: Visual Acuity 20/40 or Better    NAME: Visual Exam of Foot    
NAME: Visual Field Defects    NAME: Vitreous Procedures    NAME: Weight    NAME: Weight Reduction Recommended    NAME: X-Ray Study (all inclusive)    NAME: X-Ray of Lower Spine    
For the entire list of entries see: Here

External References

Name Field # of Occurrence
^%DT 3+1

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)

Naked Globals

Name Field # of Occurrence
^(1 ID2+1

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
>> %DT 3+1*
U ID2+1
X IXAUNVDP1TS+1*, IXBSL+1, IXBKL+1, IXOIDSL+1, IXOIDKL+1, .01+1!, 1+1!, 2+1!, 3+1*!
>> Y 3+1
Info |  Desc |  Directly Accessed By Routines |  Pointer To FileMan Files |  Fields |  Found Entries |  External References |  Global Variables Directly Accessed |  Naked Globals |  Local Variables  | All