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Global: ^PXRM(802.3

Package: Clinical Reminders

Global: ^PXRM(802.3


FileMan FileNo FileMan Filename Package
802.3 NLM QUALITY MEASURE GROUPS Clinical Reminders


Directly Accessed By Routines, Total: 5

Package Total Routines
Clinical Reminders 5 PXRMCQIN    PXRMVSIN    ^PXRM(802.3    PXRMCQLM    VALUE SETS    

Pointed To By FileMan Files, Total: 1

Package Total FileMan Files
Clinical Reminders 1 NLM VALUE SETS(#802.2)[#802.25(.01)]    

Fields, Total: 16

Field # Name Loc Type Details
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>240!($L(X)<3)!'(X'?1P.E) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-240 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Title of the clinical quality measure.
    Short Descr: B index
    Set Logic: S ^PXRM(802.3,"B",$E(X,1,240),DA)=""
    Kill Logic: K ^PXRM(802.3,"B",$E(X,1,240),DA)
    Whole Kill: K ^PXRM(802.3,"B")
    X(1): MEASURE TITLE (802.3,.01) (Subscr 1) (Len 240) (forwards)
************************REQUIRED FIELD************************

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>32!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-32 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services clinical quality measure ID.
    Unique for: Key A (#135), File #802.3
    Short Descr: CMSID
    Description: The CMSID uniquely identifies a clinical quality measure, therefore this index is used to create a key.
    Set Logic: S ^PXRM(802.3,"CMSID",$E(X,1,32),DA)=""
    Kill Logic: K ^PXRM(802.3,"CMSID",$E(X,1,32),DA)
    Whole Kill: K ^PXRM(802.3,"CMSID")
    X(1): CMS ID (802.3,.02) (Subscr 1) (Len 32) (forwards)

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  AUG 10, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 1-30 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Version number of the clinical quality measure.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>64!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-64 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Globally Unique Identifier of the clinical quality measure.
    Short Descr: GUID
    Description: The index on Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) is used during the import process to uniquely identify clinical quality measures.
    Set Logic: S ^PXRM(802.3,"GUID",$E(X,1,64),DA)=""
    Kill Logic: K ^PXRM(802.3,"GUID",$E(X,1,64),DA)
    Whole Kill: K ^PXRM(802.3,"GUID")
    X(1): GUID (802.3,2) (Subscr 1) (Len 64) (forwards)

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>32!($L(X)<1) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 1-32 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  National Quality Forum identifier of the clinical quality measure.

  • DESCRIPTION:  This word-processing field contains the description of the clinical quality measure.
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>64!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 26, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-64 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Category the clinical quality measure is in; examples are: Attribute, Communication, Individual Characteristic, Medication, and Procedure.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:+X'=X!(X>9999)!(X<1)!(X?.E1"."1N.N) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Type a number between 1 and 9999, 0 decimal digits.
  • DESCRIPTION:  The numerical portion of the CMS ID, for example if the CMS ID is CMS71v4 then Identifier is 71.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>32!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-32 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Status of the clinical quality measure, for example: InProgress or Complete.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>32!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 26, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-32 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Clinical quality measure type, examples are: OUTCOME or PROCESS.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>32!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-32 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  This is the Measure Set the measure belongs to. Measure Sets are defined by a combination of year, either calendar or fiscal, and eligible hospital (EH) or eligible provider (EP). Example: CY 2014 EP

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>64!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-64 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  A spreadsheet is one of the formats in which clinical quality measures can be obtained. Sheetname is the name of the spreadsheet sheet where the clinical quality measure is located.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>245!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  AUG 09, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-245 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Organization that developed the clinical quality measure.

  • INPUT TRANSFORM:  K:$L(X)>128!($L(X)<3) X
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
  • HELP-PROMPT:  Answer must be 3-128 characters in length.
  • DESCRIPTION:  Organization that is the steward of the clinical quality measure. It may or may not be the same as the developer of the measure.

  • DESCRIPTION:  This word-processing field describes any copyrights associated with the clinical quality measure. It can include things like copyrights for coding systems used by the measure and the measure itself.
  • LAST EDITED:  APR 25, 2016
14 VALUE SETS 7;0 Multiple #802.314 802.314

  • DESCRIPTION:  This multiple contains a list of all the value sets used by the clinical quality measure.

Found Entries, Total: 260

MEASURE TITLE: Anticoagulation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Risk-Stratified Cholesterol -Fasting Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C)    MEASURE TITLE: Discharged on Statin Medication    MEASURE TITLE: Stroke Education    MEASURE TITLE: Thrombolytic Therapy    MEASURE TITLE: Incidence of Potentially-Preventable Venous Thromboembolism    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis    MEASURE TITLE: Median Time from ED Arrival to ED Departure for Discharged ED Patients    
MEASURE TITLE: Discharged on Antithrombotic Therapy    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Patients with Anticoagulation Overlap Therapy    MEASURE TITLE: Anticoagulation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter    MEASURE TITLE: Assessed for Rehabilitation    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Discharge Instructions    MEASURE TITLE: Initial Antibiotic Selection for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Immunocompetent Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Primary PCI Received Within 90 Minutes of Hospital Arrival    MEASURE TITLE: Fibrinolytic Therapy Received Within 30 Minutes of Hospital Arrival    
MEASURE TITLE: Antithrombotic Therapy By End of Hospital Day 2    MEASURE TITLE: Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Use of Aspirin or Another Antiplatelet    MEASURE TITLE: Hearing Screening Prior To Hospital Discharge    MEASURE TITLE: Aspirin Prescribed at Discharge    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Patients Receiving Unfractionated Heparin with Dosages/Platelet Count Monitoring by Protocol or Nomogram    MEASURE TITLE: Prophylactic Antibiotic Received Within One Hour Prior to Surgical Incision    MEASURE TITLE: Urinary catheter removed on Postoperative Day 1 (POD 1) or Postoperative Day 2 (POD 2) with day of surgery being day zero    MEASURE TITLE: Home Management Plan of Care (HMPC) Document Given to Patient/Caregiver    
MEASURE TITLE: Statin Prescribed at Discharge    MEASURE TITLE: Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis    MEASURE TITLE: Elective Delivery    MEASURE TITLE: Prophylactic Antibiotic Selection for Surgical Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Cholesterol - Fasting Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C) Test Performed    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Risk-Stratified Cholesterol Fasting Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C)    MEASURE TITLE: Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Use of Aspirin or Another Antithrombotic    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Cholesterol - Fasting Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C) Test Performed    
MEASURE TITLE: Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents    MEASURE TITLE: Primary Caries Prevention Intervention as Offered by Primary Care Providers, including Dentists    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Management    MEASURE TITLE: Weight Assessment and Counseling for Nutrition and Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents    MEASURE TITLE: Breast Cancer Screening    MEASURE TITLE: HIV/AIDS: Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia (PCP) Prophylaxis    MEASURE TITLE: Hypertension: Improvement in Blood Pressure    MEASURE TITLE: Functional Status Assessment for Hip Replacement    
MEASURE TITLE: Cataracts: 20/40 or Better Visual Acuity within 90 Days Following Cataract Surgery    MEASURE TITLE: Pregnant women that had HBsAg testing    MEASURE TITLE: Cervical Cancer Screening    MEASURE TITLE: Heart Failure (HF): Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitor or Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) Therapy for Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (LVSD)    MEASURE TITLE: Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Complete Lipid Panel and LDL Control    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetic Retinopathy: Documentation of Presence or Absence of Macular Edema and Level of Severity of Retinopathy    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetic Retinopathy: Communication with the Physician Managing Ongoing Diabetes Care    MEASURE TITLE: Pneumonia Vaccination Status for Older Adults    
MEASURE TITLE: Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma    MEASURE TITLE: Adult Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Suicide Risk Assessment    MEASURE TITLE: Children Who Have Dental Decay or Cavities    MEASURE TITLE: ADHD: Follow-Up Care for Children Prescribed Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medication    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Urine Protein Screening    MEASURE TITLE: Primary Caries Prevention Intervention as Offered by Primary Care Providers, including Dentists    MEASURE TITLE: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): Beta-Blocker TherapyPrior Myocardial Infarction (MI) or Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (LVEF <40%)    MEASURE TITLE: Heart Failure (HF): Beta-Blocker Therapy for Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (LVSD)    
MEASURE TITLE: Depression Remission at Twelve Months    MEASURE TITLE: Colon Cancer: Chemotherapy for AJCC Stage III Colon Cancer Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Child and Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Suicide Risk Assessment    MEASURE TITLE: Anti-depressant Medication Management    MEASURE TITLE: Maternal Depression Screening    MEASURE TITLE: Hemoglobin A1c Test for Pediatric Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Clinical Depression and Follow-Up Plan    
MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C) Control (< 100 mg/dL)    MEASURE TITLE: Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record    MEASURE TITLE: Prostate Cancer: Avoidance of Overuse of Bone Scan for Staging Low Risk Prostate Cancer Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Breast Cancer Screening    MEASURE TITLE: HIV/AIDS: Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia (PCP) Prophylaxis    MEASURE TITLE: Hypertension: Improvement in Blood Pressure    MEASURE TITLE: Cataracts: Complications within 30 Days Following Cataract Surgery Requiring Additional Surgical Procedures    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented    
MEASURE TITLE: Discharged on Statin Medication    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Influenza Immunization    MEASURE TITLE: Use of High-Risk Medications in the Elderly    MEASURE TITLE: Stroke Education    MEASURE TITLE: Depression Utilization of the PHQ-9 Tool    MEASURE TITLE: Initial Antibiotic Selection for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Immunocompetent Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Primary PCI Received Within 90 Minutes of Hospital Arrival    MEASURE TITLE: Fibrinolytic Therapy Received Within 30 Minutes of Hospital Arrival    
MEASURE TITLE: Thrombolytic Therapy    MEASURE TITLE: ADE Prevention and Monitoring: Warfarin Time in Therapeutic Range    MEASURE TITLE: Colorectal Cancer Screening    MEASURE TITLE: Aspirin Prescribed at Discharge    MEASURE TITLE: Controlling High Blood Pressure    MEASURE TITLE: Prophylactic Antibiotic Received Within One Hour Prior to Surgical Incision    MEASURE TITLE: Urinary catheter removed on Postoperative Day 1 (POD 1) or Postoperative Day 2 (POD 2) with day of surgery being day zero    MEASURE TITLE: Home Management Plan of Care (HMPC) Document Given to Patient/Caregiver    
MEASURE TITLE: Statin Prescribed at Discharge    MEASURE TITLE: Breast Cancer: Hormonal Therapy for Stage IC-IIIC Estrogen Receptor/Progesterone Receptor (ER/PR) Positive Breast Cancer    MEASURE TITLE: Elective Delivery    MEASURE TITLE: Prophylactic Antibiotic Selection for Surgical Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Childhood Immunization Status    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Risk-Stratified Cholesterol Fasting Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C)    MEASURE TITLE: Use of Imaging Studies for Low Back Pain    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Cholesterol - Fasting Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL-C) Test Performed    
MEASURE TITLE: Bipolar Disorder and Major Depression: Appraisal for alcohol or chemical substance use    MEASURE TITLE: Functional Status Assessment for Complex Chronic Conditions    MEASURE TITLE: Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk    MEASURE TITLE: Functional Status Assessment for Knee Replacement    MEASURE TITLE: Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Management    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Foot Exam    MEASURE TITLE: Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment    
MEASURE TITLE: Chlamydia Screening for Women    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Eye Exam    MEASURE TITLE: Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma (POAG): Optic Nerve Evaluation    MEASURE TITLE: Hypertension: Improvement in Blood Pressure    MEASURE TITLE: HIV/AIDS: RNA Control for Patients with HIV    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention    MEASURE TITLE: Appropriate Treatment for Children with Upper Respiratory Infection (URI)    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control    
MEASURE TITLE: Pregnant women that had HBsAg testing    MEASURE TITLE: Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Suicide Risk Assessment    MEASURE TITLE: Functional Status Assessment for Total Hip Replacement    MEASURE TITLE: Incidence of Potentially-Preventable Venous Thromboembolism    MEASURE TITLE: Dementia: Cognitive Assessment    MEASURE TITLE: Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Complete Lipid Panel and LDL Control    MEASURE TITLE: Depression Remission at Twelve Months    MEASURE TITLE: Child and Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Suicide Risk Assessment    
MEASURE TITLE: Anti-depressant Medication Management    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetic Retinopathy: Communication with the Physician Managing Ongoing Diabetes Care    MEASURE TITLE: Hearing Screening Prior To Hospital Discharge    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Clinical Depression and Follow-Up Plan    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented    MEASURE TITLE: Depression Utilization of the PHQ-9 Tool    MEASURE TITLE: ADHD: Follow-Up Care for Children Prescribed Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medication    
MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Urine Protein Screening    MEASURE TITLE: HIV/AIDS: Pneumocystis Jiroveci Pneumonia (PCP) Prophylaxis    MEASURE TITLE: Discharged on Statin Medication    MEASURE TITLE: Depression Remission at Twelve Months    MEASURE TITLE: Thrombolytic Therapy    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis    MEASURE TITLE: Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment    MEASURE TITLE: Hemoglobin A1c Test for Pediatric Patients    
MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention    MEASURE TITLE: Cataracts: Complications within 30 Days Following Cataract Surgery Requiring Additional Surgical Procedures    MEASURE TITLE: Depression Utilization of the PHQ-9 Tool    MEASURE TITLE: Childhood Immunization Status    MEASURE TITLE: Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Foot Exam    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Eye Exam    MEASURE TITLE: Initial Antibiotic Selection for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Immunocompetent Patients    
MEASURE TITLE: Depression Remission at Twelve Months    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c Poor Control    MEASURE TITLE: Primary PCI Received Within 90 Minutes of Hospital Arrival    MEASURE TITLE: Hemoglobin A1c Test for Pediatric Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Depression Utilization of the PHQ-9 Tool    MEASURE TITLE: Anticoagulation Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation/Flutter    MEASURE TITLE: Hearing Screening Prior To Hospital Discharge (EHDI-1a)    MEASURE TITLE: Discharged on Statin Medication    
MEASURE TITLE: Stroke Education    MEASURE TITLE: Thrombolytic Therapy    MEASURE TITLE: Incidence of Potentially-Preventable Venous Thromboembolism    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis    MEASURE TITLE: Median Time from ED Arrival to ED Departure for Discharged ED Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Discharged on Antithrombotic Therapy    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Patients with Anticoagulation Overlap Therapy    MEASURE TITLE: Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding    
MEASURE TITLE: Assessed for Rehabilitation    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Discharge Instructions    MEASURE TITLE: Initial Antibiotic Selection for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Immunocompetent Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Primary PCI Received Within 90 Minutes of Hospital Arrival    MEASURE TITLE: Fibrinolytic Therapy Received Within 30 Minutes of Hospital Arrival    MEASURE TITLE: Antithrombotic Therapy By End of Hospital Day 2    MEASURE TITLE: Median Admit Decision Time to ED Departure Time for Admitted Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Median Time from ED Arrival to ED Departure for Admitted ED Patients    
MEASURE TITLE: Aspirin Prescribed at Discharge    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Patients Receiving Unfractionated Heparin with Dosages/Platelet Count Monitoring by Protocol or Nomogram    MEASURE TITLE: Prophylactic Antibiotic Received Within One Hour Prior to Surgical Incision    MEASURE TITLE: Urinary catheter removed on Postoperative Day 1 (POD 1) or Postoperative Day 2 (POD 2) with day of surgery being day zero    MEASURE TITLE: Statin Prescribed at Discharge    MEASURE TITLE: Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis    MEASURE TITLE: Elective Delivery    MEASURE TITLE: Prophylactic Antibiotic Selection for Surgical Patients    
MEASURE TITLE: Healthy Term Newborn    MEASURE TITLE: Prophylactic Antibiotic Received Within One Hour Prior to Surgical Incision    MEASURE TITLE: Urinary catheter removed on Postoperative Day 1 (POD 1) or Postoperative Day 2 (POD 2) with day of surgery being day zero    MEASURE TITLE: HIV/AIDS: RNA Control for Patients with HIV    MEASURE TITLE: Statin Prescribed at Discharge    MEASURE TITLE: HIV/AIDS: Medical Visit    MEASURE TITLE: Elective Delivery    MEASURE TITLE: Prophylactic Antibiotic Selection for Surgical Patients    
MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis    MEASURE TITLE: Cataracts: 20/40 or Better Visual Acuity within 90 Days Following Cataract Surgery    MEASURE TITLE: Pregnant women that had HBsAg testing    MEASURE TITLE: Median Time from ED Arrival to ED Departure for Discharged ED Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Discharged on Antithrombotic Therapy    MEASURE TITLE: Cervical Cancer Screening    MEASURE TITLE: Heart Failure (HF): Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitor or Angiotensin Receptor Blocker (ARB) Therapy for Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (LVSD)    MEASURE TITLE: Ischemic Vascular Disease (IVD): Complete Lipid Profile and LDL-C Control (<100 mg/dL)    
MEASURE TITLE: Diabetic Retinopathy: Documentation of Presence or Absence of Macular Edema and Level of Severity of Retinopathy    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetic Retinopathy: Communication with the Physician Managing Ongoing Diabetes Care    MEASURE TITLE: Pneumococcal Vaccination Status for Older Adults    MEASURE TITLE: Use of Appropriate Medications for Asthma    MEASURE TITLE: Adult Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Suicide Risk Assessment    MEASURE TITLE: Children Who Have Dental Decay or Cavities    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Patients with Anticoagulation Overlap Therapy    MEASURE TITLE: ADHD: Follow-Up Care for Children Prescribed Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Medication    
MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Medical Attention for Nephropathy    MEASURE TITLE: Dementia: Cognitive Assessment    MEASURE TITLE: Exclusive Breast Milk Feeding    MEASURE TITLE: Assessed for Rehabilitation    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Discharge Instructions    MEASURE TITLE: Coronary Artery Disease (CAD): Beta-Blocker Therapy-Prior Myocardial Infarction (MI) or Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (LVEF <40%)    MEASURE TITLE: Initial Antibiotic Selection for Community-Acquired Pneumonia (CAP) in Immunocompetent Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Heart Failure (HF): Beta-Blocker Therapy for Left Ventricular Systolic Dysfunction (LVSD)    
MEASURE TITLE: Depression Remission at Twelve Months    MEASURE TITLE: Colon Cancer: Chemotherapy for AJCC Stage III Colon Cancer Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Child and Adolescent Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): Suicide Risk Assessment    MEASURE TITLE: Primary PCI Received Within 90 Minutes of Hospital Arrival    MEASURE TITLE: Anti-depressant Medication Management    MEASURE TITLE: Maternal Depression Screening    MEASURE TITLE: Fibrinolytic Therapy Received Within 30 Minutes of Hospital Arrival    MEASURE TITLE: Antithrombotic Therapy By End of Hospital Day 2    
MEASURE TITLE: Hemoglobin A1c Test for Pediatric Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Median Admit Decision Time to ED Departure Time for Admitted Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening and Follow-Up Plan    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for Depression and Follow-Up Plan    MEASURE TITLE: Documentation of Current Medications in the Medical Record    MEASURE TITLE: Oncology: Medical and Radiation - Pain Intensity Quantified    MEASURE TITLE: Median Time from ED Arrival to ED Departure for Admitted ED Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Cataracts: Complications within 30 Days Following Cataract Surgery Requiring Additional Surgical Procedures    
MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Screening for High Blood Pressure and Follow-Up Documented    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Influenza Immunization    MEASURE TITLE: Use of High-Risk Medications in the Elderly    MEASURE TITLE: Depression Utilization of the PHQ-9 Tool    MEASURE TITLE: ADE Prevention and Monitoring: Warfarin Time in Therapeutic Range    MEASURE TITLE: Colorectal Cancer Screening    MEASURE TITLE: Controlling High Blood Pressure    MEASURE TITLE: Breast Cancer: Hormonal Therapy for Stage I (T1b)-IIIC Estrogen Receptor/Progesterone Receptor (ER/PR) Positive Breast Cancer    
MEASURE TITLE: Childhood Immunization Status    MEASURE TITLE: Use of Imaging Studies for Low Back Pain    MEASURE TITLE: Bipolar Disorder and Major Depression: Appraisal for alcohol or chemical substance use    MEASURE TITLE: Aspirin Prescribed at Discharge    MEASURE TITLE: Functional Status Assessments for Congestive Heart Failure    MEASURE TITLE: Falls: Screening for Future Fall Risk    MEASURE TITLE: Venous Thromboembolism Patients Receiving Unfractionated Heparin with Dosages/Platelet Count Monitoring by Protocol or Nomogram    MEASURE TITLE: Functional Status Assessment for Total Knee Replacement    
MEASURE TITLE: Appropriate Testing for Children with Pharyngitis    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Foot Exam    MEASURE TITLE: Initiation and Engagement of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependence Treatment    MEASURE TITLE: Chlamydia Screening for Women    MEASURE TITLE: Prophylactic Antibiotic Received Within One Hour Prior to Surgical Incision    MEASURE TITLE: Urinary catheter removed on Postoperative Day 1 (POD 1) or Postoperative Day 2 (POD 2) with day of surgery being day zero    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Eye Exam    MEASURE TITLE: Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma (POAG): Optic Nerve Evaluation    
MEASURE TITLE: HIV/AIDS: RNA Control for Patients with HIV    MEASURE TITLE: Home Management Plan of Care (HMPC) Document Given to Patient/Caregiver    MEASURE TITLE: Preventive Care and Screening: Tobacco Use: Screening and Cessation Intervention    MEASURE TITLE: Appropriate Treatment for Children with Upper Respiratory Infection (URI)    MEASURE TITLE: Statin Prescribed at Discharge    MEASURE TITLE: Diabetes: Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) Poor Control (> 9%)    MEASURE TITLE: Closing the Referral Loop: Receipt of Specialist Report    MEASURE TITLE: HIV/AIDS: Medical Visit    
MEASURE TITLE: Intensive Care Unit Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis    MEASURE TITLE: Elective Delivery    MEASURE TITLE: Prophylactic Antibiotic Selection for Surgical Patients    MEASURE TITLE: Healthy Term Newborn    

Global Variables Directly Accessed

Name Line Occurrences  (* Changed,  ! Killed)

Local Variables


>> Not killed explicitly
* Changed
! Killed
~ Newed

Name Field # of Occurrence
X IXBSL+1, IXBKL+1, IXCMSIDSL+1, IXCMSIDKL+1, IXGUIDSL+1, IXGUIDKL+1, .01+1!, .02+1!, 1+1!, 2+1!
, 3+1!, 5+1!, 6+1!, 7+1!, 8+1!, 9+1!, 10+1!, 11+1!, 12+1!
Info |  Desc |  Directly Accessed By Routines |  Pointed To By FileMan Files |  Fields |  Found Entries |  Global Variables Directly Accessed |  Local Variables  | All