Per VHA Directive, this file has been "locked down" by Data Standardization (DS). The file definition (i.e. data dictionary) shall not be modified. All additions, changes and deletions to entries in the file shall be done by Enterprise Reference Terminology (ERT) using the Master File Server (MFS), provided by the Common Services (CS). Creating and/or editing locally defined fields in the file are not permitted. Use of locally defined fields that were created prior to the VHA Directive shall not be supported. This file is a table of routes of administration for vaccines/immunization events. The data in this table are from the HL7-defined Table 0162 - Route of Administrations.
HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 3-30 characters in length.
This is the route of administration for an immunization/vaccine. The response is expected to be at least 3 characters and no more than 30 characters. Response should also be all uppercase letters.
This is the route of administration of a vaccine to a patient. Routes entered should be 3-30 uppercase characters. The values entered here will be pointed by the V IMMUNIZATION file and the IMMUNIZATION file.
PRE-LOOKUP: I $G(DIC(0))["L",'$D(XUMF) K X D EN^DDIOL("Entries must be edited via the Master File Server (MFS).","","!?5")
DELETE TEST: 1,0)= D:'$D(XUMF) EN^DDIOL("Entries must be inactivated via the Master File Server(MFS).","","!?5") I '$D(XUMF)
LAYGO TEST: 1,0)= D:'$D(XUMF) EN^DDIOL("Entries must be added via the Master File Server (MFS).","","!?5") I $D(XUMF)
HELP-PROMPT: Answer must be 6 characters in length, 1 uppercase alpha followed by 5 numbers.
This is the FDA NCIT code for this route. It must be in the format of 1 uppercase alpha character followed by 5 numbers.
This is the NCIT - FDA NCI Thesaurus - for this route. Healthcare Information Technology Standards (HITSP) specifies the use of FDA routes of administration. The code in this field maps this route to the FDA route.
HELP-PROMPT: Enter the Term/Concept that replaces this entry.
DESCRIPTION: This field is populated when one Term/Concept replaces another Term/Concept. This field is controlled by standardization and should only be changed by standardization processes. This field contains a pointer to a VHA
standard term that replaces this entry.
1)= S ^PXV(920.2,"AREPLACETERM",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^PXV(920.2,"AREPLACETERM",$E(X,1,30),DA)
This cross-reference can be used to identify the replacement entries associated with a Term/Concept.