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This file contains bill entries which based upon certain criteria have been triggered into this file. These bill entries are used to export data information for CBO to the Boston Allocation Resource Center (ARC).
DESCRIPTION: This field contains the status of the batch. 'Pending' will indicate that the batch is ready for the nightly process. 'Transmitted' will indicate that the batch has been sent to the Vitria server but no completed
acknowledgement has been received. If the batch is still at the status of 'Transmitted' the next night, it will be sent to Vitria. 'Completed' will indicate that the batch has been successfully received and processed on
the Vitria server and records may now be available for purging.
1)= S ^RCXV("AC",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
2)= K ^RCXV("AC",$E(X,1,30),DA)
This cross-reference tells the status of the batch.