This file is used to hold pointers to the patient 2319 file (660). Each time a stock item is issued to a veteran the following files will be updated... 660 - Create record of Prosthetic Appliance/Repair (patient's 2319) 661.6 - Create Prosthetic Inventory Transaction record 661.4 - reduce stock on-hand quantity and value by issued amounts for HCPC item, vendor, location and unit of measure. 661.63 - record pointers to the 660 and 661.6 file records just created. 661.7 - reduce stock quantity and value by issued quantity and value. If the new stock quantity for the stock date and location is 0 then delete the record.
DESCRIPTION: This field is only updated by the Old to New PIP file conversion utility (RMPRPIUG). It saves the pointer to the old 661.2 Inventory Transaction file which is held in file 660. Should a conversion ever need to be reversed
then the 660 file should be re-populated with this value (see RMPRPIXZ).